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“Truth? You can't handle the truth!”

Started by The Legendary Shark, 18 March, 2011, 06:52:29 PM

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I've recently become quite intruiged by the so called "Black Knight Satellite(s)". One or more unusual satellite like objects that where noted to be orbiting the earth long before any human satellites where launched. Pribably just some space rock but interesting how they are isolated phenomena.

The Legendary Shark



I wonder at what distance from the Earth they would have to be in order to have an orbit not subject to decay. I know geosynchronous is about 20,000km?. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead


Surely everything experiences orbital decay, irrespective of height? Higher orbits just slow the process by being subject to less atmospheric drag - but anything over 1000km should last many decades, if not centuries. Perhaps you're thinking of Lagrange points?


Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

The Legendary Shark

The LAGEOS series of satellites orbit at an altitude of 5,900 kilometres (3,700 mi) and won't re-enter the Earth's atmosphere for over eight million years - so it is possible to put satellites into such long-lived and stable orbits.
As to the Black Knight Satellite itself, I'm still looking into it but my initial feeling is that several unrelated facts have been stitched together to form a kind of mirage.
For example, one of the claims is that Tesla picked up the BKS's transmissions but it seems more likely, given the technology he was using, that he was detecting electromagnetic "bleed" from the telegraph system or early radio signals bouncing off the atmosphere (probably not pulsars, either, given his tech).
I'm still reading up on it but, much as I would love to believe the BKS was put there by Pre-Cataclysm humans or aliens, my current thought is that there is probably nothing there.

Famous Mortimer

Truth-lovers will enjoy Russia Today, the Russian government's definitely-not-propaganda TV station. They've just hired Stone and Ventura, sons of Oliver and Jesse, to present a show; they've previously done a series on the internet which basically says everything ever is a false flag operation. So I'm looking forward to this!

Professor Bear

I wouldn't broadly dismiss all of Russia Today as lies, as it makes a point of giving screen time to western voices like Max Keiser and Howard Bloom that are far from being pro-Russian, but are anti-capitalist and critical of Western conservatism.  The old adage about broken clocks being right twice a day is probably apropos.

The Ventura family has good form with conspiracy theories, even becoming the subject of a few when the only episode of their tv show to be banned in the US was the one looking into the barmy idea that HOHO! the American government was funneling military supplies and training into domestic police forces in preparation for the institution of a police state and the suspension of democracy.

The Legendary Shark

Max Keiser is not anti-capitalist - he's anti-banking fraud.

Professor Bear

The Legendary Shark

He's as mad as a sack of shaved rats, I know that much...

Famous Mortimer

Quote from: Bear "Bear" McBear (bear) on 13 March, 2015, 12:08:16 PM
I wouldn't broadly dismiss all of Russia Today as lies
I didn't, I hope? I was reading about the lunatic they're replacing, who apparently did some stuff about how Russia was wrong to invade the Ukraine. And I know it's really easy to mock these news places, but Al-Jazeera produces stories the Western media would run to avoid, as it criticises their paymasters.

Quote from: Bear "Bear" McBear (bear) on 13 March, 2015, 12:08:16 PMThe Ventura family has good form with conspiracy theories, even becoming the subject of a few when the only episode of their tv show to be banned in the US was the one looking into the barmy idea that HOHO! the American government was funneling military supplies and training into domestic police forces in preparation for the institution of a police state and the suspension of democracy.
While I'm as guilty as anyone of watching these sort of shows for a laugh every now and again, I just worry that there's so little critical thinking taught to people these days that shows like this aren't laughed off the air after the first episode.

The Legendary Shark

Lots of rumours flying around the internet on the apparent disappearance of Putin and a supposed big announcement coming from the Kremlin. Everyone's got their own theory, from an assassination attempt to the birth of Putin's child; from an announcement that Russia's about to go back on the Gold Standard through declaration of WWIII to contact with aliens.
He's probably got the 'flu and the announcement will be that he's got better. (I hope it's the Gold Standard thing, though. Or the aliens. Either of those would be cool.)
Anyway, I haven't got time to wait and see. I'm off to bed!


After the Kim Jong Un 'disappearance' I'm expecting something very mediocre.  Though if he has been ousted, I can't say I'll miss the belligerent old gangster much
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 15 March, 2015, 05:08:02 PM
Lots of rumours flying around the internet on the apparent disappearance of Putin and a supposed big announcement coming from the Kremlin. Everyone's got their own theory, from an assassination attempt to the birth of Putin's child; from an announcement that Russia's about to go back on the Gold Standard through declaration of WWIII to contact with aliens.
He's probably got the 'flu and the announcement will be that he's got better. (I hope it's the Gold Standard thing, though. Or the aliens. Either of those would be cool.)
Anyway, I haven't got time to wait and see. I'm off to bed!