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Thought Bubble 2011 - 19th-20th November

Started by Emperor, 15 June, 2011, 05:32:41 PM

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Quote from: Minty on 15 September, 2011, 04:51:41 PM
Thought Bubble's main location 'Savilles Hall' is named after Jimmy Saville  ;).
A fine nugget of info there Minty, the conversation has now come round perfectly full circle. Now then, now then...


Looks like I'm going to this now. Anyone got any local knowledge of decent accommodation?


my house ... otherwise etap as it 2 for 1 .....or since its you john ( i'm so posh ) the Hilton ..


Ah, just think of the romantic meal, the two of them over a candlelit table.

FBD: Can I have some of your chips then?
CF: F*ck Off!

I suppose you had to be there.............


P.S. Almost as good as his "You don't sweet much for a fat lass!" chat up line  :lol:
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


And that's me booked to stop at the Holiday Inn for the night.

Richmond Clements

Okay, looks like we are probably going.
Anyone point me towards a decent and cheap hotel or hostel nearby?


I'll be attending for the day on saturday (plus a few bevvies after) - if I fancy doing the Sunday it's still cheaper for me to get another train from Manchester than stay over.


Probably should have asked this before we booked our tickets but what the hell to late now. We are only going on the Saturday by the way.

It's me and the wife's first year at Thought Bubble so can anyone help us by telling us what to expect?
How busy is it normally when your picking up your tickets? (How early should we get there?)
What time does the floor close?
Is the place easy to find? (Our hotel is about a 20min walk from the con).
How do we meet the special guests? Are there scheduled signings or do the just have there own tables?
If there are any, how do the panels work?
Do the 2000AD boardies meet up at any point?

There is probaly more stuff we'll think of later so please keep on your toes lol.

Thanks for any help  :)
Twitter - @dodsy84

Pete Wells

All sorted - going down with Gronk Guy early Saturday morning, staying at the Etap Hotel (looks minging!), coming back first class on the train on Sunday night - wahoo!

Let's get pished!!!


You must tell me if its as bad as the shit hole that we stayed at for KAPOW  :lol:


Bought my tickets this morning -

I'll not have a table for Dr WTF but it'll be there in some capacity. I'll have my portfolio with me for people to SPIT ON and business cards. Also I'll be buying small press comics buy the fistful. I bloody love them.

Won't be doing 2000ad's intense Dragon's Den thing
a - because of the fear of rejection
b - because of the fear of public humiliation
c - because I'm doing something for Futurequake atm

Look forward to seeing you bloody lovely people and trying to find a decent cider in Leeds ;)


Fox- I can make some space for some Dr WTF's if you like. Not a lot of space mind...

And I'm not drawing for the Dragons den either- still working on a strip I started a year ago (so sorry, Mike)

I'll also be trying to source a droid to draw the cover to next Summer's Zarjaz.

Pete Wells

Hey Bolt, why not get Buttonman do next Zarjaz's cover, if you can afford him?


Just look at what PLANET REPLICAS are raffling off over the weekend.
It's this beautiful A3 ink pic by the fantabulous Boo Cook. Best I buy a ticket or three  ;)


Now that's nice.

Boo should do more black-and-white stuff.  His colour stuff gets lost in muddiness, but this is just plain gorgeous.