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Started by Mardroid, 25 July, 2011, 12:34:03 AM

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With regard to potential sequels, and the potential of a potential sequel potentially NOT happening... potentially:

Quote from: radiator on 18 June, 2012, 07:29:42 AM

If that's frustrating for viewers, that all those plot threads get left unresolved - then that's an argument for making a film that stands as a satisfying work in its own right.

The Marvel movies were clearly building towards something, but pretty much all of them worked as standalone films.

Too flamin' right!

I did come away from the movie thinking it's asking a LOT for an audience to invest in this movie on the hope of a sequel that wasn't even confirmed.

I do wonder - supposing this movie HAD been a super-talky, super-deep meditiation on all the grandiose stuff we were spoon-fed ahead of release, with just a few dribbles of Alien thrown in on top, would this message board be alight with enthusiastic chatter about it now? Would the movie be doing better business? Would it be doing WORSE?

(And please, no autopilot responses from anybiody of 'Nah! It'd STILL be crap!')

I think, if I recall correctly, the last I heard was that the movie was still on track to make a profit - though not a huge one. Home video sales ought to figure into any future plans Fox might have for Prometheus as a franchise unto itself. I just hope that certain lessons are learned. Namely:

The fans of this franchise expect better.

Showing too much of the movie immediately prior to release wasn't smart.

For Engineer's sake, don't let anybody big things up with ludicrous claims that 'big questions' are being posed.

And, finally - and I do NOT say such things lightly:



Keep Noomi, though, plz. 
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!



That's cleared it up!


I really enjoyed it! :D


Neil - I'm jealous! I get no satisfaction from being a naysayer, I genuinely wanted to love it  :(

Ah well, roll on September eh?


Have to say I really enjoyed it as well.
Definitely a flawed film, with some pacing errors and plot holes that you wouldn't expect from a seasoned director like Scott. But hopefully it should stand up to repeated viewing when it hits DVD, looking forward to the bonus features :)

I also enjoyed it a lot more than Avengers.

Doesn't hold its own against Alien but what does to be fair?

just too metal

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Quote from: chaingunchimp on 20 June, 2012, 04:18:18 PM

Doesn't hold its own against Alien but what does to be fair?


Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


I enjoyed this too, though I was giving it a bit of leeway cos I was a bit pissed n stuff (through to Derby from Donington) and fell asleep through a few bits which made it a bit sketchy and confusing. Apparently sleeping etc had nothing to do with that though  :D

Best of all though, it turns out that my dodgy left eye has no effect whatsoever on my ability to see this newfangled 3D thingy. Worked a treat! Which of course meant I was busy going "ooooh" (like a total noob) a lot of the time rather than concentrating on what was going on. Some very nice bits but mostly it seems to be a bit of a distraction.

Aaaaaanyhoo, this all means that I'm well up for seeing a certain other film in 3D, especially given the apparently ground-breaking nature of it.

Professor Bear

I watched Alien vs Predator last night, and given that the idea of "canon" is out the window as of Prometheus, AvP is a much better film as it's easy to dismiss many failings as creating forward momentum for the plot and serving the idea that a film needs a beginning, middle and end, and that the plot should serve to bridge these things as best it can.  AvP also seems an unapologetic b-movie focused like a laser on that whole "Aliens fight Predators" hook.
AvP knows what it is and gets that shit done, and after Prometheus I find that focus on a central idea admirable, though there are other things to like about it that are practically tangents from the central focus, though none of them get in the way of the actual film and it manages to avoid and undermine some cliched tropes (evil capitalists) even as it reinforces others (super kick-ass female character who suddenly can't jump two feet).


I haven't seen AvP, but I've heard there are striking similarities between the plot of that film and that of Prometheus. Weyland assembling a team of scientists to explore an alien structure for nefarious purposes - the tacked-on chestburster ending.

Professor Bear

Although both films feature a Mr Weyland worried that the end of their days approaches, AvP undermines the "evil capitalists" trope by having Weyland initially exploring the alien ruins in a heavily-armed salvage operation, but in the end his actions are altruistic - he orders the team back to camp for their own safety despite their incredible discoveries in the temple, he makes time to connect with a team member, he returns the team members who aren't interested in the expedition and pays them for their time rather than bumps them off or something, and most telling of all he sacrifices his own life so that other people can have a chance to escape.  In Prometheus, Weyland is just out for himself, though even that's muddy as it's unclear if he directs David to act in the way he does when he puts crewmembers in harm's way.

AvP has a clear character arc there, Prometheus does not.


Avoided this thread for eons.  Great night out with mates tonight at Vue clocking Prometheus.  All I can say about thef ilm is WTF!  Ridley!


aliens better than alien?
i think not  :)
just too metal

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