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I don't like the shoulders on the new uniform at all.

Started by ABCwarBOT, 26 July, 2011, 09:41:29 PM

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Try out the Black banana! just leave it on car window for day under the hot sunny! :-)

(OH my gosh, it's my 2500th post(!) )


but if you buy 'em green, they going to go yellow then brown, but not the other way round. There is nothing more disappointing than unpeeling a nice looking banana to find it's mushy and brown inside. Yuk.


More than two decades ago I went out for a meal in the near-legendary Cafolla's in Ballina with a large group of friends , when several of us were vegetarians.  The then-traditional salad burger was served up for the faithful (a bun with some lettuce and tomato, cheese optional), and feeling strangely unsatisfied after that pinnacle of the chef's art, dessert was ordered. 

One of the girls ordered the enigmatic Banana Surprise, which turned out to be immensely impressive, a huge bowl of vanilla ice-cream with a half-dozen battered bananas poking out and rapidly melting the whole into a sloppy sickly joy.  Halfway into her third banana, the girl stopped eating, turned very pale and said: "there's something wrong with this banana - it's grey".  We looked, and she was right - the bitten-off section revealed a pinky-grey, gritty core.  It was a WTF? moment before such things existed. 

As the chef was summoned, we dissected the banana further... to reveal a battered sausage.

So don't talk to me about yer brown bananas.


DDT did a job on me



Brown squishy nanas are pretty nasty.

Yellow speckled/streaked with brown are nice and tasty though.

And I like battered sausages, although not generally with ice cream. When on a budget battered sausages and chips from the chippie is quite satisfying... if unhealthy.

Richmond Clements

Quoteno true banana fan would ever eat a green banana

He's not wrong.

Toni Scandella

I had all the Ben and Jerries flavours I could manage on Saturday, plus got to see Gary Numan live. (and some other bands, too - though I mostly ignored those).

My conclusion was that if Ben and Jerry were to just give their ice cream away in parks in July, and always get Gary Numan to play in said parks as well, I'll happily go along, even if it _is_ £20 and not the £17 that was advertised (and come on, festival organisers - charging a DELIVERY fee ON TOP OF  a booking fee for an automatically generated .pdf file to be emailedfrom your official site  is a tad on the cheeky side).  Just say the ticket is £20.


I got carried away from the banana conversation - I should have mentioned that the bananas in the chunky monkey were well tasty.


Quote from: Mardroid on 27 July, 2011, 04:07:45 PM
Brown squishy nanas are pretty nasty.

Rule 34 applies.  I dare you to google that phrase.


With our over ripe Banana's the missus mushes them up and bakes up a banana and walnut cake.
Om nom nom.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

commissioner fargo

Will there be a spin off comic featuring the new uniform?

The Big Man

Quote from: esoteric ed on 27 July, 2011, 12:41:38 AM
I went to a popular Chinese Buffet in Liverpool a few weeks ago, there was no Neapolitan ice cream, but there were tubs of Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla and I had a scoop of each together, is this acceptable?


There's one in Ipswich that has rum and raisin ice cream, and they have lots of Haribo-style sweets that you can put in it.

I have to say I'm rather fond of the Irn Bru ice cream made by a shop in Kilmarnock, he does Parma Violet and Killie Football team flavour too. Not quite sure that I fancy tasting the Killie Football Team though. ;-)
"Is there a problem here ?"


Yes, there is going to be a spin off comic: 'Dredd: Stubbly Law-Bastard of the Future'. Fortnightly.


But I didn't think Superman Returns was that bad

Richmond Clements

QuoteAw crap, all this is going to be nuked now isn't it?  All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain...

Yup- joining up to post something like that is what I would consider to be inappropriate.


Quote from: Richmond Clements on 27 July, 2011, 06:44:12 PM
Yup- joining up to post something like that is what I would consider to be inappropriate.

You must do you what you think right, of course.  Still, I'll always remember the c-beams glittering on his dome...

>>P minus 8<<