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london super comic convention

Started by chaingunchimp, 31 August, 2011, 11:21:39 AM

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Grant Perkins

Hey guys, I'll be there doing sketches. Come by and say hey.


hey hey

if anyone's going to the show be sure to pop round to the Berserker table.
we are going to be raffling off a page of Biz or Fabry art. at the moment it looks like its gona be a quid a ticket, nice cheap way of getting your hands on a nice page of orginal art
just too metal

my blog:

For awesome original art by top comic creators please visit:


[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


Anyone else going to this? Doesn't seem to be much interest, even though there is a 2000AD panel. Rather tempted to make a last minute purchase for Saturday.


FILM the panel, thats what Large48 really meant  ;)


What I really meant was tape the panelists together then ship then round to my garagae where I can get them to pour out work to my own spec..........ooooohhahhhahahahahha
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


Just caught Mr. Stan Lee on the one show...what a wonderful bloke and still enthused with energy and imagination for all his creations and fans at his worldly age. Wish l was going to the London Con tomorrow :-(


Missed Stan the Man on the One Show – forgot about that.

But just booked and printed out my ticket for tomorrow!


Enjoy it Surfer ... and beam back lots of pictures for us will you.  :P


Steve Green

Hmmm - not sure what to make of this con.

2000ad panel was great, although the bass from the Zumba exhibition next door was f***ing irritating.

Afraid I didn't get the chance to tape it, not sure how good it would have come out anyway.

They did have a camera relaying the panel to projectors - not sure if they actually recorded it or not...

Steve Green

Right, just got back.

Cool to meet a couple of boarders there - but I'm not sure about the venue or the timing (coinciding with Bristol)

Although it was plenty busy, the actual amount of space used was probably smaller than Kapow and lacked any larger stands, most stands were pretty similar in size. The hall itself was probably only half full with a quarter totally empty and a quarter for the panels.

Compared to an MCM expo there were fewer cosplayers, which always add a bit of life to an event, although seeing Stan Lee surrounded by spandex-clad marvel cosplayers was quite funny. (I'm just glad Commando Forces wasn't Dredded up to gatecrash)

Prefer the Kapow venue - Excel is pretty soulless the hall is just some anonymous hangar and there are no raised levels like the Design Centre where you get a bit of an overall view.

Had a little chat with Brian afterwards, and he is a very nice man. I've got some pics of the panel which I'll put up in a bit.


Thanks for sharing Steven.  Nice picture of Mr.  Bolland ... any spare signed copies available?  ;-)

Steve Green

No problem - sadly no spare copies going :)

On the panel itself...

Brian chatted about his early covers, much praise for Mick McMahon, and Brian talking about his own Block Mania cover as a response to (I think) Kev O'Neill joshing that he didn't do backgrounds much...

Discussion about what makes a good cover, difference between 2000AD/British covers and the US

Brian would still like to do that league of fatties story. He chatted a little about the banned episodes, is a bit of a shame that they're not collected, but happy that they're still remembered.

Suggestions for alternatives to the stamps included Matt Smith really liking the 'death by injection' Kraken cover - Jock saying the royal mail probably wouldn't go for injecting poison as a stamp...

Like I said the only downside was the bass from the Zumba exhibition which was on the other side of the wall to the panel. We could still hear everyone, but sometimes they had a little trouble hearing questions from the audience.