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Prog 1750: Stay On The Right Side of the Law

Started by SmallBlueThing, 07 September, 2011, 08:05:31 AM

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Ooh, shiny heavy cover loveliness! Ooh, Henry Flint on Dredd, and crazy headmessing Indigo Prime that i may or may not appreciate at a later date. Low Life, always welcome thankyou. But oh dear it's Ampney- and double Ampney at that. Could we not have had a future shock instead?

Talking of which, exclusive subs-only graphic novel? Bah! But what's "B Format"?  Does that mean scuffed and creased? Or somewhere between the ones in shops and the meg floppies?

Next week's new thing looks good. Nudey ladies always welcome- especially ones with barcodes. That way i can catalogue them with a single swipe. Useful.



Quotethe cover is seven kinds of shit on sixteen shovels

Well I think the cover is great! Is it Rian Hughes?


A quick Google would, I'm sure, reveal that B format "means that the size of the book is 198mm x 129mm".


What are PR droids for, if not to do our googling for us?


What a rubbish size. Would it hurt them to make it 200mm x 130mm? I blame Europe.


I, Cosh

This thread saddens me.

Who is that Future Shocks cover by? The signature looked like CP to me, but could just as easily be 87.
We never really die.

Pete Wells

The cover (which is lovely in my opinion) has pencils by Grant Perkins with colours by Jamie Roberts. I know this cos I got an very excited email from Mrs Perkins on Saturday begging me to scan the ad so her hubby could see it!

Grant Goggans

I choose to believe that the lost original 1750 thread was not caused by a server move, but by Indigo Prime rewriting history as they return to this reality.  Can't wait to see it.


Lovely cover this issue.

I thought Dredd was a little talky for this as a jumping on issue. Anyone whose interested in Dredd had been aroused by the recent Empire stuff could well have been put off. It would have been a wise move to schedule a few 'Dredd busts some heads' stories around this jumping on point in my opinion.

Ampney Crucis is a strange one. I don't mind the story but I don't like the characters. I also find Simon Davis' art really off putting on this story although I loved it on Sin/Dex. I wish someone would take his purple paint away though - not everything has to be coloured in purple! Again I don't think this was a great 'jumping on' story.

Indigo Prime was my favourite this issue. Great art and a mental, very 2000ad feeling script. Although some prior knowledge of Indigo Prime doesn't hurt I think new readers would be drawn into this - in the hope that things would be explained as the 'newbie' in the story works things out.

Low Life was good but relies almost entirely on previous knowledge of the strip. The empathy comes from seeing Dirty Frank be boxed in by Justice Department protocol. If you don't know what wally squad or the long walk is this strip would be utterly bewildering.

All in all I thought it was a very entertaining prog for a long time reader but had a very poor selection of strips for a jumping on issue. It would have made more sense to have Angel Zero start this issue along with a future shock. Ampney crucis could have had a single part opener next week.


Slight gripe with Indigo Prime - I found the misspelling of BBC Correspondant a little distracting!


Yes, i found this a bit of a let down too- from the point of view of any imagined new readers. As a lifer, i thought Dredd was great, moving the story on to avenues i didnt really expect (if only because they seemed too obvious), Low Life to be the highlight (but even that needed one good line from dirty frank to lift it), and Indigo Prime to be very promising. I dont like Ampney Crucis at all, story or art, but this was tolerable... though i feel i'll be skipping it in a week or two.

I agree that Angel Zero shouldve been here, as it needed that extra bolt of thrillpower that five strips provides.

Cover was magnificent, and i like the cover to the future shocks book- though the size puts me off, im sorry to say.


Steve Green

Quote from: radiator on 08 September, 2011, 09:21:38 AM
Slight gripe with Indigo Prime - I found the misspelling of BBC Correspondant a little distracting!

It's obviously a universe where it's spelt like that, and it's still BBC News 24, rather than just BBC News. :)


DDT did a job on me


Quote from: radiator on 07 September, 2011, 10:47:09 AM
Quotethe cover is seven kinds of shit on sixteen shovels

Well I think the cover is great! Is it Rian Hughes?

They could have just removed that bit, for frack's sake...

Can you put back the bit where I talk about the prog, dearest Mod.
"Cool Stuff You Will Like"

Music, Comics, Books, Video Games, TV and Film reviews/articles.


A good all round prog.

Really enjoying Dredd but fuck me if Indigo Prime didnt steal my best of prog. LOVED IT!

Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?