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Judo's sci-fi writing

Started by Judo, 20 February, 2012, 03:13:46 AM

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lol my future shock is finished (its only 5 pages ie an evening - if a story is flowin it shouldn't take long!) And big thanks to emperor for checkin for tard speak. Need to wait til the weekend though to get to a library to print it off cos I'm poor like that but aye that's done and dusted. The akira/lotr thing is just for fun cos I can't afford an artist and I can't really draw. I do the odd small press style panel skits too. Yes I know all about that darlin <3 much love for the glasgow comic scene but I work full time and don't have time for a larger level of involvement than the odd bits and pieces x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


I love messing about with different inking techniques cos I'm just learning :( wish I'd gone to college or summit x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


as I said I'm no artist but I'm learning just for love of the craft x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Quote from: Judo on 23 February, 2012, 12:29:14 PM
I'm a writer who cannae afford an artist (not an artist)

Ooohhh that's my button! It's not just about staving up the cash and going on a freelance website and saying "I need an artist who's willing to do a 43-page personal project that's a mix between this and this and they'll for £x a page" - you need to find a collaborator who's genuinely interested. I suggest chopping your story up into smaller episodic bits and trying to find an artist or several artists who want to get on board. I mean, how is this story going out - how are you going to get it to people? On the web? In print? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!



yes I've only done the first chapter of «working title» dreamt decay but once I'm happy with a large chunk of it ill start looking for artists for bits and pieces though tbh I don't require publication as I'm just enjoying exploring some philosophical ideas as I got offered a great job half way through my degree and if I'm ever unemployed would definitely like to finish it. I'm lucky to have some amazing yet painfully poor artists to get drinks and chats with - stephen stref white, dave zander alexander, jim devlin, jon howard yadda yah the list goes on - so options are there if I can get the dosh together. Mean time just being part of the small press scene and submitting bits and bobs to GMP and such mags is fine by me :) x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


I like working with water colours and these look great in colour but realisticly grey scale it is. This one will have panel work laid over the top - trying to make a mesh of quirkyness while I'm doing it myself cos its more fun for me :)  x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


random panel shiznit like I mentioned x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


love eric carles stuff abso beautiful. But I have to ruin it lol x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


I really hope it works out for you, Judo - if nothing comes of the Future Shock, the caption contest is a bleeding great idea, you've been a hugely successful contribution to the board at least already!

As for finding an artist for unpublished work... Hmmm, not easy. I do a bit of illustration and the like* and I remember going to writers' clubs years ago and people 'bagsing' my time and effort without actually checking with me whether I felt like working for free.  I ended up doing about one or two jobs and really wishing I hadn't, and vowed never to do another unpaid (or at least unpublished) commission again in my life.

*My efforts at comic illustration were fucking shite though, as Richmond Clements found when I didn't deliver something he asked me to do.  Yep, I still feel bad about it, and someday His Lordship will slay me as I sleep.  The previous paragraph does not apply to Rich's commission, he would have published the bastard and I would have loved it, but as I say, I can't draw comics. 
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Richmond Clements

See, I'd forgotten all about that... now I hate you again!


Ah well. I like me, that's the main thing. That said, I'm drunk  :)
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Richmond Clements


I'm in Bangkok. I've found pissedness to be the ideal short-term solution to culture shock (which i have a lot of right now)
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Yes, I'm enjoying your contributions, but please CAN WE LEAVE THE FECKING COLOUR FUNCTION ALONE please. It really does get annoying very quickly.