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Judo's sci-fi writing

Started by Judo, 20 February, 2012, 03:13:46 AM

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Quote from: Dandontdare on 03 March, 2012, 12:57:05 AM
Yes, I'm enjoying your contributions, but please CAN WE LEAVE THE FECKING COLOUR FUNCTION ALONE please. It really does get annoying very quickly.

Tell that to CF. ;)
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+


Can i have a look at your script?
You ever notice that everyone who believes in creationism looks really unevolved? Eyes real close together, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day." Yeah, looks like he rushed it.


no colours, O rly? the worlds in HD now dont yah know babe? this site doesnt take my old forum post with a pic on the right and text on the left and middle cos i dunno how you do img right on this (different from align right before you comment) so sorreeee for trying to be a bit different

[imgright]http://[/imgright][size=18]Judo Mod[/size]

[align=center]It is I, Judo, attempting to... amuse!

xxx  XXX  xxx  XXX xxx

[size=24]and blah blah the text goes here. but as you can see your forum doesnt have the codes im used to except ooh darkcyan![/size]

That is all.[/align]
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


*see im all normal boring font now yah bams*

Thanks Jay! I will try my very best to help out with anything i am able to and hopefully make some new pals and that :) yah future shock is all ready to go but i have been working a lot recently so havent been able to get to the post office yet. Im not too fussed to get artists and published and things but I will work on stuff anyways for the love of the craft but hey ho i write what i like to read and maybe someone else does too and all the better. haha yeah some fans can get a little carried away with wanting to see their work drawn but i think the most important thing is that the writer has put in as much effort writing it and the artist is inevitably going to. it can only be a compliment that they all wanted you though!

Spetzy youre too late! its all finished now with no more changes to be made so no one can read it til after i hear back x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Don't mind DDD, the grumpy old git, a bit of colour is fine - never did Commando Forces any harm.


Quote from: Judo on 04 March, 2012, 04:28:05 AM
Spetzy youre too late! its all finished now with no more changes to be made so no one can read it til after i hear back x

Actually, i just wanted to see what a script looked like, never seen one and i have a good few ideas.
You ever notice that everyone who believes in creationism looks really unevolved? Eyes real close together, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day." Yeah, looks like he rushed it.


Quote from: Dandontdare on 03 March, 2012, 12:57:05 AM
Yes, I'm enjoying your contributions, but please CAN WE LEAVE THE FECKING COLOUR FUNCTION ALONE please. It really does get annoying very quickly.
I Don't think the colour function is that annoying.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


aww Vs posts have never looked prettier. Colour suits me cos I'm on my phone and the zoom function is one extreme or the other - I use the colour so I can see my posts or quotes easily. Any problems then feel free to ignore me ;) plus sometimes I change ccolour to express emotion cos I'm a pretentious poster like that.

But yesh I forgot to say I sent my futureshock away w00t w00t so now I've told you I can forget all about it again. I have a new project that is going very well which is books explaining disability to young children. I haven't seen anything like this about which is a shame and was wondering if anyone else has? I don't think I learnt anything about wheelchairs and things til much older. Some people with much more publishing experience than me think that I should take a shot at creative scotland so may do. Education and awareness of physical and mental disability is an issue close to my heart <3 x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Rejection letter from Tharg :( but on the other hand... Rejection letter from Tharg! :D oks you can all read my story now give me a min ill get it x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Kowalsky (formerly JudgeGumpty)

Well at least you gave it a go :) Good for you.
Never rub another mans rhubarb


I didn't really expect to get a hard science piece about a nobel prize winner in but hey i tried to fight it for the chicks so meh their loss cos imma just get better and better x


Page 1

Panel 1
A small pleasant looking modern research facility can be seen during spring time. A sign reads Facility X14d "we welcome the four seasons of change" in the mid ground. A guard reads a newspaper while at a security post which reads 'CAT WINS X-FACTOR' as its headline in the foreground.
These past few years have been a wild journey into ideas most of my peers thought would and should remain theoretical forever.
Panel 2
We see Dr Darmstadtium standing in a lab aged in his late 30s. He is dressed in a tux with a lab coat over the top and is wearing dark rimmed glasses. He is holding the traditional Nobel Prize box open in his right hand and a martini glass in his left. The Nobel Prize medal differs from the current one in that it projects a small hologram of Alfred Nobels head. He looks happy but slightly over whelmed
Text Box – Molecular Staining is my life's work. I have evolved from self healing plastics, to self healing elements.
Elements that return to their original form regardless of chemical changes. Objects that know their very being.
Speech bubble from out of panel right – Hurry up and throw the damn thing!
Panel 3
Dr Darmstadium is in the distance with his arm stretched out towards the reader. He has just thrown the box at a pane of glass and we see the tumbling box and flying glass shards shooting towards the reader as if he is throwing the box directly at us.
Text Box – If I were a less humble man I would consider myself a Genius. If I was arrogant, a God.
Panel 4
The shards begin to fly back up and reform the glass panel which we now see is attached to poles on either side as it is part of a demonstration.
Text Box – No, in my field it is only ever the right combination of hard work and sheer dumb luck.
Panel 5
This is a larger, wider panel. Still viewing the glass pane but now the glass is unbroken again. We can see Dr Darmstadtium and the pane are surrounded by scientists, military personnel, politicians and press. Many people have party hats and drinks or are taking photos. A scientist on the other side of the glass from Dr Darmstadium has the box which they have caught from his throw. An elderly moustached gentleman downs a pint, and other laureate looking people are 'letting loose'.
Text Box – But well-funded luck does work a lot better.
Some guests are shouting things...
Guest 1 – Smashin' party!
Guest 2 - Who knew Dr Riksbank could chug!
Guest 3 – I'll never crack the screen on my neruo-transmitter again!

Page 2
Panel 1
The same research facility is shown with the same sign that reads 'Facility X14d' and "we welcome the four seasons of change" during summer. This page is set 10 years later so the sign looks a little more worn and the facility upgraded slightly.
142 of 178 periodic elements can now be molecularly stained to retain their original shape. These are all the elements available on earth for study.
Panel 2
We see a white lab mouse crushed under a hammer held by Dr Darmstadtium. Dr Darmstadtium looks in his late 40s and is wearing a lab coat and glasses.
Text Box – We have met almost all of the government's strictest safety guidelines yet they still scaremonger that further testing is needed.
Panel 3
Dr Darmstadtium has lifted his hammer off of the mouse but it remains crushed and dead.
Text Box – I need to see this technology leave the lab and be put to practical use within my lifetime.
In sattelites and space ships that fix their own tears, hospital equipment that never wears, housing;
but we are still being refused stem cell testing.
Panel 4
Dr Darmstadtium drops the dead mouse into a plastic bag labelled 'medical waste'.
Text Box - In the meantime I will continue testing if molecular staining can be applied to organic matter.
We could cure 64% of humanity's infirmities with synthetic organs that auto-repair when they begin to fail.
Panel 5
Dr Darmstadtium casually throws the medical waste bad containing the mouse on to a large pile of similar 'medical waste' bags.
Text Box - The possibilities are endless.
Page 3
Panel 1
The same research facility is shown with the same sign that reads 'Facility X14d' and "we welcome the four seasons of change" during autumn. This page is set a further 10 years after the previous page so the sign looks even more worn and the facility has been greatly upgraded.
Panel 2
A politician and Dr Darmstadtium are talking in a lab office. Dr Darmstadtium is sitting at his desk while the politician is looking at shelves filled with awards including several Nobel Prize awards Each of the Nobel Prizes has a small hologram of Alfred Nobel. Dr Darmstadtium is in his late 50s and wearing a lab coat and dark rimmed glasses. The politician is in his early 30s and wearing a suit. Dr Darmstadtium looks sceptical.
Text Box – I have worked on perfecting molecular staining for over 30 years now and still I've yet to see it used in any practical setting.
Politician – I bet you're dying to see this technology leave the lab.
Dr. Darmstadtium – I honestly can't tell if you're pretending not to have read my reports or if you've really don't give a damn anymore.
Panel 3
The politician admirers the small hologram of Alfred Noble on one of Dr Darmstadtiums Nobel Prizes. Dr Darmstadtium is still sitting at his desk. The politician is smiling but Dr Darmstadtium looks dismissive.
Politician – Very funny, I think you know damn well the entire world has been keeping a close eye on your research.
Dr Darmstadtium – On lab experiments and papers maybe.
Panel 4
The politician points aggressively at Dr Darmstadtium across his desk.
Politician – Exactly! It is both mine and the counsel's feeling that the citizens deserve the benefits of your research in every aspect of their lives,
From buildings in hurricane areas, to never failing synthetic organs.
Dr. Darmstadtium – If this is a joke then it's not very funny.
Panel 5
The Politician takes out a pen and paper from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. The paper says 'Copyright Transferal' in bold across the top. The politician is grinning and has an eye brow raised.
Politician – 100% God's honest truth. And not only do you get to see your entire life's work of research actually doing what you always wanted...
...helping humanity...
...but the government is going to give you a shit load of money for the copyrighted privilege to do so.

Page 4
Panel 1
The same research facility is shown with the same sign that reads 'Facility X14d' and "we welcome the four seasons of change" during winter. This page is set a further 10 years after the previous page and the sign is very worn and hanging off its hinges and the facility has been severely upgraded. There are many protestors surrounding the facility, some of whom are wearing lab coats. One of the protesters signs reads 'Say no to the Darmstadtium bomb'.
Text Box 1 – DR DARMSTADTIUM. JOURNAL 1137. YEAR 2142.
Text box 2 – They've turned my lab into a war factory. Over half my staff are protesting outside for closure.
Panel 2
A young lab assistant talks to Dr Darmstadtium. In the back ground there is a futuristic looking military tank in an experiment chamber. Dr Darmstadtium is in his late 60s and is wearing a lab coat and dark rimmed glasses. Dr Darmstadtium looks stressed.
Text Box – What kind of 'Head Scientist' makes no decisions and has no team?
Lab Assistant – Sir, the demonstration is ready.
Dr Darmstadtium – Proceed once everyone is seated and ready.
Panel 3
A military general, Dr Darmstadtium and a few other important looking people are seated and watching the experiment chamber. The politician from earlier is amongst those watching the experiment and wears the same suit but is aged in his 40s now. Inside the experiment chamber the military tank is exploding.
Panel 4
The military tank begins to rebuild itself within the experiment chamber. The politician has his head turned towards Dr Darmstadtium.
Politician – Fantastic! But what about the crew?
Dr Darmstadtium – We're still working on that, Sir.
Panel 5
Dr Darmstadtium is wearing a velvet dressing gown and pouring himself a whiskey from a drinks cabinet. He is in a fancy room with a large television showing the news in the background. The news shows the newsreader interviewing the politician.
Politician - War with China was always inevitable.
We just owe them too much god damn money! How else could we get out of this hundred year depression?
This war is for each and every one of our citizens that dreads bill day!
Panel 6
From behind the sofa we see Dr Darmstadtium sitting and drinking while watching the news. The news now shows a close up of the politician being interviewed. There are 3 small inset panels showing different horrific news stories surrounding the television.
Inset 1- Futuristic jet fighters flying over the Great Wall of China.
Inset 2 - Poor Chinese people bow in front of a tank flying a flag that's a combination of the european union and American flags.
Inset 3 - A gory image if a dead Chinese child.
Politician –The thing about Darmstadtium bombs is you only need one
And by using sponsorship money from Information Spreaders and other associated partnerships we have made this war free for the tax payer.

Page 5
Panel 1
Dr Darmstadtium is standing on the roof of Facility X14d looking forlorn. He is in his late 70s now and is wearing his lab coat and dark rimmed glasses. He is looking at the old, worn sign which has fallen down now on the ground in the distance. Only the word 'change' can be made out as most of the lettering has faded. There is no distinguishable season but the sky looks dark and apocalyptic. Fires and dead bodies can be seen all around. There is a statue of Dr Darmstadtium outside the facility's main door now.
Text Box 1 – DR DARMSTADTIUM. JOURNAL 1554. YEAR 2152.
Text box 2 – Some things should never leave the lab.
Panel 2
Dr Darmstadtium stands on a ledge wearing one his Nobel Prize medals. He looks solemn.
Panel 3
Dr Darmstadtium swan dives off the ledge he was standing on. His face is at peace and his eyes are closed.
Panel 4
Dr Darmstadtium lands on his back. His skull and other bones are cracked and blood is pouring out everywhere. His eyes are shut and have blood running from them.
Panel 5
Dr Darmstadtium still lies on his back but his eyes are open now and skull, blood and other tissue are auto-repairing. He is screaming. We now see there are other corpses around him, some wearing lab coats.
Panel 6
Dr Darmstadtium walking away from us and towards the door of facility X14d with his head hung. The lab looks partially destroyed and dead bodies and fires are scattered around.
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


I really liked that. I could easily have seen that as a Future Shock. Reminds me of the old Alan Moore ones a bit. I would think that's some sort of compliment! Nice job!
"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


aww thanks hunnys *hugs* appreciated. well i like it and that's all that really matters to me (perfectionism). i dont think i could have done it any better and if my best ain't 'suitable' then whatev's, no awesomely amazing, cute, bright scottish lassie writers for you guys ;) ...hey, yah gotta be your own fan cos you can't count on any others!!! but *srsly* if anyone has any suggestions then always appreciated x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Quote from: Judo on 24 March, 2012, 05:52:01 PM
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Rejection letter from Tharg :( but on the other hand... Rejection letter from Tharg! :D oks you can all read my story now give me a min ill get it x

That was a remarkably swift reply from Tharg!! Might I be so cheeky as to ask what he had to say.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+


It didnt't say anything much except blah blah blah each entry our fullest attention and blah blah thankyou for your submission blah  'Unfortunately, I dont feel it is suitable for 2000ad at the present time'....

yeah, honestly i would say they probably didn't even bother reading it at all... I hear that happens a lot x

edit - but i do now have a rejection letter signed by Matt Smith w00t :D x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.