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Prog 1773 Fathers Day?

Started by radiator, 03 March, 2012, 11:26:12 AM

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Fantastic Dredd episode - looks like they're making good on the promise that [spoiler]the regular cast aren't all coming out of Day of Chaos alive...[/spoiler]

Final episode of the current Dante story :'(

But next week he's back, and with John Burns on art for a new story called The Dante Gambit!  : :D

Also, that new Grant/Ezquerra Durham Red series is confirmed, and will be titled The 'Nobody Wants This Job' Job.

The final 'What If?' story is 'What if Anderson never became a Judge?' and is by Alan Grant and Robin Smith.


On one level I'm not sure if I would use the word 'fantastic' to describe Dredd since it is a real 'lots happen but nothing really happens' episode.  On another level, a filler / synopsis episode from Wagner reads a lot better than a balls to the walls no holds barred action episode from a lesser writer and this definitely fits into that category so, yeah, ausgezeichnet!  The teasing in this tale is becoming almost unbearable!  I just hope that it's not another Necropolis.

Felt a bit shortchanged with the ending of Dante.  Not sure where this is going anymore.  Same goes with the Anderson 'what if'.  The other two in this series have given us a serious alternative perspective and seem to be trying to close some hypothetical doors.  This one almost felt like a 'well what can we do now?' story.  Wasn't helped by Robin Smith artwork which has never done anything for me  (still, at least it's not John Bogdanove).

Age of the Wolf seems to be degenerating into a Preacher / I am Legend / Underworld rip off already.  Nice artwork at least.  Will at least give it a bit more time, same with Grey Area.

All this under what for my money is the best cover of the year so far.


Crickey! what's happened to Dr X's thread grab?
DDT did a job on me

Colin YNWA

Arh dagnabbit. After enjoying Dante so much so far, it really has been brilliant, the end of this story left me a bit annoyed though. It was fun stuff but for the life of me I'm not sure quite how Dante coped so well with what happened. Still more to come so really shouldn't complain and Burn back next week so that's great news.

Aside from that Dredd continues as it has for must this story. Age of the Wolf continues, loved this story for Grey Area and I'm really warming to the series.

The What If? was a very bold interesting choice. A slice of life really which was a really nice way to take the story. Didn't make for the most compelling read but I'm kinda glad they did this.

Of most import though FLESH BACK NEXT WEEK - WAYHEY!!!!!


For me the What if was a damp squib and not a patch on what we have had so far in this series.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


Dante me me cry, seriously I was in buckets!

Richmond Clements

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Richmond Clements on 03 March, 2012, 04:15:07 PM
Quote from: LARF on 03 March, 2012, 04:10:05 PM
Dante me me cry, seriously I was in buckets!

Me too.

That's where it really let itself down for me though, as I should have had the same reaction, I really should and I completely see why people did. Alas I was pulled out of the moment and the story, as I was left thinking 'Hold on, he just had a hand through his upper body,[spoiler] like all the way through, how the hoopin' heck did he cope with that and just carry on!???![/spoiler]"

Richmond Clements

Steve Green

I totally understand the swashbuckling escape from death thing with Dante, but it does have the potential to pull people out of the story - especially with characters that don't have the crest.

Still great stuff though.

Dredd continues, but really wish it would fully kick in.

Age of the Wolf I'm enjoying more than Book 1

Grey Area enjoying the script more than the art I'm afraid

What if - not a fan of Robin Smith's art, and the story didn't do much for me...

I, Cosh

A letters page mercifully free of the tired scrawlings of Messrs Watson and Proudfoot. I thought some of the commenters had articulate and constructive points to make. Although not that one that was harping on about being taken to Wales for the day. Think he meant to write to the Saga holidays magazine instead.
We never really die.


Cover: Not my thing, that's a pretty good looking Dante but the other face is too cartoony I find it a little distracting.

Dredd: This seems to be quite polarizing, some people are loving it and some people don't think enough is happening. Me I seem to change my mind every week. This time, yeah, the plot doesn't move forward but so much is going on, so many cool scenes, done the way only Wagner can. Loved it. Loving Bim and Jim. Awesome characters, they should survive this.

Age of the Wolf: Lame, I always get the feeling Alec Worley is trying to be smart or funny. His writing never comes off as either to me. His characters have about as much depth as the page they are printed on.  A bit harsh maybes, I'd like to counter with how I like the art, but I don't really like that either :-P

Grey Area: Doog cracks me up, and that last page, Carter drwas the absolute shit out of it. We need him on some sort of neo-noir Blade Runner style story. Absolutley love his coloring, and there is shit loads of ambience. Normally he aint the best for facial experssions, but that last panel, spot on.

What If: This was odd haha don't know what else to say really.I do like Robin Smith's art though. Lame but in an enjoyable way????

Dante: I thought Dante lost his healing factor, seems to be doing okay after just being stabbed through the chest. Shame about [spoiler]his Ma' always liked her[/spoiler]. Looking forward to the next installment but this one goes out on a little but of a whimper for me.

Overall: Sorry if I seem a bit negative, or just a whinge. Still enjoy the prog every week, soon as it lands through the door I read it in bed, awesome start to the day after working the previous night and not rolling out of bed till mid afternoon.

Top Thrill: Got to be Dredd.


"After 2,000 years of keeping them breeding inside the one bloodline, we're lucky the bastard doesn't have antennae."

Richmond Clements

Added spoiler tags to a line in your post, Lee. Just in case.


An average prog this week. Only DREDD and AGE OF THE WOLF were worth a second read out of the whole prog.  After these first two strories , I feel the prog just falls away. Is it just me? Am I getting too old ( near 50 ) .

Dante and Grey Area I just cannot get into the stories at all, sorry if that offends those that like them.

The what if...? story......better off without it I think.  A stocking filler story before some new stuff arrives next prog. Looking forward to the new Flesh.

Richmond Clements

Grey Area is starting to shape up for me.
I did suspect that Abnett was doing the same thing as he did with Sin/Dex at the start: giving us a load of short stories as snapshots of the world before slowing building it into something greater.