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the shakes

Started by Judo, 07 April, 2012, 12:48:45 PM

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good afternoon hivemind collective how are you all today? I have a 'problem' every morning that 4 different people have commented on and I was wondering if anyone thinks it is normal or a sign or underlying issues requiring a GPs assistance. Basically I get 'the shakes' if I haven't had anything to eat - my hands, particularly my left hand, shakes uncontrollably to a small degree. I didn't notice til people started pointing it out to me and saying that it wasn't normal. This happens regardless of the previous nights sobreity and right up until I eat something. At first I reckoned it was because of the cold but it happens even when I don't feel cold. I think its probably just my caffiene addiction - does this cause shakes? - but I'm worried it could be low blood pressure or a slight diabetes. I would rather not go to the doctors unless strictly necessary.

Does anyone have a similar experience? Ta for your time x X x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


You should go to the doctor.


I get the shakes quite often as well. Usually , cramming food down seems to make it go. More oddly , however , is the onset of dizziness which I can't explain. That just started a couple of weeks ago and I'll suddenly get this dizzy feeling. The same kind of light-headedness when you've just had a couple of drinks and you enter the spinny head phase. Only mine is without alcoholic assistance. Odd.
...because I hate you.


yes strontium sounds like the same thing as me. I sometimes get the black spots on my vision and dizzyness - paricularly if I skip meals/eat later than usual. I often feel lethargic but I just put that down to working too hard in a stressful job. I sooo can't be assed having diabetes :( x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Go to the doctor.  It sounds like some form of hypoglycemia, which could be resulting from any number of conditions, trivial or otherwise.


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Roger Godpleton

Maybe it can be cured by not posting on this forum.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Someone at work did suggest diabetes but my philosophy is if the doctor doesn't tell you you have something then I haven't got that something. Although their son is having his kidneys out in May due to diabetes and having no donor as of yet..
...because I hate you.


I really try to keep out of squabbles - I am in my forties and don't want to revert back to kindergarten , but just for once can we keep the petty bullshit out of at least one topic?
...because I hate you.


Quote from: Judo on 07 April, 2012, 01:04:23 PM

Didn't mean to freak you out, Judo - doesn't have to be caused by anything remotely serious, and most probably isn't.  But equally you don't want to mess about with something that could be.  No-one here is a medical doctor, and even if they were, wouldn't offer advice in this forum: hence go to the doctor. 


Quote from: strontium71 on 07 April, 2012, 01:09:32 PM
Someone at work did suggest diabetes but my philosophy is if the doctor doesn't tell you you have something then I haven't got that something. Although their son is having his kidneys out in May due to diabetes and having no donor as of yet..

Yeah mine too - if its not affecting my life to a significant enough degree then there's nothing wrong. I don't faint or anything so tempted to continue sticking fingers in ears and singing *lalala I can't hear you*. I think I shall psyche myself up to go and if I do ill let you know what the doc says since you most probably have the same thing.

Its s'all cool TB just hoping to god I drink too much caffiene x
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


Thing is though that untreated diabetes can make you go blind and you lose extremities. If you have it then it is better to get it diagnosed early as everything is easier to treat.

However, it might just be you aren't eating enough or getting a decent night's sleep - the body is a machine and if you don't treat it right it can lead to dizziness and the shakes. So try having say a banana for supper before going to bed and a hearty breakfast.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Quote from: Emperor on 07 April, 2012, 02:11:03 PM
Thing is though that untreated diabetes can make you go blind and you lose extremities.

Worse than that - even mild Type 2 left unmanaged over the long term causes cardiovascular disease.  It's what killed both my grandfather and my uncle (the latter only diagnosed with diabetes the week before he died, although recalling symptoms he probably had it for at least a decade), and very nearly polished off my Dad (undiagnosed for years, and then two months later necessitating a quadruple heart bypass despite an otherwise outrageously healthy lifestyle).  Caught early and managed, it can be a doddle: hence the importance of getting yourself checked out.

By the way, I'm the last person on earth to visit a doctor unless at least a whole limb is actually hanging off, so take this as the very best kind of 'do as I say, not as I do' hypocrisy.

Professor Bear

My doctor diagnosed me with hypoglycemia years ago and the first thing I did was Google it - big mistake, as all the results were for support forums and the like.  It's not really that bad, but you do at least have a built-in excuse for being a grumpy get after 10 o'clock in the evening that you might find useful.  Your problem might not be that, mind, as it sounds like blood sugar issues, possibly hypoglycemia, though it also could just be a poorly-managed diet where you're getting the wrong kind of food at the wrong times for your metabolism. Type 2 diabetes is a worst-case scenario, but even then it's a manageable situation.

Best consult your GP and not a comics forum, if only because we can't agree on how many links there are in Dredd's chain, but mainly because in less than a dozen posts we're already discussing what life-altering disease you probably have.  It's just as likely something minor.