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Prog 1786 - the Beginning of the End

Started by Trout, 02 June, 2012, 11:25:20 AM

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I reckon that's one of the best Dredd stories ever told - and it doesn't even have Dredd in it. Not even a cameo. Utter genius from Wagner and Flint.

For the spoiler junkies: [spoiler]PJ's back and he's bringing some new friendssssss...[/spoiler]

How spoiled are the Dredd fans these days? Saturday mornings get better and better.

I enjoyed the rest of the prog, too, especially the Ezquerra art on Durham Red, although I'm saving Dante for later. It's a favourite of mine and I want peace to read it.


- Trout



You rotten spoilsport, Trout!  I thought I'd get the first post at last, but was still typing when yours appeared.  Damn my intricate colour-coded ratings!

Cover: gorgeous, but not quite sure it's cover material.  Great final image from the Burns droid. Good.

Droid Life: I had to read this twice before I understood it. Love the sound effects.  OK.

Dredd: Hmm.... a bit whimsical.  Genuinely didn't expect this.  Is this a throwaway episode or are the threads drawing together?  In my humble opinion, a subtle dip in the current run of excellence.  However, if this specific plotline goes anywhere in the next month I shall revise my opinion dramatically.  Very good.

Dredd's "Next Week" caption: To quote Hikaru Sulu, "oh MY!"  GEEKGASM!

Durham Red: Good but not anything special.  I appreciate that Carlos has been through a huge amount recently so I'm certainly not complaining, but I miss some of the finer detail his work used to have.  OK.

Grey Area: Starting to get more interesting.  Still can't tell half the characters apart but the last two pages work very well and look fantastic.  Good.

Future Shocks: For me, the one low point in this week's prog.  Plot holes you could drive a time-train through. Bit of a giveaway at the start: unless it's a Steve Moore job, as soon as you see a mysteriously awkward name you know it's going to have something to do with the finale.  Apologies to Mr Baillie but I'm going to have to give this my lowest rating -- Shite.

Nikolai Dante: A brilliant start to the final piece.  Tugs at your heartstrings, it proper does.  Excellent.

Colin YNWA

What a wonderful Prog. The Future Shock had old school appeal and was fun AND had Warren Pleece art AND AND giant ants so that was fun. Durham Red was also old school fun. I'm really enjoying Grey Area these days its developed into a really intriguing piece and though it covers themes and topics that have been seen in the Prog before, a few times, its developed them in modern context and finds new areas to explore. Great thrill.

The other two are however a bit beyond just great they are pure and simple classics. The Dredd in every other circumstance would be the gold standard. So much packed in, such great fun, the dark Judges continue to be parodies of themselves  but are used in such a fantastic way. Genius stuff. Dante however is beyond genius, its heartbreaking and terrifying in equal measures and I hope Dante's conversation Viktor doesn't foreshadow the end, but I fear it might.

The Prog might be the beginning of the end but its absolutely timeless at the moment.


Quote from: Trout on 02 June, 2012, 11:25:20 AMHow spoiled are the Dredd fans these days? Saturday mornings get better and better.

It must be the only legitimate replacement for Swap Shop.

Link Prime

Quote from: JOE SOAP on 02 June, 2012, 12:11:22 PM

It must be the only legitimate replacement for Swap Shop.

Shownin your age, Joseph.

Colin YNWA

And surely a 2000ad crowd is a Tiswas crowd?


Does that make Roger's posts the equivalent of custard pies?  With his mom at large, I would have thought it more fitting to think of them as crea...   :-X  No.  Forget I started that.

Ouch.  Wouldn't you just know it?  Extra-long Bank Holiday guff and no Prog today.  I'll just have to subsist on the Paragon the postie did deign to bring.  Still a pain, though.  Fairly aching to see Dredd, Dante and Grey Area. 
A Cow, I'm inclined to agree with your take on Ezquerra's work on Durham Red, but I'm thinking it's perhaps the 'cost' of the colouring.
So this is der place then, Johnny?


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 02 June, 2012, 01:13:27 PM
And surely a 2000ad crowd is a Tiswas crowd?

Can we not be both? It's the Blue Peter fans that are the devil incarnate.


I'm a bit surprised at Dredd.  I thought that throwing the Dark Judges into the mix of DoC would see them in "scary" mode rather than comic relief.  I actually thought this was one of the reasons for not having Judge Death with them - that it would be easier not to slip into comedy without him.  Don't get me wrong though - its well done.  The terriying team up you thought you'd never see!

Dante is effortlessly brilliant.  It'll be much missed.


Quote from: Colin_YNWA on 02 June, 2012, 01:13:27 PM
And surely a 2000ad crowd is a Tiswas crowd?

Ah, that takes me back to Saturday mornings of yore...

  • Flash Gordon with Buster Crabbe, shown at like 2am or something
  • Champion the Wonder Horse -- utter bollocks but it was TELLY and therefore must be watched.
  • Space: 1999, surely one of the top 5 most excitiing opening title sequences (along with Hawaii 5-O, Thunderbirds, and The Professionals)
  • The Double Deckers.  Kids who live in a double-decker bus with Melvyn Hayes.  It just writes itself!



A.Cow: for your vicious blasphemy regarding Champion The Wonder Horse, i shall punch you up the bottom should we ever meet. I still miss Rebel, and sing the theme song daily.



Fun episode of Dredd, but that's a bit of an almighty coincidence were expected to swallow, them just randomly turning up on the doorstep like that. Could of at least cobbled together some flimsy excuse like they were drawn by his presence or something like that.
