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Cam Kennedy Sketchbook

Started by ming, 10 July, 2012, 02:30:49 PM

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Quote from: ming on 11 July, 2012, 10:06:54 AM
Exhibit A:

Indeed, as discussed here.

I've missed Cam at not one, but two, Hi-Exs now, and I'm just gutted.


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Oh wow, this looks gorgeous! I'm defeinitely getting this once the paycheck comes in; Cam's art is pretty much why I started buying the Prog in the first place. It still makes me tingle.

And now I'm brokenhearted about his sight :( My Ma lost her sight years back, so I know how hard it is, but it must be so much harder when you're an artist. Brave man.


Wonderful news, He was talking about this at Dundee but was light on detail or distracted by his long lost twins reunion.

I'll be buying that as his work is a joy to ogle
DDT did a job on me


Got it in the post today and it is lush. Really high quality repro,you'd swear you'd smudge the illos if you weren't careful. A bonus was the inclusion of an insert of the bounty hunter sketch above on nice thick paper.

Top stuff-more of this sort of thing!

To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


I got this from a shop in Belgium... ridiculous postage , But I had to have it. Beautiful stuff, reminding me once again how great cam is and what amazing work he has done form 2000ad to The Light and Darkness Wars.

It's small and thin so I wouldn't recommend buying where I got it , just wait until a UK seller has it in stock


The sketchbook was put together on Cam's behalf by Tony Lariviere, who dabbles in small press from what I gather; he also recently started that comic shop in Belgium.  I'd be surprised if the sketchbook emerges at other retail outlets, but Cam has 100 copies so those might get sold by him at conventions, I guess.


Quote from: johnnystress on 14 July, 2012, 06:41:46 PM
...amazing work he has done form 2000ad to The Light and Darkness Wars.

The painted artwork on The Light and Darkness Wars is just beautiful; a real eye-opener when you consider the more usual b&w strip work we were used to from Cam at the time (although having said that, his Titan covers were glorious).  On the subject of other Cam work, did you ever pick up The Outcasts, Johnny?

(12-issue run from DC, starting in 1987 - Wagner, Grant, Kennedy...)


Lovely man - and he does a lot of care in the community work too!


Is Cam trying the Vulcan Death Grip on Pete there?


Looks like he is about to jab Pete in the ear with his pen.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

Steve Green

Pete's ready for any attack - see the way he's holding his fist - that's the famed Pete Wells' Block...


Is Gav the illegitimate son of Ronnie Drew?



Outcasts is great, I'm sure it was written for 2000 AD, includies Fatties and everything!

Where can we buy this book from then?
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


Mine turned up Friday.

Excellent, excellent work. As I've said elsewhere Cam's command of light and shadow combined with his design sense is just a joy to look at.

Note to other 2000ad artists: More of this sort of thing, please! We fans like nothing more than a glimpse behind the scenes and getting things professionally printed is easy in this day and age.
"Trust we"