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Started by a chosen rider, 12 July, 2012, 11:37:29 AM

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Also, I don't like that the Raid instantly gets the favour, most likely due to it being low budget and foreign (and released first). Yes it was a good film, but the fight scenes were irritatingly long. It is an over hyped film. What I am enjoying seeing with Dredd is that everyone seems really surprised it is good, which works better for positive buzz I think.


Yeah, The Raid is a great little film, but somewhat overhyped. There is some great choreography in the fight scenes, but as I said it's very much a martial arts movie - that sort of highly-staged action would have been completely out of place in Dredd - I really don't think the direct comparison between the two stands up.


Hollywood Reporter review is in. And they likee!!

This is great stuff. The kind of reviews it needs to get bums on seats...
"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


it surprises me that everyone who has anything to say about the dredd movie automatically compares it to the Raid, it would seem that the entire internet and main stream press have seen it.. which is weird for a film that only took  4 million at the US box office and i imagine considerably less in the UK

one would think they have 'heard' is was like the Raid and just perpetuated it

It Could Be That The Sole Purpose Of Your Life Is To Serve As A Warning To Others


Relatively speaking, The Raid was a blockbuster by arthouse/independent standards. And chances are most critics did see it, in fairness.

It's not the worst thing in the world. It might actually convince a lot of people who loved The Raid to check out Dredd, or convince people who missed The Raid to check out Dredd instead.  :P

That Hollywood Reported review is great, very balanced with a lot of constructive criticisms and the writer seems to have actually done a bit of research into the source material. Comparisons to Die Hard, District 9 and 28 Days Later... sounds good to me!


Quote from: blackmocco on 02 September, 2012, 09:58:39 PM
Hollywood Reporter review is in. And they likee!!

This is great stuff. The kind of reviews it needs to get bums on seats...

Ace! Though [spoiler]the bit where they say that Anderson not having a helmet is a plot hole isn't actually correct.[/spoiler]


Well... [spoiler]it calls it a 'contrivance'... which it kinda is, it's dealt with, but the explanation given  doesn't convince this reviewer who chooses to believe that the 'real' reason for Anderson's bare noggin is to give the audience Anderson's face to look at. They have a point I guess, and yet they miss the point:  that point being it's only a film.[/spoiler]


"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


Cnet liked it, kinda. The real highlight of this one is that everyone's favorite critic from these boards has posted his opinion about a movie he hasn't seen yet in the comments section.
"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


Don't know if covered already but Mark Kermode is watching the film today

@KermodeMovie: Morning. Today's screening highlights include Dredd 3D (surely 'Dreddd'?) and Anna Karenina. Off we go ...
"We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid." ― Christopher Hitchens


Today must be embargo day - Den of Geek review is going up later.


Amazing stuff, the good reviews keep on coming. I didn't dare to dream it would get quite this strong a critical reception. How many does it need to be certified fresh on RT?