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The 3rd Strontium Dog files, a good start?

Started by Apestrife, 16 July, 2012, 08:59:07 PM

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I'v read some about Strontium Dog, and checked some preview pages and what not, and I was thinking that this looks like a book with some good fun in it.
But I was thinking of starting with one book. And based on reviews, the third one seems to pack some good story (vikings, helicopters and epic revenge.).

So is that a good start?

I'v read that the first book is a bit like the Dredd files, good one offs but no epics. The second one got some good reviews and looks interesting to, where Johnny becomes a revolutionary leader, but still not up there sci fi-western wise as having vikings and drokkin helicopters on the same page!!

Greg M.

For me, second collection's the best starting point, but last time we had this discussion, most round these parts said to go straight in at no. 1. There's certainly an epic in Bk 1 all right - 'Journey Into Hell', which is utterly wonderful in every hallucinogenic Satan-crazed way. Besides, you won't get the benefit of the vikings / helicopters story without getting to know Wulf a bit first. The first S/D book is definitely far better than the first Dredd. Bk 2, to me, is the one where it all really takes off ('The Moses Incident' and 'Outlaw' - oh boy, I envy anyone who has those beauties in his imminent first-time reading future! Oh, and 'Portrait of a Mutant', obviously.)

Dark Jimbo

I'd concur - volume II is a much better starting point, as it's got the origins of Johnny and the S/D agency; ideally though just read all of 'em in order. Volume I doesn't really have any 'bad' stories as such, although the repro quality on the Starlord tales is pretty ropey.


Also that "epic revenge" isn't so epic if you haven't come to know the characters.


It'll be a tough gamble between the two, and who knows -could buy both ;)

I'v already read that Johnny tells Max some bad ass words before effing him (it's hard not to come by spoilers on the internets...) but still, I'd really like to read it. Johnny seems like a damn charismatic character and Wulf seems like good fun, and a fine character to avenge.

But let's say I'll start of with 2,3 or both, the first one seems to be quite good. But the fourth one then? I'v read that it lacks a bit since there's no Wulf. And the end of Johnny (the internets took that away from me too obviously  :lol:) isn't as great as it should have been?


Quote from: Dandontdare on 16 July, 2012, 09:32:20 PM
Also that "epic revenge" isn't so epic if you haven't come to know the characters.

You sure? I think Sternhammer is just like norweigans are in general. And I "know" a quite few of those ;)

Greg M.

Quote from: Borntohula on 16 July, 2012, 09:35:04 PMBut the fourth one then? I'v read that it lacks a bit since there's no Wulf. And the end of Johnny (the internets took that away from me too obviously  :lol:) isn't as great as it should have been?

Well, the end of Johnny's not till the book after. Personally, I really like the way the strip opens up post-Wulf to further accomodate other partners for Alpha - the 'Strontium Dog Team-Up' format could've been one the strip ran with more than it actually ends up doing (in practice, if Johnny's not solo, he's working with either Middenface or Durham Red, both of whom, of course, make for great partners, but there was loads of mileage in the idea of rotating the 'other' Dog around.)


Ohhhhhh, start with the first volume. It's not like there's a massive difference in the complexity of the storytelling between the very first Starlord episode and the final part of 'The Final Solution'- or indeed right up to 'The Life and Death...'. Carlos's art is magnificent from the get-go- and if anything, a touch better in those early Starlord stories than it was when it jumped over to 2000AD. maybe he was getting paid a bit more per page, I dunno.

In short, all of Strontium Dog is worth reading. It's one of the best comic strips in British comics history. And there's not absolutely masses of it- like with Dredd or Dan Dare- so it's easily readable in its entirety over a relatively short period of time.


Jared Katooie

I'd start at the beginning, although...

This isn't a popular opinion, but personally I think the post-reboot stories are considerably better than the originals. The Kreelman Conspiracy is top-notch stuff and leads into a whole bunch of other excellent tales, featuring (for my money) some of the best art Carlos has ever done.

But if we're talking about the original series - start at the beginning. Volume 1 baby.


James Stacey

Quote from: IndigoPrime on 17 July, 2012, 01:17:09 AM
Agreed. Buy them all, and read them in order.
Although that page hasn't been updated and is no longer 'them all'

Dark Jimbo



Quote from: James Stacey on 17 July, 2012, 11:38:42 AMAlthough that page hasn't been updated and is no longer 'them all'
I know—it's on my to-do list today.


I've got all the originals series now having only bought volume 4 at the last Souther jaunt to FP.

I mostly read them in order. I say 'mostly' because I actually bought and read The Final Solution first due to the fact that The Life and Death.... was about to start in the Prog and I wanted background for that.. if that makes sense. Then I read volumes 1-4.

I'd go with 'read them in order' though.

I've yet to get The Kreeler Conspiracy onwards apart from the last two which I read in the Prog. I think I might eventually get them too for completeness sake.


Start anywhere. They're all brilliant  :P

Vol. 3 is as good a place as any to start though.