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dreams wtf?

Started by mogzilla, 07 August, 2012, 10:58:09 AM

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I had a weird dream that my thumb* just broke off a couple of days back. It didn't hurt at all, but I could have done without the nasty detail. I put it back on - not with glue just allowing for body moisture to keep it in place... yuck - and it did sort of work, although it was still two pieces stuck together rather than whole - then I woke up.

Now... despite being awake and being aware it was just a dream and that my thumb* was still firmly attached to my hand...** I had an urge to have a look to check all was still in place. I didn't, and the urge didn't last long but yeah. Odd.

It reminds me of horrible dreams I had as a kid where my fingers would break off as I was eating something and they'd get mixed up in the food and... well, chomp. Ick.

I had a  rather boring dream this morning too. (This was on waking up to my alarm, then turning over and dropping off again only to find myself running rather late...) I won't bother describing it but it's interesting that after stating earlier that I rarely have dreams that I remember, I suddenly have two dreams that I remember...

I have noticed these seem to happen, not so much from waking up from a night's sleep but if I snooze or have a light sleep.

*[spoiler]I say 'thumb'... that's the word I'm sticking with. It was much bigger than my real thumb, I have to admit.[/spoiler]

**[spoiler]I say 'hand'... etc, etc.[/spoiler]



Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 28 January, 2014, 11:00:44 PM
Was it a tentacle?

Yes indeed. Soon my mission will be at its end and my brethren will arise from their watery abyss and the reign of humanity will come to an end! WUAHAAHAA! (Cough! Drat, there goes another one...)


It's 2:59am Monday morning. I just woke up after the most crazy dream in a while.

Me and Rincewind the wizard were in this huge mansion. It was bucketing it down outside. And he was trying to keep me safe from death. I remember seeing death riding around the street further down on a pushbike
(not your average pushbike mind you) Last bit I remember he was barging past me to get outside and I remember saying something along the lines of "if I die we both die" and then he was stood outside in the rain with me in the main room watching him.

And before bed I was reading Sin Dex! I've not read a Discworld book in ages, so who knows what that was all about.



Quote from: Tombo on 02 February, 2014, 02:23:42 PM

I was considering that but wasn't sure if anyone would get it :D

judda fett

I saw the birth of a star last night which was quite nice though I'm sure it wasn't formed using conventional physics.

I have a recurring dream that I'm at a high point above a town looking out on a starry night sky when I notice some of the stars start to move (little dots of light). When I realise these are UFO's the UFO's become aware that I can see them and start to head towards me at speed. At this point I run to the nearest subway and hide. No idea what that's all about.

Also I can't read this thread title without putting it to Gabriel's song of nearly the same name.


Quote from: GrinningChimera on 02 February, 2014, 02:28:21 PM
Quote from: Tombo on 02 February, 2014, 02:23:42 PM

I was considering that but wasn't sure if anyone would get it :D

How could we not?! It was sewn into his bloody hat!! ;)


Dreamt last night someone at work placed a notice on intranet that there will be a birthday celebration for me with nibbles. Only two people turned up. Was very embarrassing.

Actually that was based on someone at work asking me the day before when my birthday is. I wouldn't say as I hate those mini celebrations when people stop working, gather round, eat crisps and you are expected to make a mini speech.

It does surprise me how one passing comment made in the day, or one thing I might notice, results in an entire dream.


Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 02 February, 2014, 03:43:03 PM
How could we not?! It was sewn into his bloody hat!! ;)

I guess for a moment it slipped my mind that I'm on a forum full of nerds, geeks, freaks and social misfits. Discworlds target audience really :P (no offense meant)


Last night, I dreamt I was Jesus. 

Yes yes, I know you always suspected that was what basically was going on in here, but this was the Jesus from Last Temptation of Christ (the Scorsese film version, not the Kazantzakis original).  There I was, implausibly looking like Wilhem Dafoe, guiltily skiving from the cross, hiding out in a rock-carved sofa-equipped bunker under Jerusalem playing house with Mary Magdalene (here played by a young Sally Fields), all the time being pursued by the relentless Boba Fett (potrayed by an ageing Jeremy Bulloch as I had last seen him at a con), in the pay of Belloq from Raiders.  After a brief shoot out, Gidget Mary and I fled across the desert to San Diego, where we got jobs working in an aquarium and changed our names.

Never eating the sister-in-law's blueberry carrot cake again.


^The Da Vinci Code prequel.^


Quote from: TordelBack on 17 February, 2014, 01:32:33 PM

Never eating the sister-in-law's blueberry carrot cake again.

That dream sounds like an awesome reason to eat more of it!!

The Doctor Alt 8

Sounds like there were more than just blueberries in it....

Third Estate Ned

I'm quite pleased that after reading more about what people have said here, I now know something disturbing that happens to me is a fairly run-of-the-mill phenomenon.

My mum says when I was small I used to complain of an old man who would sit on the end of the bed, so I guess Sleep Paralysis might explain that too.

Thanks board.