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Least favorite part...

Started by orinAGN, 01 October, 2012, 04:30:21 PM

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I've seen lots of topics for general discussion, and topics for praise.

So, I thought I'd go for something different.

What was your least favorite part/aspect/scene/moment of the film?


Just saying: threads like this rarely end well.

If there's something you didn't like, just say so on the main thread.


Quote from: radiator on 01 October, 2012, 04:31:58 PM
Just saying: threads like this rarely end well.

If there's something you didn't like, just say so on the main thread.

Main thread, of what?  This is the thread for Film Discussion.  Why shouldn't it be posted here?

And why would it not end well?
No movie is perfect. This film is no exception.
I love, love, LOVE this movie.  But that doesn't make it immune to criticism.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: orinAGN on 01 October, 2012, 04:36:41 PM
And why would it not end well?

A thread like this could just start a flame war. On the other hand it might act as containment for people that just want to troll.

I'm not for one minute suggesting this movie is perfect and is immune to criticism, but this is the internet, and you don't really need to encourage negativity.

You may quote me on that.



My popcorn was a bit stale.

Yeah, that's about it....


Quote from: pops1983 on 01 October, 2012, 04:46:25 PM
A thread like this could just start a flame war. On the other hand it might act as containment for people that just want to troll.

I'm not for one minute suggesting this movie is perfect and is immune to criticism, but this is the internet, and you don't really need to encourage negativity.

I have no intentions of starting a flame war.
I also sincerely hope this doesn't become a Troll-home.

I honestly just wanted to start a new discussion that hadn't been brought up yet.

I'm a professional critic.  I loved this movie.
Praised the hell out of the acting, the costume design, the characterization, the premise, the execution.
Said the film was a truly fantastic science-fiction action film that combines the graphic violence and elements of dark humor of RoboCop with the grim, gritty atmosphere of Dirty Harry.
Went on to say that the score is a pulsing, electronic, distorted, beat-filled score reminiscent of Lalo Schifrin (Bullitt, Dirty Harry), John Carpenter (Escape from New York), and most notably Barry De Vorzon (The Warriors). It's never too little or too much, always emphasizing the action on screen and never hindering or overpowering it.
Gave the film a 9 out of 10!

But it's not perfect.
Two complaints:
1) While I love a lot of the slow motion, and LOVE that they managed to work it into the plot, the film still manages to overuse the slow-motion.
The first two times the viewer encounters Slo-mo are amazing. Seeing the wind rush by and sweep along the interior of the car, and then again as Ma-Ma splashes in her bathtub, is quite breathtaking. However, the rest of the film overdoes it, where a few moments of slow-motion interspersed with regular speed to depict the action would have been much more effective, the scenes in question just drag on far too long.

For instance, Ma-Ma's fall.
Instead of showing the entirely long and drawn out moment happen in slow-motion, it would have been much more effective and had more of an impact if the film had shown the fall in slow-motion to start, but then switched to regular speed to show the velocity and finality of the situation.

2) While I loved the majority of the violence, and especially it's graphic nature, there are a few moments where it just goes on for too long or becomes too over the top, and devolves into pointless, gratuitous gore.
A) The Slo-Mo den bust.  Bullets ripping through mouths.  Just sort of pandering.  And when you see gratuitous violence like that, it just loses its impact.
B) Flashing to the skinning imagery like 4 times during the film. Pointless and unnecessary.

You said: "I'm not for one minute suggesting this movie is perfect and is immune to criticism"...

So, what's your criticism then?


You have never felt pain until you've trodden barefoot on an upturned lego brick..


Threads that focus on negativity "worst comic artist" etc etc only serve to bring out the worst in people and whether you like it or not are open invitations for people to get nasty and personal. I don't doubt your intentions, but trust me - this is not a good idea.

QuoteMain thread, of what?  This is the thread for Film Discussion.  Why shouldn't it be posted here?

Why start a whole new thread? Aren't there enough dedicated movie threads already (some would argue too many)? By 'main thread' I mean the main movie thread about the film ('Dredd Reviews (Spoilers)') or whatever it's called. If there's something you didn't like about the film, say so there. That way the discussion remains balanced.


Quote from: radiator on 01 October, 2012, 05:31:57 PM
By 'main thread' I mean the main movie thread about the film ('Dredd Reviews (Spoilers)') or whatever it's called. If there's something you didn't like about the film, say so there. That way the discussion remains balanced.

It won't remain balanced.
It'll get glossed over.  Or marginalized, trivialized, etc.
Or it'll get shunned. 

QuoteI don't doubt your intentions, but trust me - this is not a good idea.

I'm glad you don't doubt my intent.  I appreciate that.
But the only way this seems like a bad idea, to me, is that no one seems to want to say anything negative about it.  Or that I've seemingly been discouraged from making a thread like this at all. 

I'm not here to ruffle feathers, or start fights. Just to discuss things with other fans.
I know "fan" is short for "fanatic", but nothing is all good.  There are bad aspects.  Blinders are not helpful to anyone for any subject for any reason.

Sorry, if that came across as antagonistic.
I'm reading it over, and I worry that it could be perceived that way. 
I'm just feeling slightly defensive that this thread, that I had hopes for, seems to be quite the bust.


Its all gone swimmingly so far hasn't it?

Worst Part - that tomorrow nights showing will likely be my last in the Big Screen.

(I think we need to convince CF to buy the Cinema.)
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd


Quote from: BPP on 01 October, 2012, 05:48:47 PM
Its all gone swimmingly so far hasn't it?

Worst Part - that tomorrow nights showing will likely be my last in the Big Screen.

(I think we need to convince CF to buy the Cinema.)

Or at least a print or two..
You have never felt pain until you've trodden barefoot on an upturned lego brick..


Quote from: BPP on 01 October, 2012, 05:48:47 PM
Its all gone swimmingly so far hasn't it?

Yep.  Just peachy.  Lemme tell ya.
Goin' so well, I wrote a little song about it.  Here it goes... there it went.


I've bought the trailer, so I just need a projector now. Sorry for the thread drift!


Quote from: orinAGN on 01 October, 2012, 04:30:21 PM
I've seen lots of topics for general discussion, and topics for praise.

So, I thought I'd go for something different.

What was your least favorite part/aspect/scene/moment of the film?

When it ended!  :(
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

von Boom

The fade to black after 1.35 of awesome.