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Stuff you really should love, but just don't...

Started by mygrimmbrother, 19 October, 2012, 03:48:15 PM

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Quote from: Dandontdare on 19 October, 2012, 10:29:40 PM
Yes yes yes on Radiohead, but I'm afraid Albion is dead to me.

But my vote is for Velvet Underground/Lou Reed - I love everything before/after/around/influenced by this coolest of bands, but their actual music does nothing for me, apart from Venus in Furs, which is so cool.

Sorry dandontdare, and we got on so well at Hi-Ex.  :( Not only do I not like Dylan but I love the Velvet Underground and Lou Reed!

Totally agree on Radiohead. Can't stand 'em.
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side.


actually, I was unfair, cos I can appreciate why people don't like Dylan. His voice is ... um ... unique, he can be a cock in interviews, and he never gives the audience what they want live; BUT ... he's a poet, and a bloody genius one.

Saw him at the MEN arena a few years ago and it was shit - I could only tell which of the tiny figures on stage was Bob by the fact that he had a Big Hat. Every song was sung in the same rhythm/melody, so you had to try to grasp a word or phrase to work out what song you were listening to.


Quote from: Albion on 19 October, 2012, 10:48:33 PM...I love the Velvet Underground and Lou Reed!

Damnit, I'll have to de-ignore you now.


Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side.



Everyone tells me that Facebook and celery are good. Both the work of the devil if you ask me....


Most Tim Burton films.

Though perhaps those should be classed under 'stuff that should be good but just isn't'.


Judge Fish

Marvel and the greater Marvel Universe
Paul Thomas Anderson's films, particularly Boogie Nights, Hard Eight, and Punchdrunk Love
Every Wes Anderson film after Bottle Rocket
Tarantino's Death Proof
Both versions of The Office
Online gaming
The Dune series
Whedon's Dollhouse
The Incredibles
Wallace and Gromit

I'll get my coat...



Tarantino films....I first saw pulp fiction and thought it was truly brilliant. I have yet to see another of his films I liked. He's great at scenes (opening scene of inglorious was superb) but he just loses the plot when it comes to whole ideas and films in my opinion.

judge spin offs...Cal hab, Sino cit, brit cit. They just make me cringe. My love of Dredd should mean I love them all but I loathe all of them. When I see a Dredd strip with them in (like emerald isle or crusade) I just can't read them. NOTE: the exception to the rule is East Meg.

The expendables. I love cheesy 80s action, I love modern action but these are just so dull and self-referential it drives me to distraction. I was bored in the first and the second learned none of the lessons from the first's mistakes and decided to put more stars in smaller roles and make jokes about the films they've been in. hilarious. Mrs likes it though.
I could go on all day, but I won't.

Charlie boy

Quote from: Dandontdare on 19 October, 2012, 10:57:37 PM
actually, I was unfair, cos I can appreciate why people don't like Dylan. His voice is ... um ... unique, he can be a cock in interviews, and he never gives the audience what they want live; BUT ... he's a poet, and a bloody genius one.
Saw him at the MEN arena a few years ago and it was shit - I could only tell which of the tiny figures on stage was Bob by the fact that he had a Big Hat. Every song was sung in the same rhythm/melody, so you had to try to grasp a word or phrase to work out what song you were listening to.
My brother is a huge Dylan fan and saw him at the MEN some years back; he said the show was pretty poor but one of his big grumbles was Dylan sat at a piano throughout the whole gig.

Quote from: auxlen on 20 October, 2012, 09:56:27 AM
Tarantino films....I first saw pulp fiction and thought it was truly brilliant. I have yet to see another of his films I liked. He's great at scenes (opening scene of inglorious was superb) but he just loses the plot when it comes to whole ideas and films in my opinion.
The expendables. I love cheesy 80s action, I love modern action but these are just so dull and self-referential it drives me to distraction. I was bored in the first and the second learned none of the lessons from the first's mistakes and decided to put more stars in smaller roles and make jokes about the films they've been in. hilarious. Mrs likes it though.
I could go on all day, but I won't.
I don't like Pulp Fiction. Never have and reading the whole back-story of it and how ruthless Tarantino was in Peter Biskind's Easy Riders, Raging Bulls made me dislike it all the more. As for Expendables, I'm unable to watch it (and its sequel) due to Jason Statham. Absolutely can't stand him. If Danny Dyer of all people was in it I'd probably watch it cos at least I can watch Dyer and laugh at him, but Statham...


Sonic Youth. I love a lot of music that is often lumped in the same category as SY and Amazon keep recommending them to me but I find them boring - not actually bad but just not of any interest to me.

Charlie boy

The problem with Sonic Youth is one you'll find with any band with such a history and so many offerings; they've done great albums, they've done really average albums and they've done really poor albums. You just have to be careful with what you get, mate.

Modern Panther

Lager.  Having been spoilt by having a local that served proper ales, most brands now just taste of chemicals. 

Also, spirits diluted with sugary soft drinks.  Someone went to a lot of effort to distill that whisky- if your not going to appreciate the taste, then stick to your alcopops.

Superhero films.  Smart phones.  Pandas. I flipping hate pandas.

I, Cosh

Quote from: Charlie boy on 20 October, 2012, 12:04:45 PM
My brother is a huge Dylan fan and saw him at the MEN some years back; he said the show was pretty poor but one of his big grumbles was Dylan sat at a piano throughout the whole gig.
Sadly, Dylan is now quite badly arthritic so playing the guitar is extremely painful while plonking a couple of chords on the old (visions of) joanna isn't.

I saw him at the NEC with my parents in 1986 and he was absolute horseshit then again at the SECC five or six years ago and he was pretty damned great, even though it was probably the same tour you mention and pretty piano-centric.
We never really die.