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Started by Judge Hollingdale, 20 November, 2012, 04:20:09 PM

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Steve Green

Best of luck with the re-jig, Oliver.

Kudos for taking criticism on-board.




Enjoyed  watching Episode 2.  Stunning Visuals, I especially liked how some the Mega Blocks had their shapes altered to reflect the Comic look. Great to see a Brit Cit Judge in the Big Meg.  Agree that some minor tweeks are needed, the android voice was a bit overbearing.  Do you 'Swim' made me laugh out loud.  Keep you the good work chaps.   :cool:

Bad City Blue

After part one I wasn't expecting much, but this was a great improvement. Sure, there are flaws, but there are many positives as well.

Acting wise, there's still plenty of wood. the Chief Judge lady was almost comatose and the ex soldier was terrible. Brit Cit boy was good, though, and I really enjoyed the droid as well.

Good effects, but the wheelie bin alley was a poor location, as was the office conference room. Both could have been played with to make them fit better. Why a judge would sit at a computer in full uniform was very odd (no way he could type with those gloves on).

It did drag quite a bit, and I understand when you edit them all together you will take advice and lose bits.

I like the idea of the nature area, allowing you to film scenes in the forest and fields.
Writer of SENTINEL, the best little indie out there


Quote from: Bad City Blue on 13 May, 2014, 03:38:38 PM

Good effects, but the wheelie bin alley was a poor location, as was the office conference room. Both could have been played with to make them fit better. Why a judge would sit at a computer in full uniform was very odd (no way he could type with those gloves on).

To be fair, it happens in the prog all the time.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: The Bissler on 27 April, 2014, 06:51:43 PM
Script: in general it did seem better than episode 1 although I do really wish you would let one of the fans take a look at it before filming.  The business of the judge telling his superior really jarred with me as did one or two other minor things.  I appreciate though that there were some really good references to things we are familiar with in the JD comics so definite thumbs up for that!

Don't want to jump on as another voice of CE but would like to point out I came on board very late in this last episode as script editor and probably a good 50% or more had been filmed already and would have been too costly in time and money to reshoot at that stage (what with being a zero budget project and all)

I personally have been reading Dredd since around 1980 so have got a fairly healthy knowledge and respect for the subject matter, tho I also can appreciate it's neither a comic book Dredd universe nor a movie based Dredd universe. It's the combination of the two with a bit of personality thrown in so we may well bend the rules slightly when needed.

I would also say that what happens in one episode that seems out of place may well be explained in another episode - ie loads of people jumping on saying how ridiculous that theres a forest in MC1 before seeing how the story pans out with the GEO...

Overall I'm really proud to be involved with a growing crew of contributors who love Dredd and are giving it their best shot whilst learning a lot about the process of film making and (hopefuly) improving each episode as it goes.

I'll shut up now :D

props, scribbles and fiddle-aboutery -


Episode (Prog?) 2 has lots of problems which I doubt can be 'saved in the edit'. Mainly, it's all to do with the script.

If you're going to edit them all together, I would suggest you consider who is the protagonist. What is their goal and where is their arc? Why are there umpteen Judges when there are no characteristic distinctions between them (and they're all basically Dredd). You should just stick with one or two so we can follow their journey.

Also, consider a classic three act structure - ie. 1. Status quo / 2. Conflict / 3. Resolution - as otherwise there is no momentum to drive things forward.

It seems to me that the effectiveness of both these first two episodes has mainly suffered because the scripts have simply not been good enough. You should make a film to bring a script to life - not the other way around.

And to be a good writer you need to be a good editor - don't just go with the first draft, but edit, edit, edit. Abandon huge swathes between drafts if you have to - it's all about the process.

Finally, at the end of the new episode, if I was looking for a murderer in some kind of holographic projection of a forest, I'd just turn the projector off.


Totally agree! without a story arc there is no story!

A quick note..the GEO is not a hologram, It stands for Genetically Engineered Oasis.
As Judge Eames says :- "Mega-city one Tek Division have terraformed a secure area that has sprouted non irradiated vegetation"
props, scribbles and fiddle-aboutery -


Quote from: strangelysaucy on 22 May, 2014, 01:09:40 PM
As Judge Eames says :- "Mega-city one Tek Division have terraformed a secure area that has sprouted non irradiated vegetation planted some trees."

FTFY. Beware tech-speak for tech-speak's sake...


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


props, scribbles and fiddle-aboutery -

Judge Hollingdale

To all fans in the states! Cursed Edge/Deep End are doing a panel at Wizard World in Philadelphia!
Be great to see you there!

Cursed Edge Panel (2-2:45 in Room 107)
DREDD : Cursed Edge/Deep End Film Panel

Together Brothers Productions and Sunnymeade Films present from the hit web UK series , "The Cursed Edge" . We proud to present the Wizard World debut of the spin off US series, "The Deep End".
Hosted by Eric The Smoke Moran and Kurt Sturss, There will be an introduction to the Cursed Edge series followed by The Deep End debut , the making of Cursed Edge/Deep End and a Q&A with the cast.


Did Judge Minty ever get shown at Wizard World?
It's a joke. I was joking.

Steve Green

I don't think so - there were a couple of US showings, but pretty sure WW wasn't one of them.


This renewed media onslaught seems somewhat at odds with the honorable, articulate and contritional video posted after episode 2. Wouldn't it be best to wait until problems with the films have been addressed before pushing them to new audiences?

I also continue to find it a huge shame that Judge Hollingdale continues to decline to properly engage with the many fine people here - either on this thread, or upon the board at large.

We've followed his progress for nearly 18 months (just as he asked us to), we've watched his latest film (giving up considerable time) and we gave him some feedback (as requested). A reply would be nice, rather than just more crass adverts.

Anyway, presenting at a Con in Philadelphia sounds like a very exciting event - I hope the team have a great time.


Quote from: Banners on 29 May, 2014, 12:21:54 PM
I also continue to find it a huge shame that Judge Hollingdale continues to decline to properly engage with the many fine people here - either on this thread, or upon the board at large

Don't see why. He's just a guy making something vaguely related (very vaguely related) to 2000ad, no different to someone making their own judge's helmet or painting a Nemesis mural on a community centre wall. He's using his own time, money, and materials, and he doesn't owe anyone here a thing.

All he's doing on this thread is updating whoever may be interested in the progress of his efforts, exactly like someone charting their Attempts At The Sample Scripts on the thread of the same name. The only folk who respond to updates on that thread are generally other aspiring creatives, offering constructive criticism. I've certainly never seen anyone's sample pages accused of making Judge Dredd look bad - even when their wonky drawing does literally make Judge Dredd look bad.