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Is there some significance to Atlantic Towers block...?

Started by blackmocco, 11 January, 2013, 02:44:29 AM

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When Dredd and Anderson end up out on the skateboard park/ledge, Anderson looks hard at Atlantic Towers and there's a hint of her theme on the music score. Thought I remember Garland saying there was some importance to the block's name in an interview. Is it supposed to be the block she grew up in...?
"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


Funny. There's an 'Atlantic Tower' in Liverpool so it Kinda raised a chuckle. Not sure if there's any significance to it though.


Quote from: blackmocco on 11 January, 2013, 02:44:29 AM
When Dredd and Anderson end up out on the skateboard park/ledge, Anderson looks hard at Atlantic Towers and there's a hint of her theme on the music score. Thought I remember Garland saying there was some importance to the block's name in an interview. Is it supposed to be the block she grew up in...?

I remember reading that too, in fact didn't he say it should be obvious what the significance of that name was to anyone who saw the film? I've tried thinking about it, and I've tried not thinking about it in the hope that my subconscious does the hard work for me, but nothing's bubbled up so far.

Thanks for posting the topic, blackmocco, I'm such a stubborn bugger I would have been wondering about that for decades before I consulted The Hivemind - but I suppose that's exactly what this forum's for.


Ignore my last post. Alex Garland, on this very forum:

"Apart from Peach Trees and Sternhammer, most of the block names are named after artists and writers of 2000AD, one with a horrifically embarrassing typo.  One block was named after Tom Frame, for reasons you will all understand.  I called one block Elysium, as a nod to the follow-up toBlomkamp's District 9, because District 9 helped us get Dredd made, and was a brilliant movie besides.  A couple of blocks are named after friends.  And there was also a block (Atlantic Towers) which was chosen as a deliberately neutral and non-distracting name, because of the particular shot it appears in"


Ah. Well, it would have been a stretch had it been her old home but one of the nice things about having such a pared down movie is there's a lot of ambiguity about some things.

"...and it was here in this blighted place, he learned to live again."


Peas sell. But who's Brian?
