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Prog 1821: 36 Zarjaz Years

Started by JamesC, 23 February, 2013, 12:21:15 PM

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Nobody got this yet?

Very old school cover by Bolland. It's nice but Looks a bit dated to me.

Dredd was good. Dredd's voice seems very Wagner like and authentic but I'm not sure Hershey's deal was in character.

Savage continues much as it has - lots of political messages this week. I really enjoy this strip and can't wait to see what happens to Quartz once our Bill gets hold of him.

I'm skipping Ampney and Red Seas. I've given both strips a chance but neither hold my interest.

Strontium Dog was ace but just have things have gotten hot the strip's taking a break again. Frustrating!

All in all not a bad prog but I'm looking forward to Ampney and Red Seas making way for other strips which are more to my taste.


Personally I am suffering from a dose of TPO. The last page of Stront is just astounding. I've loved the slow build of pressure in the strip leading to the last few weeks but the last page just tipped me over the edge.

Taryn Tailz

I'm suffering from a lack of a tag line in the thread title.

Grant Goggans

Wait, Stronty "ends" this week?  I thought for sure that Savage would - those are usually ten episodes a story - but it continues?


Quote from: Bolt-01 on 23 February, 2013, 12:46:48 PM
Personally I am suffering from a dose of TPO. The last page of Stront is just astounding. I've loved the slow build of pressure in the strip leading to the last few weeks but the last page just tipped me over the edge.

No fucking wonder, just read it to see if you'd comment :-) is this a first where a 2000AD fan fiction character has made it into the main publication? I had a huge grin on my face mainly from wondering what your face would look like...

Colin YNWA

Fantastic stuff. The cover is fantastic if a bit generic, Strontium Dog has an absolutely blistering finale, can't wait for this to return. Red Seas and Ampney really chank things towards their respective conclusions. Enjoyed Savage but this is beginning to feel like a book all about setting up a bit of a change in direction rather than having an purpose of its own.

Dredd is good but bugged me on two counts. Firstly I'm not convinced about the deal to [spoiler]ship the citizens of sov origin out for food[/spoiler]. Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that, but really???? Second I do like Andrew Currie's art but come on can he please drew Hershey as an adult. For some reason that really got to me this week?

Small complaints in an otherwise great Prog.


Larf- Whistler was previously seen in the BG when Feral was on the doghouse during the opening story of the Life and Death but that was a photoshop of one of my pics. This time, however...

Biggest thing for me is that it kinda makes so many stories from Dogbreath canon... sort of.

W. R. Logan

is this a first where a 2000AD fan fiction character has made it into the main publication?

Ishmael from CO'79 has appeared in Dredd strip and on a cover.


Anyone else thinking Daddy Crucis is [spoiler]Jack Dancer[/spoiler]?

On a sub note Red sea's is firing on all cylinders at the moment. I will sorely miss this once it has finished.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.

I, Cosh

Quote from: vzzbux on 23 February, 2013, 05:59:25 PM
Anyone else thinking Daddy Crucis is [spoiler]Jack Dancer[/spoiler]?
Not that exactly but I do think it's no coincidence that the bearded Crucis pater appears to be living in a very similar dino-infested jungle to the one where we last saw Prof Dancer senior.

Also, Captain Jack's old flame is still on Mars.
We never really die.


Nah, I reckon that Crucis' Dad is actually Sticklebacks child with the Oriental lady. Of course the real question there is who is Stickleback. I think he is one of our pirate friends but which one?


Heh, that's great. Good on you, Bolt!


Utterly great cover this week. Great to see Bollard doing a cover for 2000AD again. It's been a long time.

I can't say I agree with the chief Judge's solution to the current Sov citizen problem. [spoiler]You start sending people away just because of their ancestry and its a slippery slope. Who would be next? Those with Sino ancestry? Hondo ancestry? Cal-Hab ancestry? And what about the colonies in space, why can't they send help and food to Mega-City One? There has to be a better way than this to get some food.[/spoiler]

I'm seeing a lot more character development in this episode of Savage. It's ironic that both sides are starting to agree that even though they are fighting each other, they're both being controlled by others. It's very much the conclusion I drew from the last ABC Warriors story.

What in the hell just happened in Crucis????

Red Seas - I just want to say that this week's last panel was bloody brilliant!

Strontium Dog - ends on a high note. Great art and great story. Got to say though, I was surprised to see Ezquerra of all people drawing the killing of a norm with such gore. Not something I've come to equate with his art, but it made the panel all the more powerful for it. I hope Alpha's last words were said in anger [spoiler]Not all the norms in Britain want to exterminate the mutants. If they did, there would have been no need for deception. I hope Johnny can see this over time.[/spoiler]

All in all, a great prog, I really enjoyed.

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: McNulty on 23 February, 2013, 11:00:46 PM
I can't say I agree with the Chief Judge's solution to the current Sov citizen problem. [spoiler]You start sending people away just because of their ancestry and its a slippery slope. Who would be next? Those with Sino ancestry? Hondo ancestry? Cal-Hab ancestry?[/spoiler]

Next thing you know they'll be operating a 'genetic purity' kick and excluding anyone defined as a mutant from the city...


 Couldn't get online yesterday to comment about the latest prog, so here goes.

What a surprise theres a letters page this week .

My letter got printed !!!!!   :D   

Will read the prog later after I read through my Grahic novel I recieved from ol' Tharg. the newly released INDIGO PRIME>   :)

and a Brit-Cit judge figure.