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Started by JUDGE BURNS, 30 March, 2013, 10:56:11 AM

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Oh, Kim Newman aka Jack Yeovil. I understand now.
I'm a tucker hot seat trucker and I'm voking cheerio, ten-ten!

Dan Banks

Part 3 of my back issue odyssey.


Pretty cool indeed. Looks like this new Dredd tale and villain should be pretty interesting. Loving the visual pun on the word disappear as well, simple pleasures.

Droid Life

Good fun this. A nice little bonus atop all the regular thrills. I know Tharg has to put adverts someplace but I'd approve of seeing as many of these little gags in that space as possible.


A decent start to this new tale. It's a little confusing but I imagine it'll read much better as a whole. It doesn't help that people are legitimately disappearing within the story and Hamida has a sort of semi-dream sequence where all the people around her disappear. Still, Hamida seems pretty interesting and after the all out action of 'Cypher', the more cerebral style of 'Suicide Watch' is a welcome switch.


Bit of a wordy follow-up to last weeks aerial action. 3 weeks of set-up seems like quite a lot when you look at the current 3riller however by the end of this weeks strip, we're starting to really get into it. Shelley and Dandridge sort-of reunited and the Copper Coppers gag is worth the wait. Slightly more serious than the first two chapters which is quite nice in a prog that contain Survival Geeks and Zombo.

Survival Geeks

Great conclusion to this, particularly Clives magical moment. It's been a fun ride but as several others have said I'm not sure how well a follow-up would work. The format of 3 chapter stories is excellent though and provides a nice break from the long-termers that make up the rest of the Prog. More of these please!


This is really building very nicely. It is suffering a little from pacing like Dandridge however seeing both hero and villains plots developing simultaneously is just about keeping things moving along. I've no idea of the relationship between Stickleback and Miss Scarlet but it was nice to see Stickleback making some decisions, showing that perhaps he is in charge afterall (despite working for the Librarian). As always the art is incredible, certainly the best in the current line-up, some of the best I've ever seen.


This was a real mixed bag compared to the outright hilarity of the last chapter but I'm gonna take some of the blame for my own indifference. Of the two main gags the Fantastic Four really worked and had me in stitches but the Beatles stuff didn't quite get there, mostly because every John Lennon line read as if he was Scottish which totally threw me off. As a merseysider, I found him hard to read, perhaps I'm too close to the gag!