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Judge Dredd - Year One: IDW #2 'Turn on, Tune in, Bug out'

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 24 April, 2013, 04:45:34 PM

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Just the two covers for part two folks!

Standard cover - Greg Staples & Ryan Browne
Retail Incentive cover - Dave Sim & Jay Fotos

'Turn on, Tune in, Bug out'
Story by Matt Smith
Pencils & Inks by Simon Coleby
Colours by Leonard O'Grady
Letters by Chris Mowry

What can I say about part two, apart from LOVED IT!.

This has Dredd showing his belief in his own authority and decision making as situations arise and other Judges question him in the heat of combat.
The story unfolds a little more with a lovely cliffhanger, which opens the door to so many things!

I loved the inclusion of a few fan favourite things that didn't need to be slapped in your face to say, look we know Dredd! Everything was used correctly to continue the story and my personal favourite was the [spoiler]Boot Knife[/spoiler] incident. I actually had a little smile on my face as I looked at this bit unfold :D

If you are not buying this mini series then I urge you to go out and get it. Excellent stuff from a top class creative team!


Out of curiosity, what style is the art? Has Coleby just gone for typical Dredd, or is it more in the style of early Dredd (smaller eagle pad, and so on)?


Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 24 April, 2013, 04:52:50 PM
Out of curiosity, what style is the art? Has Coleby just gone for typical Dredd, or is it more in the style of early Dredd (smaller eagle pad, and so on)?
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Toni Scandella

have to say I am enjoying this more than current prog and meg dredds, and those are not bad at all. hope that this title continues.

Harry 20

Very impressed! 
Compared with the first part there is a lot of establishing the Dredd world, but it is done very well.
If you are not getting!

Robert Frazer

If there's one thing that seems off about Year One, is that there's no real tangible sense of it being a look back in time. Yeah, yeah, Dredd's got a Mk. 1 Lawgiver, but while Dredd was already a veteran of Booth's war by the time he left the Academy he was still a young buck in his 20s. I can't tell any visual difference between Year One's Dredd and hulking 50-year man of modern Dredd. It might only be a niggle, but in all honesty it does leave me feeling a bit dislocated.
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James Stacey

Loved it. As good as or better than the current run of Prog/ meg Dredds. Lots of nice touches and a tight story. The only thing I found was odd was the visor length on Dredds helmet visor which seems to swing from normal to almost the height of it in the other IDW strip (which I've now accepted as a style choice but still think looks a bit gash). Otherwise beautiful art and this title makes up for its poorer brother, the main IDW Dredd comic, which I still get but really isn't up to much.


Quote from: dweezil2 on 24 April, 2013, 04:55:28 PM
Hmm. 'Standard Dredd' then. The art's very nice, but it's a pity it doesn't play more with the concept of evolution that we've seen in the comic. If Year One sits in Dredd continuity, you have the uniforms seen in Origins leaping to what we have now, then turning into what you got in early 2000 AD and then reverting. (I know it's only a small nit-picky thing, but it could have been another aspect that showcased a difference in era/time.)


QuoteI can't tell any visual difference between Year One's Dredd and hulking 50-year man of modern Dredd. It might only be a niggle, but in all honesty it does leave me feeling a bit dislocated.

I can - he looks much younger to me.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 26 April, 2013, 10:26:35 AM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 24 April, 2013, 04:55:28 PM
Hmm. 'Standard Dredd' then. The art's very nice, but it's a pity it doesn't play more with the concept of evolution that we've seen in the comic. If Year One sits in Dredd continuity, you have the uniforms seen in Origins leaping to what we have now, then turning into what you got in early 2000 AD and then reverting. (I know it's only a small nit-picky thing, but it could have been another aspect that showcased a difference in era/time.)

Isn't Year One about 7 years after the end-point of Origins flash-backs? The variant art-styles of early years Dredd in 2000AD are a mish-mash anyway - McMahon/Gibson/Ezquerra/Smith/Turner - so it seems the dictum of keep-it-simple was employed.

I suspect since this is geared to the US market that changing what Dredd looks like wasn't something they wanted to do. I'm sure that if this was a more knowing Megazine strip that it wouldn't be an issue.


Quote from: radiator on 26 April, 2013, 10:29:56 AM
QuoteI can't tell any visual difference between Year One's Dredd and hulking 50-year man of modern Dredd. It might only be a niggle, but in all honesty it does leave me feeling a bit dislocated.

I can - he looks much younger to me.

I think the comparison of a crinkly-faced Goodman makes that clear.

Only thing that I found a bit off-putting is that Dredd's quite talky in parts which I think is due to a few too many declarative info-dumps about 'purpose' and 'what we're here for' etc. from himself and Goodman; otherwise it really is a treat on all fronts.

Looks like a hint of [spoiler]Bolland's Dead-World buildings and a skull[/spoiler] on the PSI scanning monitor.

James Stacey

Quote from: JOE SOAP on 26 April, 2013, 12:36:22 PM
Looks like a hint of [spoiler]Bolland's Dead-World buildings and a skull[/spoiler] on the PSI scanning monitor.
I spent a while squinting at that image and that's the conclusion I came too. Nice touches.


I am fucking LOVING this comic, and what a cover! Brilliant stuff!