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Prog 1830 - Gunheadz

Started by JamesC, 27 April, 2013, 09:37:03 AM

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I just got my copy and instantly turned to the back page. One of them is a letter from myself and being very new to the 2000AD universe and getting this just feels fantastic. Thanks, Thargy-baby!
Now for the real treat. *sings a Zombo theme tune in head*

Dark Jimbo

I always forget to review Droid Life, but not this week. Still a class act. The prog is so much richer for its addition.

Dredd was a promising opener this week. Really intrigued by this premise and great to see Dolman again. There's some dodgy dialogue on evidence, though - biggest cringe was on page four - 'There's a chance not both of us will get through.' Not both?! Urrgh. I'd have favoured 'Neither of us', or ' only one of us,' myself. And while he can really deliver some nice panels, PJ Holden's characters are still all looking largely the same. Kessler could be any of the cast of The 86ers to say nothing of a lot of previous background Dredd players; compare to this week's Zombo, say, where the three characters on the News - despite only appearing for one panel each - are immediately distinct individuals who you feel have backstories all their own.

I'm glad Gunheadz quickly got one over on those flabbergastingly judgemental lot who were apparently ready to condemn it last week solely on the basis of one blown-up panel, with a brilliant early reversal of expectation. It always surprised me that the comic-within-a comic device was not exploited more within the likes of Future Shocks. Looking forward to how this plays out, and Boo's art is looking A-MA-ZING. The Aitken influence has never been more obvious, and it's doing him wonders.

I'm a real fan of Dandridge, but this week I have to agree that it's suddenly feeling the last and least of this current line-up. Last week felt like the natural narrative peak - as a result we seem to be going through the motions a bit now. Next to the likes of Flint, Cook and D'Israeli (admittedly a tough gig to follow!) Pleece's artwork is looking a little hum-drum, too - lots of big empty panels with not much happening in them. I'd like to see more of the 'man out of time' aspect explored in future; it's by far the most interesting aspect of the character.

Stickleback's hard to review this week as it's an exposition episode, but very classy exposition it is, and beautifully rendered. I'm really enjoying seeing more than usual of Miss Scarlet, who was always previously the least developed of Stickleback's cronies. Wherefore Lugs and Peepers, though? Aren't they the only other former members of his criminal band still alive?

Zombo is really back on form. Now that the Beatles/FF4 gags are done with, there's nothing to detract from the main narrative and it's making a lot more sense (as much as this strip ever does, anyway). Love the 'Life world.' And stuff Zombo - is anyone still in any doubt that the Pres is clearly the real star here? Go, Homo Digitus, go!


Now then,

As I've said, I'm still fairly new to 2000AD but have the first ten of the complete case files. So I'm not filled in on the Chaos Day story. After reading this issue though I'm grabbing myself a copy of Day of Chaos. Especially looking forward to not only read recent strips from Wagner but to see recent MacNeil work and seeing Flint on Dredd.
So I didn't get the benefit of knowing Dolman and such but I still enjoyed this strip. Seeing the coldness of being a Judge from the cadets view was refreshing.

This is my favourite of this prog. The contrasting artwork of an old prog and 'reality' was very fun. Much excitement to see where this goes which is exactly what I want to get from reading!

I loved the last Prog with the scientist with tapes for his brain.
It's interesting to see the negativity towards Dandridge. I quite enjoy it but even just knowing of Nikolai Dante without reading I feel a similarity of characters. The body humour is stellar when it comes to Shelley.

In all honesty, as I've started from 1824, Stickleback is what I've least looked forward to reading. It looks great but I can't make much sense from it. I feel I must read the previous story. This isn't a good feeling.

I loved Zombo since I laid my eyes on that decaying fine bodied fiend when I first visited the 2000AD site. Despite not reading the volumes that remain in older Progs (CANNAE WAIT FIR THE PAPERBACK RELEASE IN OCTOBER, THARGY-BABY!) my love remains strong for this thing. Henry Flint really is one of my favourite artists. I love how he colours the flesh of humans in Zombo. He makes them more red, something more food like about that...EHM...YES....great work Flint!...The returning child dialogue from Zombo here is very comforting to read again. As well as the dialogue of doubtful Missus Lawyer. Just like the first volume. Thanks, dudes.  :thumbsup:

Overall, a fine Prog. It's nice to know there's others of you who want to see the Survival Geeks back. Whilst writing this I got myself my MEGA subscription. I'm going to be bothering you with more letters Tharg. I love it here.


The way I see it:

Wolves: Currie screwed up art duties.
Assassination: Line relating to cooperation, intended to imply the ambassador's help.
Forsaken: Actual remedy to Curries mistake by dropping in a line about on site Sov Judges.

Alien Goodness

I loved the retro cover. It just needed a cheap tacky plastic thing stuck on the front to get the full effect!

I'm enjoying Michael Carroll's storytelling in Judge Dredd. The way he told the cadet's story was clever and left me feeling really sorry for the young guy after initially thinking he was a coward. I hope the Carroll droid stays serviced and functioning in the Nerve Centre for a long while...

3rillers was great fun and I enjoyed spotting the little things in the artwork. The street scene was my favourite.

Zombo made me smile. [spoiler]I noted the dangly bits, briefly wondered how many people would notice, before reading the next panel with it's "And he's got his bits out!" bubble signpost making sure the answer would be "Everyone!".[/spoiler]

And I was delighted to read in the letters page that our ancient green editor has promised the return of Survival Geeks :) :thumbsup:


Quote from: Alien Goodness on 01 May, 2013, 07:08:16 PM
I loved the retro cover. It just needed a cheap tacky plastic thing stuck on the front to get the full effect!

Grud yes! A free gift would have topped it off nicely.
(How long has it been since the last free gift?)


Quote from: Mister Macheath on 29 April, 2013, 12:37:39 PM
Ghost President's [spoiler]Manhattan style 'rude thing'[/spoiler].

The angry red hue of Henry Flint's nob was presumably supposed to act as a counter-weight to the shock of seeing Simon Davis's swollen blue member a few years back, and avoid giving the impression that Tharg or his minions prefer one team rather than the other. Is anyone keeping a tally (f-nar!) of all the cocks which have appeared in 2000ad over the years? The first instance I can think of is catching a glimpse of Simon Bisley's silhouetted man meat in an early chapter of The Horned God.


Quote from: sauchie on 01 May, 2013, 07:20:55 PM
Quote from: Mister Macheath on 29 April, 2013, 12:37:39 PM
Ghost President's [spoiler]Manhattan style 'rude thing'[/spoiler].

The angry red hue of Henry Flint's nob was presumably supposed to act as a counter-weight to the shock of seeing Simon Davis's swollen blue member a few years back, and avoid giving the impression that Tharg or his minions prefer one team rather than the other. Is anyone keeping a tally (f-nar!) of all the cocks which have appeared in 2000ad over the years? The first instance I can think of is catching a glimpse of Simon Bisley's silhouetted man meat in an early chapter of The Horned God.
I think the first full frontal was Marauder.

The Sherman Kid

Cover Fantastic surprise, loved it.

Dredd A think a big twist is coming here. [spoiler]The 'family' member will be female.The sex could be changed from the genetic material they have with some 'tinkering'.I hope I'm right as this will open up a whole new dimension to things.Or this could of course be total bollux  :|Well see[/spoiler]

Gunheadz Just great, lot of fun

Dandridge Not got into this at all.

Stickleback Brilliant as always

Zombo Have always really really enjoyed this, but it seems to gone a bit too far into batshit crazy territory for me.

Still an excellent prog overall.


Didn't Vienna have a child at some point? How old would it be now?


Dark Jimbo

Quote from: The Sherman Kid on 01 May, 2013, 09:08:47 PM
Dredd A think a big twist is coming here. [spoiler]The 'family' member will be female.The sex could be changed from the genetic material they have with some 'tinkering'.I hope I'm right as this will open up a whole new dimension to things.Or this could of course be total bollux  :|Well see[/spoiler]

That was my first thought, too. Think [spoiler]Vienna's child[/spoiler] would be six or seven now.


My two stand out stories this week were Stickleback and Zombo. Stickleback reminded me of the book Dodger by Terry Pratchett in this week's episode [spoiler]with his talk of toshers and the Rat Queen, who is also called "The Lady" or "Cloacina."[/spoiler] Like Edginton, Pratchett has wrote several stories set in a world similar but not quite our reality (and one set of stories not like our reality at all)
I loved the Zombo episode this week as well, much better than in recent weeks. [spoiler]It was funny to see Zombo's expression of hurt feelings when he believed Missus Lawyer was being mean to him! Also, I found the digital battle between Myron and the President (who looks like a cross between Galactus and Dr Manhattan) absolutely hilarious!!![/spoiler]


Went to my local newsagent to pick my copy up....Prog still hadn't arrived. Shit. Will have to wait till Friday now.  :(
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Bat King

Quote from: The Sherman Kid on 01 May, 2013, 09:08:47 PM
Dredd A think a big twist is coming here. [spoiler]The 'family' member will be female.The sex could be changed from the genetic material they have with some 'tinkering'.I hope I'm right as this will open up a whole new dimension to things.Or this could of course be total bollux  :|Well see[/spoiler]

Interesting... [spoiler]your guess could be close but it could be a clone of Vienna...[/spoiler] or maybe not.

My review
