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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 12 May, 2013, 10:57:57 PM

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Quote from: Professor James T Bear on 28 September, 2013, 01:45:56 AM
Seeing as the show is written by rich white people, I really liked that the guy at the end went off on a rant about the poor and working classes in America and did so without ever at any point being political or referring to anything specific beyond "I can't have this or that." 

Except he didn't say anything like that. I thought the speech made it pretty clear his problems were more existential than political, in any case. Essentially, that life now seems meaningless, because there are actual gods walking the Earth, and how can he as any ordinary man compete with that?

I agree that shooting him in the head as a solution was possibly not in the best taste, though.


Quote from: Goosegash on 28 September, 2013, 07:31:26 PM

Except he didn't say anything like that. I thought the speech made it pretty clear his problems were more existential than political, in any case. Essentially, that life now seems meaningless, because there are actual gods walking the Earth, and how can he as any ordinary man compete with that?

His lead up was all about 'I did what you told me to do but you robbed me and I'm still stuck on the breadline, why did you not give me what you promised?'. He had a bit of an addendum about gods and stuff after that but it seemed like first he was supposed to be railing against authority but now there's gods walking the earth why can't he be like them too.


Quote from: SuperSurfer on 28 September, 2013, 02:25:18 AM
It's on 4oD where I just watched it. It's on for one more week. Probably only works in the UK.

I enjoyed it. Didn't think I would as I really didn't like Iron Man or the Avengers. Haven't bothered with any other Marvel films as just not my kind of thing.

Thanks for the link. Yep I liked it too. And I liked the humour, particularly the dark corner gag.

A few more less attractive people would be nice but that sort of thing is to be expected.

And I confess, I do like looking at attractive women.

Bat King

Enjoyed it. Will probably review but not tomorrow.



I started watching it on 4OD last night. Serious number of adverts on there.  A bit off putting so think I'll wait till it comes out on Lovefilm or something. Looked quite expensive though!
The hippo has wisdom, respect the hippo.


Gunn/Richards (superdad) speech is heavily cribbed from the Kurt Busiek/Alex Ross epic, Marvels, when J.Jonah Jameson and the protagonist start to freak out about the presence of flaming men, atlantean demi-gods and all the other weird stuff that kicks off in the Marvel universe around World War 2. Particularly the reasons that Phil (protagonist) gives when he tells his fiancee he can't marry her anymore.

Highly recommend that book! Probably a good place for many people to get little hints of things spread through Agents of Shield too, all the easter eggs. It's basically 50 years of comics condensed into the key moments with some stunning artwork by Ross.


Well that was pretty underwhelming, a few humorous gags aside.

I'll give it a few more episodes to improve and at least Orphan Black followed after on BBC 3, so not entirely an evening wasted.

And they've all got the 'perfect hair' superpower right?   ;)
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Quote from: dweezil2 on 29 September, 2013, 01:42:38 PM
they've all got the 'perfect hair' superpower right? 

Apart from the slaphead from the films. It seems horribly dated; an awful lot's happened in telly since the mostly awful Angel.


Well I'll sit and watch the next episode which is as good a recommendation as I give anything these days.

It was pretty good, as you'd expect from a Whedon show - a good few quips, nice set up for future stories and a nice pay off with the car.

Thumbs up from me.

An old-school, no-bullshit, boys-own action/adventure comic reminiscent of the 2000ads and Eagles and Warlords and Battles and other glorious black-and-white comics that were so, so cool in the 70's and 80's - Buy the hardback Christmas Annual!


i watched it and thought it was just more of the same old boring generic US scifi tv dribble.  But then, i've never really been interested in thor, iron man, or the hulk.  So the idea of a spin off... I guess im not the target market.

I want something really subversive and dark - american scifi is too bright and shiny!!

My opinion is not to be trusted: I think Last Action Hero is AWESOME. And What Women Want.

The Enigmatic Dr X

Quote from: Proteus4 on 29 September, 2013, 06:43:01 PM

I want something really subversive and dark - american scifi is too bright and shiny!!


American Horror Story: Coven starts in a few weeks. Doesn't get darker than that.
Lock up your spoons!

Pop Culture Bandit

Here's my in-depth Review of the Pilot episode!

But, if you prefer the shorter version:

It was an okay pilot, but the next few episodes need to develop their characters, introduce some interesting threats, preferably a recurring enemy (maybe Hydra?) if it hopes to keep up the hype. Due to its link to the Marvel Universe, it's probably got a second season already, but it'll need to keep audiences entertained otherwise it'll end up haemorrhaging viewers quickly.

I hope they lay out some intriguing mysteries and build a season-arc, as well as using some of the obscure Marvel heroes/villains that would normally not make it to screen.


Quote from: Proteus4 on 29 September, 2013, 06:43:01 PM
I want something really subversive and dark - american scifi is too bright and shiny!

I wouldn't say Marvel comics were ever Sci-Fi (although there's mucho fiction in that science) but the last thing I want to see is another dark superhero. I'd prefer thay all had the tone of 60's/70's Marvel or Moore's ABC comics. You can still be subversive within those parameters without being morose.

Professor Bear

Yeah, but then modern audiences will think it's "childish" if it tries to be colourful or outright fun, as those tend to be qualities viewed as synonymous with camp, and camp=gay and gay=evil.
I'm calling it that we'll see one or more character under a bus before the end of the season for a bit of gravitas, or someone will have a sexual assault/torture backstory, if not an entire episode dedicated to it.


So Agent Couldson is back from the dead, remarkably, through some method he should never be told.  Cor blimey!  Is it time for some sci-fi trope to be rolled out? I reckon he's a clone, or a robot.  I doubt it'll be any more imaginative than that.

How come all the secret agents of enemy/revolutionary/subversive sects are perky brunettes these days?

All in all, vaguely entertaining guff, but the last episode of The IT Crowd that followed it was the main event that night, if you ask me.