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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 12 May, 2013, 10:57:57 PM

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Attached pic shows how you make it 100% more awesome

Anyway, watched it a second time now as the wife wanted to see it, enjoyed it more actually. Yeah, everyone is pretty but thats US television isnt it? Gotta sell it to the MTV crowd... and that's new non music MTV not the stuff we used to watch

Also while it is all a bit light, fluffy and... well, Buffy there's nothing wrong with that. Don't get me wrong, Im 100 times more excited for the proposed Gotham Central show and hope that's aimed at an older, darker and more cynical audience and takes it's tonal cues from the awesome Hannibal show, but an Avengers movie tie in should be a bit cartoony. It's never gonna make my list of top tv shows but as a bit of nerdy comic related background while I'm having my tea it'll do the job


Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 30 September, 2013, 10:21:57 AM
So Agent Couldson is back from the dead, remarkably, through some method he should never be told.  Cor blimey!  Is it time for some sci-fi trope to be rolled out? I reckon he's a clone, or a robot.  I doubt it'll be any more imaginative than that.

How come all the secret agents of enemy/revolutionary/subversive sects are perky brunettes these days?

All in all, vaguely entertaining guff, but the last episode of The IT Crowd that followed it was the main event that night, if you ask me.

^^ this.
DDT did a job on me


Playing devil's advocate here but I do have to wonder when we all got so jaded that clones and robots became boring. Fuck, this show is all led by Whedon. The clever move would be to have him be an AI and feed that into the next Avengers movie and Ultron in some way

Safe money is on a Life Model Decoy as they're a standard of the SHIELD comic universe.

Sad thing is they've brought him back as a link to the movies but I guarantee anything they do to explain it will be ripped for either being so out there it's stupid or for not being out there enough.
Personally I think the show is better for him and they could just have Joss Whedon walk in front of camera at the start and say "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey HE'S BACK"


Quote from: bluemeanie on 30 September, 2013, 01:27:30 PM
Sad thing is they've brought him back as a link to the movies but I guarantee anything they do to explain it will be ripped for either being so out there it's stupid or for not being out there enough.

Yeah... someone on FB was moaning about the "Back to the Future" flying car, until I pointed out that SHIELD's flying cars pre-date BTTF by more than twenty years...


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


I just wish Coulson had said "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads". 

So, I caught this at the weekend and whilst I didn't hate it, I thought it was decidedly 'meh'.  The whole thing just came across as a very generic US series - I could have been watching Nikita or Continuum or Fringe etc....  It might improve over the next few episodes but so far I have not seen much to get me hooked.  Best thing in it was Coulson.


Quote from: bluemeanie on 30 September, 2013, 01:27:30 PM
Playing devil's advocate here ... this show is all led by Whedon.

There's no reason Joss Whedon gigs can't be silly froth and something quite dark and complex. I only saw a few of the later Philip K Dick/Apocalypse Now episodes of Dollhouse, but (as far I can tell) that show started off as something quite different. The concept of SHIELD as an organisation is politically dubious enough to legitimate Homeland levels of twitchy paranoia while embracing the fun aesthetic of The Man From UNCLE.


Well there is in this case because he's obviously been told "Make something for the kids who love Avengers but with as little expensive superhero stuff as possible"

Not saying it all has to be bubblegum but the first episode at least has to be aimed at a wider audience and is probably required to shift a few toys as well

von Boom

Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 30 September, 2013, 10:21:57 AM
All in all, vaguely entertaining guff, but the last episode of The IT Crowd that followed it was the main event that night, if you ask me.


Agents of Shield. More like Agents of Mild.

Greg M.

Quote from: Recrewt on 30 September, 2013, 01:59:46 PM
I just wish Coulson had said "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads". 

Thank God he didn't. Endless referencing of pop culture by other bits of pop culture is about the worst thing I can think of. It's funny, this is the only piece of US drama I've had any interest in for years and years. I know others on the forum rave about their Wires and their Breaking Bads and their Mad Mens and whatnot, but these shows hold zero interest for me, however excellent I expect they probably are. I really hope 'Agents of SHIELD' steers well clear of dark and cynical and goes for glossy fun with recognisable Marvelly bits.


Quote from: von Boom on 30 September, 2013, 06:07:52 PM
Agents of Shield. More like Agents of Mild.

Agents of SHITE. Missed a sitter there.


I enjoyed this quite a lot. Yes it's full of US TV clichés (that country seems full of scientific genii who are all hot women in their twenties), but it's a passable US action show that is elevated by the Marvel superhero stuff. I did chuckle at the "with great power..." line.

Can't wait to see where this is going.

(but the IT crowd was better!)


Well I was very disappointed the second time around. Not enough weird.

This is MARVEL COMICS. There is plenty of weird to have much better macguffins than that.

Bat King

Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 30 September, 2013, 01:34:17 PM
Quote from: bluemeanie on 30 September, 2013, 01:27:30 PM
Sad thing is they've brought him back as a link to the movies but I guarantee anything they do to explain it will be ripped for either being so out there it's stupid or for not being out there enough.

Yeah... someone on FB was moaning about the "Back to the Future" flying car, until I pointed out that SHIELD's flying cars pre-date BTTF by more than twenty years...



This is a great point Jim. I've heard similarly ill educated comments before that something older copied something newer...

I've heard people talk about the multiple viewpoints in the Song of Fire and Ice books for example as though George R R Martin invented that style. Which i# find even more worrying than people not knowing about Nick Fury's car...



Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 29 September, 2013, 07:37:42 PM
Quote from: Proteus4 on 29 September, 2013, 06:43:01 PM

I want something really subversive and dark - american scifi is too bright and shiny!!


American Horror Story: Coven starts in a few weeks. Doesn't get darker than that.

Don't worry - I'm counting down the days! It's dark, subversive and a whole lot of fun!! Not like agents of SHIELD.
My opinion is not to be trusted: I think Last Action Hero is AWESOME. And What Women Want.


Finally watched this last night:

Childish & confused storytelling & tone, uneven characterisation, odd plot, bizarre ending. Some good lines though. And flying cars are fine with me.

Ratings drop 34% for the second episode, so a lot of people also felt the 'meh'!

The pity is it could have been the best show on TV. And that's clearly not going to happen now. It all felt very rushed and cheap and complacent. Committee driven storytelling. Which doesn't cut it these days. Not with Vince Gilligan et all writing such visceral, personal work.