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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 12 May, 2013, 10:57:57 PM

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I think if it wasn't for the main character this would fall flat, (Superhero CSI?) however he adds the spark to it, glad to see some non Neo-Con views expressed too. So I'm happy to keep watching.

Altho I missed the explaination about the macguffin's origin? was it german or ancient?

DDT did a job on me


I took it to be German - bought over by an excaping scientist at the end of WWII and went wrong and buried itself in the temple. 

But why would that cause consternation? Surely people find new things in old temples all the time; after all people visit them.

I lost my car keys at Skara Brae - I'm pretty sure that wasn't taken as evidence that they had access to Fiat Multiplas back in 5000BC.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


cheers tips, took a phone call right at the Basil bit so was left wondering.
DDT did a job on me


Saw the first episode and thought it ok. Saw the second episode and thought "what load of boring tripe".

Will watch a few more to see if it gets any better, but I'm not confident.

"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 07 October, 2013, 12:21:51 PM
But why would that cause consternation? Surely people find new things in old temples all the time; after all people visit them. I lost my car keys at Skara Brae - I'm pretty sure that wasn't taken as evidence that they had access to Fiat Multiplas back in 5000BC.

It would have done if they were found deeply embedded in rock in a previously undisturbed chamber deep below a previously unknown pyramid.

Judge Olde

I have just watched the first over the weekend, can't say as I thought that much of it, but then I'm likely now using Breaking Bad as a bench mark ...


watched the 2nd one with my flatmate and it didn't take long to get him up to speed: "That's the hot computer hacker journalist - she's sassy! Those are the hot science nerds - they're geeky and/or British. She's the hot ninja chick who has given up the killing business but been brought back for One Last Mission. He's the hot macho action man who doesn't get on with any of the hot science types and that one is the team leader with Secrets. Those are CSI-bots. Oh and that car flies".

Eventually these clichés will be codified so that we can save time by saying "it's a sci fi show with a 7b, two 4js and a 16c"


So it seems Coulson has dealings with the secret services of South America, his main contact of whom is... a perky brunette. *sigh*

I'm all for strong female characters in film or TV, but do they all have to be so hideously typecast?

As for the episode itself, I fell asleep halfway through, which is a very bad sign.

I'm probably not going to bother with the rest of this series. 

Ah well, I tried.


I thought the first one was quite fun and entertaining enough over its 40-odd minutes. I thought the second one was quite fun and entertaining enough over its 40-odd minutes. I suspect without Coulson it would have been less watchable (and I don't like the way it diminishes his actions in the movie), but it's quite fun and entertaining enough. (There might be a theme building in this message.)

That said, I imagine Shield's arrived at a good time. I'm quite often too knackered to think in the evenings these days and want something amusing to watch; I'm not really about to get into Dexter or Breaking Bad again just yet, and Shield-flavoured fluff's no worse than some of the other guff Mrs G and I have been ploughing through of late (Warehouse 13; Fringe).

von Boom

So far I don't care if any of them live or die. In fact I'd prefer a major death already so they can perhaps swing things in a different direction. I vote for Mr. Lone Wolf guy. He's about as one dimensional as it gets. The two super scientists should be close behind.


Or they should just kill Coulson in every episode and have him show up in the next, saying how great Tahiti is.


Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 07 October, 2013, 06:07:22 PMAs for the episode itself, I fell asleep halfway through, which is a very bad sign.

I fell asleep during the first one :lol: but I still recorded this one, so I'll keep trying but if it happens again, then I'm out!


Quote from: Dudley on 07 October, 2013, 03:29:47 PM
Quote from: Tiplodocus on 07 October, 2013, 12:21:51 PM
But why would that cause consternation? Surely people find new things in old temples all the time; after all people visit them. I lost my car keys at Skara Brae - I'm pretty sure that wasn't taken as evidence that they had access to Fiat Multiplas back in 5000BC.

It would have done if they were found deeply embedded in rock in a previously undisturbed chamber deep below a previously unknown pyramid.

S'pose. But my first thought would still have been "Somebody else has been here first."

I think you lot are being unduly harsh on this.

Needs death? It's a family genre show and has people that don't normally watch family genre shows watching.  We may all (profess to) have seen it all before but not everybody has.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Well Fringe got worlds better after getting past its X-files ripoff phase. Hopefully this'll do the same.


I haven't seen this yet, but I can't seem to avoid the internet chatter, which seems as ever to crave and yearn for the elusive 'dark'. 

Do people really want it to be Marvel's The Dark Knight, or The Wire with superhero trimmings?  Wouldn't a lighter family show be nice too?  Shouldn't comics-stuff be for kids too?

Anyhow, if Whedon has one constant in his work is that light'n'fluffy silliness will abruptly and without warning end in tears.