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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 12 May, 2013, 10:57:57 PM

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Professor Bear

Rewatching the Captain America: Winter Soldier trailer - particularly the bits with the Helicarrier - the SHIELD tv show really does come across as short-changing me somewhat.


Quote from: TordelBack on 09 November, 2013, 11:16:23 PM
I caught a bit of this for the first time yesterday.  Is that posh English scientist girl in it much?  Because she was on screen for the whole 10 minutes I managed to watch, and frankly that was all I could stand of her, and by extension, it.

She's in it every week.

That's. Every. Week.

Her and the babbling Scots guy form a hilarious wacky-boffin partnership that, if it were put to a popular vote, would probably see the pair of them thrown into the SHIELD jet's turbine engines.

I had high hopes this might be cool and fun, but it's just dreary and irritating, and I'm stopping watching.


Yeah, they're both pretty annoying.

The flipside though, is Coulson - I really enjoy the bits that he is in.  He is very understated and is great to watch.  Ideally, all the pretty young things should fall off the plane next week and we can just follow Coulson around for an hour, with the odd cameo from Samuel L Jackson.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: GordonR on 11 November, 2013, 01:19:44 PM
Her and the babbling Scots guy form a hilarious wacky-boffin partnership that, if it were put to a popular vote, would probably see the pair of them thrown into the SHIELD jet's turbine engines.

yes another series with a Moonlighting will they/won't they partnership is the last thing we need, given the pilot/Coulson thing AND the hacker/Plankman on/off romances.

I had hoped for a HULK SMASH! type guest each week, as it is, its Glee meets CSI in a plane.
DDT did a job on me


Well I did enjoy last Friday's episode. It pick up, I am sure it get better, and I am still watching it.

Link Prime

Quote from: Proudhuff on 11 November, 2013, 01:47:30 PM
as it is, its Glee meets CSI in a plane.

My thoughts too, the reason I bailed a few weeks ago.
If reviews are strong enough at a later stage, I'll pick up the box-set.


To me, even though I do enjoy it as a moment of escapism every week, it seems too light and frivolous. It all seems a little too disconnected from the worlds of the movies. Plus they seem very slow in introducing the series long story arc that should hopefully engage us more. There has been too little of Centipede (Hydra?), which I personally think should take more of a front row position in the storytelling.
It does waste an hour on a Friday night quite nicely though!

Pop Culture Bandit

Here's my Review of Episode 6 - "FZZT"

Nice episode, with some real drama in the second half, giving the sense of actual peril for these characters for the first time. If they continue to deliver solid episodes like this, it may actually win back some of the fans it lost with the initial couple. I have a feeling that considering the backlash against some of the cast, there might be some causalities at the close of the season, which I'd like. I think a rotating central cast would work better for a high-stakes global spy drama, rather than six spies in a plane.

Bat King

I'm enjoying my Friday night escapism.

Yes I'd like a wee tweak with the dynamics. I prefer Fitz/Simmons to Skye n Ward,I'd rather they cooled that one. The long slow reveal about Melinda is good.

I have an alarmingly intricate idea about Coulson that is so crazy I won't say...

OK here it is... [spoiler]Scarlet Witch is in Avengers 2. Antman has a movie first & is also in Avengers 2. Antman is Henry Pym& Henry Pym created Ultron. Ultron is in Avengers 2. Ultron invented Vision and Vision isn't in Avengers 2 but Vision is the love interest for Scarlet Witch... Coulson is dead,the Coulsonin Agents of Shield thinks it is Coulson but it is the fleshy-android Vision...[/spoiler]

See, it is mad fan-boy stuff... sorry... I didn't *want* that theory...



Maybe, but in episode last Friday that [spoiler]he got scar on his chest from Avengers[/spoiler], and few weeks ago he was [spoiler]bleed[/spoiler].

Just hear that next week episode will be follow up tie to Thor: The Dark World. Maybe it was [spoiler]some Dark Elf stuff left around? [/spoiler]

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Bat King on 12 November, 2013, 11:27:05 PM

I have an alarmingly intricate idea about Coulson that is so crazy I won't say...

OK here it is... [spoiler]Scarlet Witch is in Avengers 2. Antman has a movie first & is also in Avengers 2. Antman is Henry Pym& Henry Pym created Ultron. Ultron is in Avengers 2. Ultron invented Vision and Vision isn't in Avengers 2 but Vision is the love interest for Scarlet Witch... Coulson is dead,the Coulsonin Agents of Shield thinks it is Coulson but it is the fleshy-android Vision...[/spoiler]

See, it is mad fan-boy stuff... sorry... I didn't *want* that theory...

I've heard that [spoiler]Ultron is not Pym's creation, but Jarvis, Tony Stark's A.I butler.[/spoiler] My theory is [spoiler]S.H.I.E.L.D have made a copy of Jarvis and have started dicking around with it.[/spoiler]

As for Coulson? He's so calm all the time isn't he? Wouldn't it be cool if he [spoiler]HULKED OUT! They saved him using Dr. Banner's blood or something.[/spoiler]
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 12 November, 2013, 11:38:26 PM
As for Coulson? He's so calm all the time isn't he? Wouldn't it be cool if he [spoiler]HULKED OUT! They saved him using Dr. Banner's blood or something.[/spoiler]

Or [spoiler]Khan's[/spoiler].

Definitely Not Mister Pops

You may quote me on that.

Pop Culture Bandit

I reckon the Coulson sub-plot in Friday's episode was designed to rule out any Robot / LMD / Vision talk, leaving the possibility that he is either an alternate version from another Universe (Ultimate Universe, perhaps), somehow resurrected by some "alien tech" which will have consequences or a clone.

I quite like the idea of him being from an alternate universe - possibly one where Loki and the Chitauri won?

Hopefully there will be more clues than him just feeling "different"


hopefully he'll cross to the dark side because of this alien tech/ loose chip and run amok on the plane...
DDT did a job on me