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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 12 May, 2013, 10:57:57 PM

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Looks like the show has got a stride now. Needs another cameo soon though. Would love to see Stark or Cap.

von Boom

Quote from: dracula1 on 25 November, 2013, 06:48:51 PM
Looks like the show has got a stride now. Needs another cameo soon though. Would love to see Stark or Cap.

Black Widow would increase the number of viewers more. :)


Quote from: Proudhuff on 25 November, 2013, 03:06:26 PM
Now Jim that's what i was wanting more of! Loki's staff and fisticuffs, dark secrets etc. promising promising.

Anyone know why all the signs in Norway were in English? 

This is the first episode I've watched a decent amount of (suckered in by the clips from the Thors), and I thought it was pretty terrible - bit worrying to hear it's the best one so far.  Like one of those cheap CSI knock-offs crossed with Supah Ninjas, with Clark Gregg in the George Takei role.  Actually that'd probably be better than what I saw before I gave up at the halfway point.


I forgot about the Black Widow. Scrap Cap and Stark I'm up for that cameo too  ;)

Grant Goggans

Quote from: Theblazeuk on 24 November, 2013, 11:42:43 PM
Quote from: willthemightyW on 24 November, 2013, 05:51:50 PM

That's what they're like in the comics! They are pretty bloody cold. Nick Fury is sly and manipulative, and shield are constantly using and abusing their assets. If that's an issue, then it's also an issue with the source material!


Only since Bendis started writing em that way. Previously SHIELD was a "No matter what the cost but NEVER leave a man behind" badass spy network. People were sacrificed but only in the noble heroic way (which granted could be a little grim in Kirby's extreme square jawed fashion).


I've got collections of the Kirby / Steranko / Lee stuff and it's super-cool, *fun* spy-fi.  I'd love to work for *that* SHIELD; they have jetpacks and crazy tech and wild gadgets and secret bases under barber shops.  I wouldn't dare work for the TV SHIELD.  I'd get left behind and disavowed for the "greater good."


Quote from: Dandontdare on 25 November, 2013, 06:23:08 PM
you mean I've watched all that dross and then missed the one good episode immediately after giving up on it? Bollox. I'll have to try 4OD

DDT did a job on me

Pop Culture Bandit

Here's my thoughts on the episode:

It was a good little cross-over that felt like a low-budget version of 'Fear Itself', the recent Marvel Comics event. Lots of nice little twists and turns, especially with Peter MacNicol's character.

While some might be annoyed that it didn't cross over enough with the Thor: The Dark World movie, it managed to hit the right balance, not alienating anyone who hadn't seen the film yet.


well this is now a real disappointment for me, so much potential and so little realisation of it.  There's a whole Marvel universe out there to explore and instead we just get poor X Files/Fringe rip off's, the latest episode really was the pits, telekinesis yeah, oh no it wasn't phsych!!!! 
I'm still gonna watch it but really just disappoints week after week.

CU Radbacker


Well, that episode was pretty good, not the best of them, but they are steadily increasing in quality, and I have really started to enjoy this!

They say you need to spend money to make money, well I've never made any money so by that logic I've never spent any.


I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but my local Waterstones has a new, nice, fat collection of Steranko Nick Fury stories (from the comic he shared with Dr Strange- Strange Adventures was it? and Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD) and, even squatting on the floor of the bookshop, crammed in a gaggle of teenage manga-readers yet to discover deodorant, the few pages I read gave me more pleasure than any of the tv version I have yet caught (which amounts to one episode and some bits).

The character of Fury never did a thing for me, until Mark Millar rethought him in The Ultimates- he was always decidedly second-string, but those Steranko issues- which I'd not seen before- were exceptional, and I'd happily pick up a copy when I find it cheaper.



Quote from: SmallBlueThing on 01 December, 2013, 11:17:50 AM
...those Steranko issues- which I'd not seen before- were exceptional, and I'd happily pick up a copy when I find it cheaper.
Some of those were reprinted in colour in the 70s in the Marvel UK Captain Britain weekly. Stunning artwork.


Ep 9. Scared the pants off of me. Not a Ghost in the end but a inter dimensional time jumper? Is this how Night Crawler does it? Also what was the world we glimpsed in the middle of the explosion, one of the 9 realms or the world of Thanos? The plot thickens.


I dig the show, fun stuff. Though Skye is pretty much my main reason for watching, with respect to Coulson.

Pop Culture Bandit

I liked the constant shifting of the goal-posts on this one. Is it telekinesis, is it a ghost, no wait, it's a [spoiler]bloke who teleports a lot[/spoiler]

Little bit disappointed we didn't get more from Agent May, who gets out-acted by whichever vehicle she happens to be driving in her scenes. The cryptic clues dropped by Coulson seem to suggest further revelations will be on their way - probably linked to Skye's parents.

I'm not looking forward to this week's episode, which seems to be revisiting the worst aspects of the pilot - namely, Mike Petersen, the Luke Cage avatar since that character's been bought by NetFlix.

Pop Culture Bandit

Episode 1x10 - The Bridge

I liked the way plot threads from the majority of the episodes so far were utilised in this mid-season finale, which capped off with a decent cliff-hanger, although I'm more interested to find out what Coulson's resurrection entailed than the fates of Ward & Petersen. Judging by Centipede's interest, I have a feeling it'll be something they can attempt to reverse-engineer, like with Scorch.

Link to full review: