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Glasgow Comic Con 2014!

Started by Proudhuff, 24 September, 2013, 05:58:17 PM

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Get the megs home ok 8-Ball?
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead


Quote from: ZenArcade on 06 July, 2014, 10:32:07 PM
Get the megs home ok 8-Ball?

Indeed I did and I have spent a nice sunny Sunday afternoon having a mini Meg Slog. It's been fun reading people complain about the £2 price hike and the quality of the floppy. How times change? One thing I noticed is that there was a greater variety of artists, strips and general features back then. But defenitely worth £16.
Whatever happened to Rico, Dolman and Cadet Paris? I'm sooo out of the loop.


Quote from: 8-Ball on 05 July, 2014, 06:21:58 PM

I was in the presence of Stace and Iz of the Megacast fame but didn't pluck up the courage to introduce myself. I did find myself stifling a giggle on the upper level when Alan Grant was referred to as an "Aging Rockstar."

Aw dude, we're really not scary it would've been nice if you'd said hello! Hello now anyway!


+++ Douchebag Update +++
    (or: "Wot I Did At My First Comic Con")

Across the weekend, attended 5 panels in all, every one was interesting (and different). Biggest of these was the "Fourth Wall" panel. Brilliant guests, not sure how forensic the subject matter was tackled, but fun (as were they all). Sometimes comics talk directly to the reader, and mostly it's done for comic effect. Job done.

Missed the Lonesome Truckers announcement, spent much longer than anticipated with Howard Chaykin (not my photo). After a while I showed him this:

"That's TERRIBLE".
"Well, I did it last night quickly, it's the second thing I've painted. Thought it would be nice to have you sign this too...?"
He pauses, reconsiders. For a full .5 seconds.
"Yeah - it's terrible".
It's a dark moment to discover your heroes think you're a douchebag... :o
However, he did sign it (see above) after prompting, and continued to hold court in the same jaw-dropping manner as previously. Did my requested sketch, chatted a bit more amiably and signed my stuff. Seemed to enjoy himself. That's his schtick. Pete Milligan sitting alongside seemed to get a fraction of the footfall of Mr Chaykin. And since he apparently considers 99% of the people he's ever met as chickenshit douchebags, fair do's. I remain an enormous fan. Oh, and Satellite Sam finishes after #15, apparently.

Spoke to Hannah Berry on day 1, and am under her spell  :) What a talent. Looking forward to reading her first graphic novel (I know it's been out for years...) as it looks fantastic. Her panel was fun (another one) and although I didn't leave it too late to buy her book, she was packing up to leave (as were others). Already running late, she stopped, didn't just sign my copy but drew a sketch (with nice message) and made herself later still. If her graphic novel isn't awful - and I know it won't be - she has a fan for life. What a champ.

A solo mission for me, Her Indoors did agree to come along  and a mate agreed ("for a few hours only") but vacillated over buying his ticket a few times so in the end just me. I don't know how much the non-comics public (the "norms") would get out of it, it's a bit full-on. I wouldn't wish it on them? Even the apparently accessible cosplay (shudder). Sorry not to have caught up with any boarders as it turned out (I hear you 8-Ball). I'm such a douchebag you probably got off lightly.

Met Misters MacNeil and Wagner of course, naturally another first there  :)

I didn't pick up many comics, and that's fine. I have plenty of those and I can see that's not what the Con is about. Perhaps it was the sight of endless racks of Marvel nonsense, pored over by Glaswegians posing as Green Lantern, but I was taken by the old (of course) copies of Action I found. Bought a handful, from '77, they should be entertaining and I do thrill to the aroma of bog paper. I'd have asked Mr Wagner to sign those (it's possible he wrote some/most of it?!) but they'd disintegrate, I fear.

Several things tickled me but I'll leave it there; this post has gone on long enough...!


Well Sunday was a bust as I had to drop out early, but Saturday was a blast.

Got to catch up with the lovely Hannah Berry and listen into Howard Chakin hold court plus see the heart of most cons Iz and The Whittle as they rushed around.

Then to the bar with Satanist, DogDeever, Dode, Proudhuff who were not only friendly and welcoming but also f**kin hilarious company for the evening. Cheers guys it was a serious pleasure.

"Trust we"


Quote from: Fungus on 07 July, 2014, 10:54:23 AM

Spoke to Hannah Berry on day 1, and am under her spell  :) What a talent. Looking forward to reading her first graphic novel (I know it's been out for years...) as it looks fantastic. Her panel was fun (another one) and although I didn't leave it too late to buy her book, she was packing up to leave (as were others). Already running late, she stopped, didn't just sign my copy but drew a sketch (with nice message) and made herself later still. If her graphic novel isn't awful - and I know it won't be - she has a fan for life. What a champ.

Read it, it's bloody good. I saw her do a talk at a "Laydeez Do Comics" event in Brizzle a few years ago and was so convinced I just bought Britten & Brulightly there n then (review here) - will snap up Adamantine when I get the chance too.

Steve Green


Aw guys you should have just pulled up a seat and said 'mind if I join you?' just about anyone and everyone does that, I've even seen the Mighty John W do it!

I was a late arrival on Saturday, but I knew it was going to be fine when the first three people I saw outside the Con were the trimmed Colin McNeil, Dawn/Juno and the mighty Mr Wagner. Closely follow by the GRennie and Dayglo droids and a sea of wellkent faces lapping up the sunshine outside the Scarymango Bar.

Then pints with fellow boarders Satanist, Dog, Dode and Dunk! and a trip to wethershpoons to be taxed again and again by the waiting staff for our effeminate Edinburger ways.
An early night (compared to other Library Scum I could mention) around oneish.

Back to Wspoons and brunch with Dawn, which set us up for the aftie, great to see the Satanist Clan out in force while Dog Deever dragged a corpse in a case about all day. Finally got to the Con to watch the highly entertaining John McShane break the fourth wall and then my new 'book chum' Howard C perform as only he can.

A few beers before the final curtain with Peter Milligan and impossibly connected John McShane and its time to head off home with Dode  and Colin McNeil who quickly saw through my attempts to 'help' him with his portfolios and case!

Mr Wells you missed a great Con, Library Scum I salute you, but the star of the show was Alex and his outstanding Dredd drawing, for which I still own him pints!

DDT did a job on me



Sorry no photos but my home PC died yesterday.

The Con seemed less busy than last year, perhaps thanks to the 3 venues.

We got lots of sketches but the stand out this year is Alex Ronald who I still owe several pints (sorry). A lovely Vixen drawing which will be framed and up on the wall asap.

Howard Chaykin was a friendly, filthy man who entertained all at his table. TBH I could have sat and listened to him all day.

Great to meet Peter Milligan and get a few books signed.

Gary Erskine was really nice as well and did a couple of quick sketches for my boys even though he wasn't really there for that. We bought a few of his Star Wars prints which are cracking (Boba Fett, Storm troopers and Han & Chewie).

Met up with the usual suspects (and Dunk, good guy) and agree with the above, if you think its us say hello and we probably wont ditch you and skulk off to another pub  ;)

Didnae see Fungus all weekend or I would've told you to get the round in meet us in whetherspoons.

Family had a great relaxed day on Sunday so all in all another success.

Roll on next years
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Quote from: Satanist on 07 July, 2014, 12:56:00 PM

if you think its us say hello and we probably wont ditch you and skulk off to another pub  ;)

To be fair we only done that once
DDT did a job on me


Quote from: Fungus on 07 July, 2014, 10:54:23 AM

Missed the Lonesome Truckers announcement, spent much longer than anticipated with Howard Chaykin (not my photo). After a while I showed him this:

"That's TERRIBLE".
"Well, I did it last night quickly, it's the second thing I've painted. Thought it would be nice to have you sign this too...?"
He pauses, reconsiders. For a full .5 seconds.
"Yeah - it's terrible".

He was just talking about subject material

DDT did a job on me


Ordinarily I don't take that kind of sh*t but I think he was packing.

Dog Deever

Really good time had once again- didn't get any sketches, signatures or comics, worst convention-goer ever! It was great to catch up with everybody again.
I did, however, manage to get a body for my case, which was nice.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


DDT did a job on me