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Original Cast Star Trek Films - which is your favourite?

Started by pictsy, 22 October, 2013, 09:55:54 PM

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Quote from: TordelBack on 24 October, 2013, 07:14:07 PM
Read an article about the making of Search for Spock, where they explained how the destruction of the Enterprise was to be the big closely-guarded surprise to top/match Spock's death in WoK

Only for it to be shown in the trailer.

I'm pleased to say I never saw that trailer, so the moment had its intended impact on me when I saw it in the cinema. Thank ferk for that!

Dark Jimbo

Sounds like I really should seek out Wrath of Khan one of these days...


Without a doubt; Star Trek: the Motion Picture.
Caught this in the cinema at the time, so nostalgia plays a wee role in this, and love re-reading the novel.
Maybe not as snappy, or as fun as some as the later films, but it'll always get my vote.

The Borg/V'ger bullshit retcon can do one, though.

Dont think there was a crap Star Trek movie tbh, except for the TNG ones, and the reboot's.


Quote from: Judge Jack on 24 October, 2013, 08:54:38 PM
The Borg/V'ger bullshit retcon can do one, though.

I vaguely read about this once but in the context I read it, it was more of a little joke like "Wouldn't it be funny if...?".  I didn't think anybody took it seriously.

Didn't Tordel's and myself just conclusively prove that First Contact was excellent and PROPER Trek to boot?

Did we do series somewhere?

And Captains?

And First Officers?

And Doctors?

And Engineers?
SCOTTY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TRIP=O'BRIEN>GEORDIE>>>I can't even remember who it was in Voyager.

And pinocchios?

Yeoman Rand>>>>>>T'POL>DAX>TROI>7OF9
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


How about Theme Tunes?

That enterprise singing crap prompted me to never watch an episode in entirety.  Even remembering it makes me feel nauseous.  Plus how could I watch it in all seriousness without expecting to see Al appear.  Even if Al did appear I'd start to get confused and would expect to see the Cylons attack the enterprise.  That theme song would have left my mind so befuddled.


I actually like the ENTERPRISE theme and opening credits (though wasn't so keen when they sped it up a little for Season 3).  The message in both lyrics and image were very Star Trek (if a little "on the nose"). And Tiny Tips agrees with me and you can't argue with him.

OPENING CREDITS is actually the one place where Voyage isn't completely shit to my mind


I like the fact that the cast of DS9 actually read as if they are character names.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 24 October, 2013, 10:08:26 PM
I like the fact that the cast of DS9 actually read as if they are character names.

Nana Visitor, Siddig el Fadil, Cirocc Lofton, Marc Alaimo, Rene Auberjonois, Max Grodenchik... That's brilliant, I'd never noticed that before!

Definitely Not Mister Pops

I tried my hardest with Enterprise, I really did, but the final straw was an episode where it was one of the crew's birthday. They tried to figure out what to get him, but the character was soooo dull, the best they could do was make him a pineapple cake because he liked pineapples. That was it. The guy liked pineapples. He's a character in Star Trek and the only thing interesting the writers could think of was that he liked pineapples. They could have at least invented a weird obscure exotic space fruit for him to like, with a funny/interesting story about how he discovered it or why he came to like this obscure fruit, but no, pineapple.
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 24 October, 2013, 09:33:21 PM
Quote from: Judge Jack on 24 October, 2013, 08:54:38 PM
The Borg/V'ger bullshit retcon can do one, though.

I vaguely read about this once but in the context I read it, it was more of a little joke like "Wouldn't it be funny if...?".  I didn't think anybody took it seriously.

Well, this doesnt appear to be quite approaching 'canon', but more expanded universe?
One of Shatners ST novels makes reference, or hints at a V'ger-Borg origins. As did Gene Roddenberry himself, in a interview, many moons ago.


Quote from: Judge Jack on 24 October, 2013, 10:46:51 PM
Well, this doesnt appear to be quite approaching 'canon', but more expanded universe?
One of Shatners ST novels makes reference, or hints at a V'ger-Borg origins.

If anything in the zany world of Trek 'canon' can be considered 'non-' it's Shatner's ghastly novels!

Professor Bear

Haha - God help me I read that Shatner novel and it was fucking dreadful.  The Romulans team up with the Borg to bring Captain Kirk back from the dead and he beats up Worf and then goes through a magic space teleporter to Borg Planet on the other side of the universe where Voyager has a big OFF switch on it that makes the planet and all the Borg explode THE END.  There were sequels.

Quote from: Mister Pops on 24 October, 2013, 10:34:08 PMThey could have at least invented a weird obscure exotic space fruit for him to like, with a funny/interesting story about how he discovered it or why he came to like this obscure fruit, but no, pineapple.

They hadn't invented space fruit yet in Enterprise, Pops.  This was literally the only thing the show had going for it.

I hated Enterprise first time around, but a second viewing years later revealed that... it was actually even worse than I remembered unless you start with season 3, which is basically Galaxy Quest: the Series - a huge reptilian supervillain is making a doomsday weapon that looks like the Death Star and all that stands in his way is a brave crew led by a hammy one-trick pony main actor playing the captain, a good actor playing an alien doctor, a young black helmsman, a spaced-out engineer, and a lady who does nothing but look pretty and answer the phone - at one point there's a trailer for an episode and it has nothing at all to do with the episode that follows, it's just the bad guy eating a puppy and then laughing.  It's great fun.  Given a choice I'd start there instead of the awful first two seasons - season 4 even has a two-part episode set in an alternate universe where everyone is evil and some of the cast sport goatees, then it has an episode where the captain fights Robocop on Mars like at the end of Total Recall (the good one), and it happens in a big UFO with a death ray in it.

The main theme grew on me, but not after they made it into an elevator jingle in season three - after that it's pretty unbearable, but until then it was a really goofy opening that to me promised a Buck Rogers-style romp, which the show did sort of become in the end.


I read about Enterprise and the Borg.  That was another nail in the coffin.

This thread is going wildly off topic now, so to hell with it.  I don't mind Voyager.  I rewatched the entire run last year and found the quality wasn't as bad as I remembered (I used to be a hater).  I actually started rewatching it because I was recalling quite a few episodes I had enjoyed and figured I'd give it another go.  I think Tim Russ' Tuvok was an excellent representation of a Vulcan.  I really think he nailed it on the head.  The surprise was Jeri Ryan.  She demonstrated that she had a range and wasn't just a big titted cardboard cutout for all the trek fanboys to 'spend time in the tool shed' over.  Voyager is not my favourite Trek and certainly not the best, but I do think it is underrated.

I'm now starting to think that maybe I should start a Stargate thread.  I watched the entire run of that last year as well.

Professor Bear

Weirdly, the Borg episode of Enterprise was very good.  Probably the only redeeming thing about seasons 1 and 2, though I admit that's not saying much.


I'll get us back on track here...

I love Wrath of Khan.  Love love love.

I really enjoy Search for Spock.  Only draw back is that Spock isn't in it enough.

I think The Motion Picture looks beautiful and i have no problem at all that it's two hours long and very little happens.  PLus, the bald women is hawt.

Undiscovered Country has that one line that i love when Kirk jumps on top of the important fella at the end and then introduces himself with the perfectly delivered line "Kirk, Enterprise" while lying on top of him.

I've seen a fair few of TOS but not all of them but they don't really interest me that much.  I much prefer TNG and i Picard is better than Kirk (ducks for cover).

My opinion is not to be trusted: I think Last Action Hero is AWESOME. And What Women Want.


Never saw the appeal of Star Trek as a whole. It seemed like a space drama with less drama and extra orders of cheese. Not my kind of thing. Saying that, Wrath of Khan is a fantastic science fiction film and one I always can give the time of day.