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Hope for a Dredd Sequel?

Started by Tarantino, 26 February, 2014, 09:23:21 PM

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Quote from: Tarantino on 26 February, 2014, 10:16:53 PM
you don't need to make a slow, boring introduction to a fantastic character like Dredd, he needs to explode onto the screen and capture the publics imagination, then they'll be interested in his back story.

If they really want the general public to know who Dredd is, then a short voiceover at the beginning, explaining what Dredd is all about would be enough. They could be done in 30 seconds.

I presume you've seen DREDD, which all ready does exactly what you prescribe.

Bat King

I have no idea at all why someone would want a 'Discarray'... The discs I have come in perfectly acceptble boxes that sit perfectly well on a shelf... Plus once you have your discs in a picture frame that surely impairs your ability to put them in the player & watch them.

No wonder you got stuck with a load of these white elephants.



I only visit this site occasionally, and I now remember why.

Everyone is very aggressive with their opinions.

There is very little friendly exchange, unless you agree with each other.

You guys need to chill and learn to get on with each other.

And I'm saying that in the nicest way possible - look big smiley face  :D



Maybe it is.

I am the common denominator  ;)


Quote from: Tarantino on 26 February, 2014, 10:16:53 PM
The Cursed Earth would be a low budget choice of set. Mega City 1 done with the right budget would be fantastic ... Judge Death and all the other Dark Judges are made for cinema, and with a big enough budget you can't go wrong.

Getting an even bigger budget for a sequel to a film which lost money shouldn't be a problem.

Bat King

Of course without 3D the budget Alex had would have gone a lot further...

Personally I think Alex could pull off a good Cursed Earth film with a relatively small budget.


The Adventurer

Its my understanding that Dredd got as much budget as it did, because they were going to shoot 3D. Its what the studio wanted as its big selling point.



I was thinking about the [AISTR] usually accepted ideas for a potential sequel - maybe something Cursed Earth-y, an iteration of 'Origins', plus the above expectation of a lower budget (rules out dinosaurs for one) and had an idea...

..what if you took the basic idea of Origins (Dredd heads 'out' of MC-1 in search of Fargo, dovetailed with a history of the creation of the Mega City and Judges) and instead of Dredd & Co actually going outside the city they go... under it?

Could the Undercity stand in for the Cursed Earth? Very little location shooting needed, you'd be able to create a visual record of the past world in the ruins MC-1 is built over, and Fargo is instead rumoured to be somewhere below with the requisite muties, vampires, freaks and whatnot?
The views above are entirely my own. And there's the problem.

The Bissler

Nice idea QQ!  It reminds me of the low budget but well executed "The Descent".  For me, that was one of the most effective horror films ever!

Still, filming in the desert would give it more of an epic feel.  I reckon that Dredd in the Cursed Earth could have a real feel of but a new take on the old Sergio Leone spaghetti westerns - which potentially could be great!

Steve Green

It could be both - Tour of Duty has the eco-cities, which has the advantage of adding claustrophobia and variety to a desert only location.

Some kind of survival horror road trip would be great. I'm not sure if dinosaurs are necessary, or desirable considering the shadow of Jurassic Park, there's are plenty of other aspects, like you say.

Bat King

Quote from: The Adventurer on 01 March, 2014, 05:30:43 AM
Its my understanding that Dredd got as much budget as it did, because they were going to shoot 3D. Its what the studio wanted as its big selling point.
Actually not quite... Alex Garland didn't want 3D, DNA didsn't plan 3d - The backers wanted it and it was 3D or no movie at all. So DNA said 'ok' and Alex re-wrote.



Quote from: Steve Green on 01 March, 2014, 05:36:18 PM
It could be both - Tour of Duty has the eco-cities, which has the advantage of adding claustrophobia and variety to a desert only location.

Similar to A Boy and his Dog where the old cities and towns are buried under the desert wastes. It was an economic way of shooting– entrances to old buildings were just a hole in the sand so when characters dropped into them they cut to location interiors.


Since I was re-reading it just this morning I favour something loosely based on Pat's Cursed Earth saga. For a valid plot reason they can't fly a zombie-plague vaccine to MC2 so Dredd, a group of Judges (Hershey, Giant?) and an untrustworthy guide (Chopper instead of Spikes?) travel to there in a big vehicle fighting muties, slavers and dodging giant tarantulas. Something akin to True Grit or The Searchers. And if any of that resembles the plot to The Raid 2 shoot me.
Whatever happened to Rico, Dolman and Cadet Paris? I'm sooo out of the loop.


Quote from: Eightball on 01 March, 2014, 07:45:18 PM
Something akin to True Grit or The Searchers.

You're speaking my language, although your actual synopsis sounds more like Red River. Wayne's character in that is very Dredd, although Joe would never have allowed a wee nyaff like Monty Cliff to get the jump on him.