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Y'know what really grinds my gears?

Started by Link Prime, 12 April, 2014, 01:47:44 PM

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Quote from: Rately on 26 November, 2020, 11:59:43 AM
Manager throws a hissy fit in front of entire team during team meeting. Actually states, "I'm not having a temper tantrum," whilst in the middle of a temper tantrum.

I later ask, in a meeting with him in his Office, if I can Work From Home next Tuesday and Wednesday for personal reasons, and he advises me that I'd have to take them days as Annual Leave, or go and WFH from this coming Monday until the 11th of December.

I mean, how childish can you be?

Sounds like a proper gobshite.  What's wrong with working from the Monday to the 11th though?
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 26 November, 2020, 01:04:41 PM
Quote from: Rately on 26 November, 2020, 11:59:43 AM
Manager throws a hissy fit in front of entire team during team meeting. Actually states, "I'm not having a temper tantrum," whilst in the middle of a temper tantrum.

I later ask, in a meeting with him in his Office, if I can Work From Home next Tuesday and Wednesday for personal reasons, and he advises me that I'd have to take them days as Annual Leave, or go and WFH from this coming Monday until the 11th of December.

I mean, how childish can you be?

Sounds like a proper gobshite.  What's wrong with working from the Monday to the 11th though?

I've decided to just Work From Home from Monday, and come the 11th, I might just ask to continue working from home. At this stage, I can't see him being able to force me back in, seeing as we have a memo from a Senior Manager stating that if you have the ability to WFH, you should.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 26 November, 2020, 12:53:40 PM
Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 26 November, 2020, 12:01:12 PM
Quote from: Link Prime on 26 November, 2020, 11:43:04 AM
YES, I will allow cookies you funting funt.
Just like the other 8 million times you asked that question when I visited your stupid funting website.

Drives me particularly insane when it's a site where I'm a registered user and logged in. Yes, yes, you already know I've agreed to load cookies, ferchrissake.

Tom Scott did a pretty good video about this just a few days ago

That was very informative - I never really got what "reader view" meant before.

Link Prime

Is today actually Black Friday?
Cause it seems like it's been Black Friday for about two years already.

Funt Solo

Ultimately, my best solution to finding a certain Facebook locale reprehensible (and an advert for more education funding), is to ignore it. It tends to echo its own views, so subjecting myself to its wittering is somewhat on a par with asking to be punched repeatedly in my psyche. A bit masochistic. So, I do it sparingly.

I do wonder, though, is there a point where Lord Trolldermort, their resident Master Chef of Tarte de Merde, might cross the line from goading and hearsay and stray into illegalities? Last year he depicted the violent murder of the editor, and this week he posted this up as the banner of the group's page:

Of course it's distasteful* - that's probably the entire point. What I'm wondering is if it's either an incitement to violence or a direct threat. I have to ask: at long last, has he no sense of decency?**

*Actually not the most distasteful thing he's done this week. That would probably be using a collection of hearsay to openly accuse the editor of selling out the legacy of a famous, sadly deceased and well beloved artist.

**Paraphrasing the famous McCarthy-Welch exchange.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I wouldn't call it an incitement to violence, it's just a metaphor. But it's in very poor taste as you say.


Not aware of the specific context, but that looks more like a self-mocking joke to me than any incitement to anything. It's a reflection of how the Other Place feels they are viewed, rather than how they view themselves. I don't think sharing it here is likely to help with that perception.

The more anyone points out that the Other Place has a negative tone, the more posters there post negative things to prove their critics lack the necessary irreverent sense of humour. Which may be the case, or it may just be that it's not a sense of humour that others - including me - share. De gustibus non disputandum est.

I was only briefly a member a while back, but we share many members, and I accept that most of the guys involved are fans that put a lot of effort into creating and collating 2000AD content, and promoting interest in the comic. However, it's their baby, and they enjoy being unrestrained in their criticism and mockery when something or someone disappoints, from their rather particular POV. Sometimes this seems counter-productive, obsessive or cruel, but again, something something taste, Marlon.

The nature of Facebook is that this kind of commentary gets picked up and amplified by members with only a passing or lapsed interest, or indeed an axe to grind,and you do indeed get a moan-fest. I see it in almost every group page on Facebook: it's the price of having a wider less-focused reach, but it's an outcome that I don't enjoy at all.

All of which is why the Mighty One in his alien wisdom gave his squaxx other places to gather in his verdant name.


(But yeah, it annoys me too, despite having a great deal of time for many of its members, and I personslly don't see it as good for the comic and its creators, so I try to avoid the whole thing. But it's popular, and I've lost my marbles, so what do I know).


Quote from: Richard on 28 November, 2020, 04:57:40 PM
I wouldn't call it an incitement to violence, it's just a metaphor. But it's in very poor taste as you say.

I don't get it  :(
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Funt Solo

Wise words, Tordelback. I probably should do more reading and less fandom. It's not like my perceived problems have any sort of a fix. Leopards, spots.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Funt Solo on 29 November, 2020, 02:29:03 AM
Wise words, Tordelback. I probably should do more reading and less fandom. It's not like my perceived problems have any sort of a fix. Leopards, spots.

But don't go drifting from here under that basis, or we'll all have something to grind our gears - your contributions are fantastic.


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 29 November, 2020, 07:24:51 AM
But don't go drifting from here under that basis, or we'll all have something to grind our gears - your contributions are fantastic.


Didn't intend to go all preachy, Funt, and certainly not in your direction. Halfway through a 6th week of knockdown, following a month of other restrictions, and my capacity to fill the hours with typed drivel is now boundless. Not all of us can turn our idle hands to witty, well-illustrated chunks of relevant insight.


Here's something that grinds my gears - people that have never been shy treating shyness as some kind of cute or loveable thing.

As a formerly shy person, I can say without reservation that being shy is shit.  It's something that shouldn't be nurtured by other people, but treated as the deeply unpleasant affliction that it is.  It's born of self-doubt and fear, and feels like an inescapable trap.  Nobody sees anxiety and depression as an adorable little quirk, but I believe shyness is just as serious a problem and indeed, in many cases, is a cause of both.  It sucks the joy out of life - I hate to quote someone that has revealed himself to be an awful human being, but shyness really does stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to.

I was cured by accident, really - I kind of fell into a job teaching adults and through gradual exposure got over it.  But I'm eternally grateful for that, and wish there were more resources, and promotion thereof, for other sufferers of shyness to get out the mental prison that it truly is.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Link Prime

Whoever is making a pigs ear of the tin foil roll - I will find you. And I will kill you.


Here's one that intersected with me recently: making bad choices and repenting for them seems to be more valued in our society than simply not making those bad choices in the first place.