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Y'know what really grinds my gears?

Started by Link Prime, 12 April, 2014, 01:47:44 PM

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This unfortunately seems to be the new normal.  Today the airwaves have been full of tales of those who are finding the increase in costs outstripping income to an insane amount. 

I can fully appreciate this given the news this week that the job I had been offered last summer is no longer available following security vetting.  Whether it is that it took so long they've given up or there is some other reason is moot. 

The long and the short of it is that I find myself, a fifty something male, consigned to the scrapheap but still needing to support family.  So the insane increases we're looking at right now are not helping in any way.

Anyway, we're still willing to offer whatever support we can.  You wouldn't be the first to set up a 'just-giving' page for something like this.


I recently received a Jury Summons letter of notification from the Criminal Courts of Justice.

As I am on an Invalidity Pension for a number of health reasons - both mental and physical - which would, I assume, make me not eligible to participate. So I rang my doctor's surgery and left a message, requesting the necessary letter / documentation I would need from him, which I could then forward onto the powers-that-be to excuse myself from the process.

Sure enough, one of the docs - whom I've never dealt with before -  got back to me to say he would have that letter for me and - here's the kicker - that there would be a €10 charge for it. I explained that I am on a medical card and so surely things like that would be covered.

Not so, according to him. Which seems rather unfair to my mind. So basically, I'm being penalised on account of a situation not of my making and over which I have no control. I would have thought that there would be some kind of waiver of the charge in this instance, but he was adamant that it did not apply.

So it looks like I have no choice but to pay up.

I am, to say the least, not very happy about this.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 20 April, 2022, 06:09:52 PM

Cheers, Funt. Yeah, that had occurred to me and I'll give them a go. Thing is, a mate of mine who was in a similar situation was NOT charged that fee, so it would appear to be up to discretion of the individual GP practice as to what they do. Might be time to consider my position with my current lot.

The Legendary Shark

Ask your doctor to put his reasons in writing, and to point out the specific clauses in your contract with him which require you to pay this fee.



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 20 April, 2022, 07:07:23 PM

Ask your doctor to put his reasons in writing, and to point out the specific clauses in your contract with him which require you to pay this fee.

He would probably charge me an additional fee for that!  :lol:

Funt Solo

I should start charging a fee for my forum posts. Right, you lot - pay up!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

Quote from: paddykafka on 20 April, 2022, 07:15:16 PM
Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 20 April, 2022, 07:07:23 PM

Ask your doctor to put his reasons in writing, and to point out the specific clauses in your contract with him which require you to pay this fee.

He would probably charge me an additional fee for that!  :lol:

Which you can pass on to the courts. Let them talk to each other.



So, some good news!

Having tried but failed to get through to Citizens Information, I rang the Jury Office to enquire as to whether this payment for the Doc's letter was legitimate. The lady I spoke to - having checked my number and file - told me that I was excused Jury Service, so there was no need for me to provide any letters etc.

(I'm still none the wiser as to my query.)

That Doc can whistle for his tenner now, lol!

Funt Solo

Good job persisting! A lot of folk just fold when things get tricky - but exploring your options can pay dividends. In this case, a tenner.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

Heh, now send a bill for €11 to your doctor because you did his job for him :D



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 21 April, 2022, 04:13:39 PM

Heh, now send a bill for €11 to your doctor because you did his job for him :D

I seem to recall a Judge Dredd story, in which one of the Cits made a living, from charging company's for bills that she sent them (or something along those lines)?

By a strange quirk of fate, I spotted a box-set of the first four seasons of Game of Thrones on sale in a charity shop today - for ten euro! What can I tell you? It was meant to be!  :)

(Thanks for yer input and suggestions, lads. It was much appreciated!)

Link Prime

Quote from: paddykafka on 21 April, 2022, 04:27:20 PM
the first four seasons of Game of Thrones on sale in a charity shop today - for ten euro!

Lady Luck continues to shine on you Paddy.
Stop after season 4 and make up your own ending.

The Doctor Alt 8

Mother has been in Hospital for 5 weeks since this Tuesday past. (Mother is due home tomorrow hopefully) Due to her treatment for bladder cancer she is urine incontinent and gets a limited amount of pads free to help cope. ( enough for her to use 2 during the day and one at night... it isn't enough but there you go.)

     During her stay the staff have "borrowed" these pads for other patients... the hospital couldn't provide her with any some of the time. Monday I brought in 6 night and the same day pads. After I left during the following day ALL of these pads... with out mother being asked. Yesterday I brought replacements. I put them in a bag and left them in a position which should have made it clear that these were patient property. Many of these nurses are clearly awear that these pads are my mothers not the wards. Last night when mother was sleeping ALL OF THESE PADS were effectively stolen. Now we are going to have to buy more privately to cover the next few weeks before we can get more free.

It's bad enough that the hospital apparently don't have enough pads for everyone but to take someone else's equipment especially without asking should be unacceptable.


Quote from: paddykafka on 21 April, 2022, 04:27:20 PM
I seem to recall a Judge Dredd story, in which one of the Cits made a living, from charging company's for bills that she sent them (or something along those lines)?

The story was in the last year before the prog went a bit more colourful (late 400s, possibly very early 500s) and the megacitizen in question invoiced large companies but didn't specify what the invoice was for.  Technically not illegal, though Dredd was not impressed.