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Brass Sun US Format - Issue 1

Started by Bat King, 16 April, 2014, 05:49:07 PM

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Bat King

Out 28th of May ($3.99 so around £2.99) Issue 1 of 6 begins with introducing the rolers of the small corner of the Orrery where Cadwallader and Wren live.

I've not re-read this at all so it was very interesting to revisit the beginning. If you haven't read it this mini-series will certainly help you understand the last series a little better.

Review from pdf so I can't be certain but if the same paperstock is used for this as was used for Underbelly it'll look excellent.

My review, spoiler free, is in the usual place.



Thanks for the review. I'm looking forward to this IDW mini series.

Bat King

It isn't IDW. This is a Rebellion publication (or 2000AD) but in US Format.



Is this going to be available on digital store like Comixology
We're werewolves not swearwolves


Quote from: IronGraham on 11 May, 2014, 01:08:54 PM
Is this going to be available on digital store like Comixology

It won't be on Comixology. It will be available digitally through the 2000 AD online webshop and the 2000 AD iPad app.


Quote from: Davek on 10 May, 2014, 10:34:43 PM
Thanks for the review. I'm looking forward to this IDW mini series.

Michael Evans

I much prefer Rebellion's strategy of reformatting material for the US market than IDW's. The centred artwork either being bordered by solid colours or blends is just gentler on the eye. I hope we see more titles from Rebellion for the US market, a semi-regular or mini-series based on the Dredd movie would be a natural.


It's not turned up on the app yet.


First printing sold out already.

Interesting strategic development from the House of Tharg, IMO, and a clever way to raise the brand identity.

(Also a really good comic.)


Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


"A second print of 1000 copies have also almost gone. Expect a third soon."

That's not too shabby for a property no-one's heard of, from a brand a lot of Americans won't be terribly familiar with. I'm sorely tempted myself, but money's tighter than it was and I'm waiting for the collection this winter instead. It'd be great if 2000 AD finally made it in terms of comics (rather than collections) in the US by using this model.


Just leaving these here...

"Exquisite ... a beautifully rendered and textured world that presents something unique and engaging. Four stars"

"one of the most fascinating and beautiful new comics that I've read in a long while"

"with its terrifying vistas and mind-bending concept, this issue is a minor revelation unto itself. It's always a delight to see a unique idea executed with flair"

"an intelligent and fast-paced clockpunk sci-fi serial ... plus a heroine who references the best of Nausicäa and Ursula K. Le Guin's dramatic protagonists"

"I absolutely loved this first issue, from its perfectly-designed front cover layout to the final page cliffhanger ... will appeal to fans of old-school fantasy epics, and there is a raft of subtle echoes to fantasy classics such as: Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal and The Never-Ending Story"

"Beautifully crafted, from script, to art, to letters, to the production values ... this is a book you should try to find – especially if you're a fan of epic quests and fascinating new worlds.

"an innovative world which takes the idea of a scale model universe with all its tiny wires and gears and turns into a living, breathing thing on the printed page. I think Brass Sun will rise to the top of your favorites list quickly."

"...opens strong and finishes even stronger. Praise be to the Cog, praise be to Brass Sun!"

"caught my eye thanks to its intriguing cover"

"...stunning and worthy of award consideration. This is a beautiful and captivating comic book, and one that should garner plenty of attention in "Best of" articles at the end of the year."


I've read a few of those, and one thing that is interesting is how many people are recognising the dense nature of the content. I imagine that'll come as a (nice) shock to quite a lot of US readers, used to comics just bibbling through 20ish pages without doing all that much.


Quote from: eamonn1961 on 05 June, 2014, 08:40:54 AM
It's on mine, under 2000AD specials

Found it. Bought it. Will read it tonight.

Steve Green

Great to hear it's doing so well!