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The Sims Four

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 11 September, 2014, 04:11:41 AM

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I ordered this one through Electronics Boutique earlier this week and it should arrive either today or tomorrow all going well.

I was even told by a local store assistant that the game (Which is now ready to buy!) is return to what made the second game so good.

At least I hope it is.

On a sadder note. The special collectors edition of The Sims 3. (It was in special green cardboard box with a thick manual and art book inside! Definitely not the one with the large plastic USB-stick shaped like the famous green Plum-Bob! ) has gone missing or has appeared to. yeah, things go missing from the house I live in. Just like death and taxes.

Anyway, what I never like about that version of the game was that there was pre-made neighbour hood that I don't even think I was able to built houses of my own creation on.

Less options when sculpting the faces of your own sims. This made it very difficult to make copies of my self, friends and well known celebrities.

Missing Animations...for instance the sim would just disappear as they got into their transport and reappear inside them. Very sloppy.

Passing cars and trucks would often pass right through sims if they were standing on the road. Even sloppier.

There was a even greater sense of detachment with your sims as you could zoom right out and refocus other sims.

Although this was also one of the improvements from the game. Aside from better graphics that never made much difference to me. As well, being able to have obese sims.

Not sure what else was different about it, but I never played it as much as the first two versions of the game.

As terrible as it was, I'm still depressed by it's loss or anything else that goes missing.


ThryllSeekyr - You ought to wait for Mimikeke to chip in as I am sure I read previously somewhere that she was involved in the development of this. I am sure she can answer your concerns regarding the features you miss!  :D


It didn't go well....

I had to walk through two or three suburbs to pick it up from a post office today. Event though it's been here since the 11th.

They didn't deliver to my house or the post office closest to me (Only one suburb away!) and I brought it home about six hours ago.

I've been trying to install it on and off since then.

It's only now I logged in to my Origin account (I only just remembered it's exactly the same as my EA account which registered years earlier when I brought the game Spore.) the and now that part of it up on my screen now.

Yet it my internet connection is so limited at the moment.

It won't go through with the rest of the installation.

I will have to wait a while longer.


This game refuses to make any progress downloading....

Yes, you read it right.

Even though I brought the game as it game as two CDs in a plastic box.

What the hell is on these two CDs if I still need to down load the game after popping the first into my machine.

First, it told me to login to my Origin account and then there were series of broken progress's which eventually lead to this downloader for the game that is still at 0% since early last night.

There a downloader for free copy of the previous version of this game The Sims Three....

That won't download until this one is done.

I know it's more a problem with my internet at the moment then anything else.

It's like a geek conspiracy!

James Stacey

so called PC master race. Don't get this problem with a Playstation

(sorry I know thats not helpful)


I just checked the downloader and it was offline and went through a set of awkward process to get it back online.

This is more a fault with my pc's wonky internet than anything else.

My internet has been slipping this way for almost the last fortnight and I don't have a clue why.

I casually informed my father about this earlier as he is the one who arranged it in the first place.

The last time it was this bad, we fixed it by moving the computer closer to the router in the kitchen.

Then we moved it back and it wasn't such a problem until now.

It's been at 3% towards completion since I got back on the computer nearly half a hour ago and it's been that way nearly all yesterday afternoon and onwards. It's nearly 300 in the morning now.

It's been that much harder to open web pages. As I like to open quite few while I'm online and Steam has not been able to prepare games that have already been installed at the same rate of speed as usual. It's that bloody slow.

I have a bone to pick with EA and Origin.

Why even give me game disk. Two of them when I need to download the bloody game.

I had the same problem with latest Dawn of War: War-Hammer Forty K games. I have brought all of those ones retail and they were all apparently stored on game disk as well.

Yet, I could only install them by logging into my Steam and download them via them.

All I got from the game disk was the code to download what was available of the game from Steam.

So, those games only show up on my Steam library.

Utter ridiculousness.

I'm going to let them know how dumb I think this is.

Considering my dodgy internet speed at the moment.


Quote from: James Stacey on 16 September, 2014, 12:47:18 PM
so called PC master race. Don't get this problem with a Playstation

(sorry I know thats not helpful) that how you feel and BTW what are you suing to comment on this forum?

Your mobile?

James Stacey

Ha sorry yes it's just force of habit from getting PCs are better than consoles from every angle from friends.
(That was posted from a pc, this a mobile)


I think PC are much better than consoles, especially from the prospective of programmers and hackers who can't do what they do to consoles.

Right now pc's still out perform consoles in terms of memory, graphics and so on if you know how to build them.

As for the latest Sims game....

It was reviewed last night on the ABC channel.

Good Game

To quote what was said on their show....

Quote from: GG HEXYeah, there're a few key things missing that people are really upset over. Things like Toddlers, Pools, story progression and the open world that was introduced in Sims 3.

That's sounds bad!

Quote from: GG HEXIt's nice that you can do that now, but I don't see why it would come at the expense of an open world. It doesn't seem like a fair trade off. You just really lose that sense of community and place that an open world provided.

The world won't be as big as it was in the third version of the game, but will you at least be able to model it from the ground up or it is prefab like it was?

Quote from: GG BAJOAt least the loading screens are snappy, but I do agree, it is a step back, however, it wasn't a deal breaker for me personally. But I do think when that's combined with the fact there's no story progression now, it really makes everything feel like segmented little boxes that don't really interact with each other.

Sounds like my experience from my recent purchase of Star Citizen.

Quote from: HEXSo probably the first thing you notice is that the create-a-sim tool is a lot more fluid and easy to use. It lets you pull and push on just about every part of your sim to get them looking exactly how you want. Although the create-a-style tool is gone so your fashion options are pretty limited for now, which is a shame.

That's what I looking forward to and I guess that what the store person meant when this game would be a return to the second version. You see in the third version, despite being able to adjust sliders to take your sim from extremely anorexic to obese. The facial/head sculpting quotient is seriously crippled.

I couldn't make the close friends and well known celebrity Sims I was making from the The Sims
game. I was very proud of the likeness I achieved of some former school chums and I managed to do Mr Smith A.K.A. Hugo Weaving very well. I just wish I knew where the photos and videos I have of these stored on a USB stick.

Quote from: BAJOIt's a much nicer way to create a model rather than just a bunch of sliders isn't it? It's sort of like sculpting a piece of clay, or messing with Mario's face in the Mario 64 start screen. The best part is, if you like making weird, ugly and crazy looking characters, the Sims 4 is the perfect place to do it. Meet Clown Guy. Look at that strut! Oh my... But I settled a guy who has a small head, a big body, fat thighs, thin calves and tiny feet...and he was blue. He was also insane.

This sounds even better.

Quote from: GG HEXNow Bajo, I've never really been a fan of the Sims, the idea of it just doesn't really grab me. I like the city builders and quite liked The Sims Medieval since there seemed to be a bit more purpose and I liked that setting. But this one just seems menial and pointless.

I originally brought The Sims Medievel[/ur] thinking I would be able to build my own castles and castle amenities like another version of Stronghold. I even imagined a version of this game with this them where I could have my old world sim in their castle, tower, or cottage, doing everything from old world occupation or hunting or entreating to earn gold or bartar for better things. Even the taxis would be replaced by horse drawn carriages, the phones would be replaced by messenger birds or fast running or horse riding sims. They could attend fairs, balls and executions, instead of parties, nightclubs other modern contriviances.

I agree that while the attractive female hostess of that show said she only liked this game because of it's alternative theme. Yet, I think that is it.

For in this game, you can only start with just one sim who you can make up as anybody using the same sculpting technology made available since the third game. This character is the king/Queen (Depending on chosen sex!) and you can name them.

The castle is prefab set of rooms that can be seen from only side assuming you have removed the fascade (Just like looking at a ant farm!) and can't move this view around at all. There is no 3D camera. When you pull back from the front on view of the castle, it's a 3D world that can only be seen from one side.

After successful completion of your ruling sim's daily quests and duties. They will earn a type of experience to improve themselves and unlock other Medievel characters. They also earn money from taxes after more people arrive in you kingdom to live and pay them. With these, more old world furniture
can be purchased for your royal bedroom, and so on.

I wondered what they use for toilet in those days and found the chamber pot. Used in almost the same fashion by both sex's.

Most interesting  :o ::) :-[ :lol:

Other buildings brought and positioned in around your kingdom, but all of them are prefab and with this new sim characters are unlocked. Like the Bard, and then there is a Wizard.

All these character can go on little adventures and quest which are handle via the succession of hand drawn slides medieval style. Rather then real time action of the relevant sim performing these.

It was kind of charming and pretty and interesting to watch you kingdom slowly grow in size. Yet, even this  seems mitigated in comparison with other popular games that involve city building.

It gets boring after a while.

I, Cosh

I don't know what time it is in Australia but please, in the morning, approach your doctor and ask for help.
We never really die.


Quote from: James Stacey on 16 September, 2014, 12:47:18 PM
so called PC master race. Don't get this problem with a Playstation

(sorry I know thats not helpful)
My ps3 broke, I had to buy a new one.
My pc broke, I built a new one  :lol:


Quote from: The Cosh on 17 September, 2014, 12:52:59 AM
I don't know what time it is in Australia but please, in the morning, approach your doctor and ask for help.

I have to see my doc once a month...and today was the day!

Download progress now 6%.....




After a fortnight it will get to 99% and then crash. Are you on dial-up?


Quote from: Banners on 18 September, 2014, 04:16:37 PM
After a fortnight it will get to 99% and then crash. Are you on dial-up?