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Tales of Telguuth

Started by Bat King, 09 February, 2015, 10:23:27 PM

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Bat King

Well there is a great, two page intro from Alan Moore. I liked that.

I'm sure several of you have said you wanted this book to be published over the past couple of years. It is well worth a read for those of you that weren't around at the time.

My review has some preview images with art from some bloke called Staples.

Review on mi blog


Dark Jimbo

Quote from: Bat King on 09 February, 2015, 10:23:27 PM
I'm sure several of you have said you wanted this book to be published over the past couple of years.

I did, for one! Not that I ever seriously thought we'd get more than a Meg floppy at best, mind.

Super excited for this book. ToT was never world-shattering but it was always FUN, as per all Steve Moore's work - and that's an all too often underestimated quality.

Bat King

Yeah, I hope I didn't gush...



Just to let you know, the second page seems to be repeated at the end!

Bat King

It was actually Page 6 in place of Page 2 BUT connected to the bigger version of Pahe 2...

Had a few screwy things happen with images recently. Cheers for pointing it out.



Looks lovely now, buggered if I could tell which was which, as I was using my phone :lol:

Bat King

I really appreciate folk pointing out errors. Some slip by so easily.



The print copy of this arrived today. It's a wonderful thing  :)

Spread out across the Progs, the Tales felt like Future Shocks under a different name. Collected together, they demonstrate Steve Moore's take on storytelling and world building. Each story is solidly constructed, with pay offs that are set up on the first page. Opening the volume, you are entering Moore's world, the lineage of which (the other) Moore (no relation) explains in the introduction.

The artwork is phenomena - these pages are glowing with Thrill-Power. It's good to see Dean Ormston painting stories as effective as these, after his apprenticeship in the Megazine. The range of artists helps in expanding the world of Telguuth. My favourite is Siku, one of those artists that often slips under the radar.

I'm certainly interested in the follow up prose collection, but Strange Attractor's website isn't listing the book as available. Anyone know if there's a pre-order link around?

Bat King

Yes indeed the difference between Tales of Telguuth and Future Shocks stands out in this collection.


Link Prime

Good review BK, I'm definitely going to pick this up.

I'll echo some praise for Siku, great artist (another 'where are they now?' mystery).
I'd completely forgotten he had contributed to so many of these.


Had a browse of this in FP the other day - wasn't a big fan of Telguuth at the time, but this is a spiffy looking book. Siku and Staples especially look fantastic here, and there's a bonus of one of Steve's 30-or-so Future Shocks. Hats off to Rebellion again, but what a shame that Steve didn't live to see such a fitting tribute.