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Game of Thrones Season 5

Started by radiator, 13 April, 2015, 05:18:00 PM

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I do think the Myrcella stuff was badly handled- we [spoiler]knew basically nothing about her, and now she's (presumably) dead[/spoiler].  Jaimie's involvement seemed to short-circuit all the potentially interesting Dorne politicking, leaving Bashir seming a very dull character indeed.

And while I understand the need for odd-couple pairings so that characters' thoughts can be externalised for TV, it's possible that Jaimie/Bron was one too many for this season.


I'll usually always defend the changes the show writers make, but imo the whole Dorne fiasco was a complete and utter disaster. Probably the worst thing in the show's history. Even the fight scenes were shite. I really wish that they hadn't bothered with doing Dorne at all (as was the original plan I believe).

While they cast the part well, they totally failed to do Doran any justice. In the books he has a fantastic last scene that makes you completely re-evalute the character and makes him awesome - in the show he's just dull dull dull.

I'm undecided about Stannis. I love his storyline in the books, but since his introduction in the TV show they've done such a disservice to him its probably for the best that they have curtailed his role prematurely to focus on other things.


There's surely no chance that Brienne [spoiler]has actually offed Stannis[/spoiler] though, is there?  Was it not setup for these two to get together and learn from each other's notions of duty and divine right, not to mention the treatment of daughters?


My belief is if you didn't see them die, they ain't dead.


Quote from: Hawkmonger on 04 August, 2015, 07:48:44 PM
My belief is if you didn't see them die, they ain't dead.

And generally not even if you do. I think of it as the Dante Effect.


Quote from: TotalHack on 04 August, 2015, 07:57:10 PM
Quote from: Hawkmonger on 04 August, 2015, 07:48:44 PM
My belief is if you didn't see them die, they ain't dead.

And generally not even if you do. I think of it as the Dante Effect.

Nah, [spoiler]Stannis[/spoiler] is super dead. No question in my mind. And I actually like that they didn't show the blade hitting him. It was a rare moment of restraint on the part of the show and granted him at least a little dignity in death. Mark my words, we've seen the last of him.

My belief is that he's also dead in the books*. Personally I never doubted the authenticity of the [spoiler]'Pink Letter'[/spoiler]. The conspiracies to the contrary are wishful thinking by pro-[spoiler]Stannis[/spoiler] loonies. Like Robb Stark before him, his story is done - there's nowhere else for him to go.

You know who's also definitely, 100% dead and not coming back? [spoiler]Syrio Forell[/spoiler].

*Well, semi-dead. He's both alive and dead due to the wonky chronology of the books. He'll be in The Winds of Winter, but not for long.


Hmm, but notice how a girl gagged a man when explaining why a girl was torturing and killing him. No opportunity for a man to say 'but I didn't!'. 


It would be so, so dumb if Syrio came back. I get that he's a fan-favourite character, but that's what makes his death so effective. If he turned out to be some sort of shape-shifting assassin guardian angel it would suck.

I'm on the fence about the current status of [spoiler]The Hound[/spoiler]. I must admit, I totally missed the whole [spoiler]'Gravedigger'[/spoiler] thing when I read that chapter of A Feast For Crows, but it's a convincing theory.

[spoiler]Jon[/spoiler] is totally coming back though - that's a given.


About the Dragon....

Did it just teleport there through some fireball or something?

If this one wasn't big enough, why  not bring in more dragons and let them all fly to safety.


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 08 August, 2015, 06:46:54 AM

If this one wasn't big enough, why  not bring in more dragons and let them all fly to safety.

That's Drogon, Scourge of Goatherders, the only one of the three who's out and about. Rhaegol (sp?) and Viserion are locked up under the palace in Mereen.

Richmond Clements

QuoteDid it just teleport there through some fireball or something?



and that's why he's STILL The Mayor.
DDT did a job on me


You can just about se how it made it's entrance right there in that gif.

It terms of game I have ben playing, it just drooped out of Super-Cruise, or something....


Don't want to make a new thread for this but Richard E Grant and (the actor) Kev Eldon in GoT:


Is that definitely Eldon? Amazing if it is.

And I'm utterly delighted that Withnail is joining the cast.