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The Expanse

Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 19 December, 2015, 09:27:42 PM

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For what it's worth, my hearing is fine, yet I often still find myself resorting to subtitles to make out what people say. I have no difficulty hearing the sounds, but often miss the actual words.

Don't get me wrong, it's not so bad that I'd miss most of the film if I left the subtitles off. It doesn't stop me enjoying films at cinemas. But with a rewind function I feel the need to catch everything... and it can make the viewing drag on a bit, if I'm not careful. 😆

While I like the naturalism* in modern acting, there's something to be said for the older days when people spoke more clearly on film..or maybe that's just in my head.

*I might have used the wrong word, there.Speaking and acting in an everyday kind of way** rather than exaggerating enunciation like in some plays is what I mean. Not to be confused with a slightly different spelling which involves people doing everyday activities with their clothes off.

**Making allowances for criminal activities and other naughtiness which provide much of story it's story, of course.


We tend to pretty much always have the subtitles on, with TV shows especially, which can be very dense with information these days, making it fairly easy to miss essential plot info, and doubly so in a show like The Sopranos or The Deuce where there is a lot of specific slang and shorthand.


It did take me a couple of episodes to get into the way people spoke and use slang - especially Thomas Jane. Fortunately, the missus kept dozing off so we had to rewatch bits anyway.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Keef Monkey

It definitely takes a bit of time to get into the phrasing and the way the characters speak. I remember comparing it a little bit to The Wire when I first started watching, just in the sense that you feel a bit like you've been dropped in at the deep end and expected to figure out for yourself what everyone is talking about. It's like joining a conversation mid-way instead of being introduced, if that analogy makes sense!

Once it clicked I didn't find it a problem though, and like The Wire I maybe feel a bit more engaged with it than I would have if it hadn't asked that of me.


I'm four episodes in to the new series and absolutely loving it!!!

Best TV Space Opera since Blake's Seven.

Such a treat!


Chained all 13 episodes of season 3 this weekend. Absolutely bloody brilliant.

Funt Solo

Glad people are getting into some Expanse.  I didn't get hooked into the show, but I love the books - I get each new one the day it comes out and devour it quickly.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Keef Monkey

Yeah we're about 6 episodes into S3 now after watching 3 back to back last night. It's pretty unheard of for us to watch more than one episode of anything in one sitting (outside sitcoms), but it's so damn good. I think the last time we actually binged anything was S2 of The Expanse actually.


Quote from: Keef Monkey on 11 February, 2019, 11:09:55 AM
Yeah we're about 6 episodes into S3 now after watching 3 back to back last night. It's pretty unheard of for us to watch more than one episode of anything in one sitting (outside sitcoms), but it's so damn good. I think the last time we actually binged anything was S2 of The Expanse actually.
Same with us. *Damn* season 3 is hot.


I want to try ths again now.
I wouldn't mind giving the books a go too.


Quote from: JamesC on 11 February, 2019, 11:58:46 AM
I want to try ths again now.
I wouldn't mind giving the books a go too.
Season 3 takes a little dip in the second half but recovers for an excellent finale. Very excited for S4, but very tempted by the books as well.


I'm told the books are really tough going, in the way that 'hard' SF has a tendency to be. I dislike 'hard' SF as a point of general principle* but those who are better disposed towards the sub-genre might get on with them.

*I was once told by one of its enthusiastic supporters that "no one should be allowed to write science fiction if they can't use a slide rule."
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Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


It is not really hard SF with its obsession with numbers and so forth, it's hard SF in that until a point very few things act without regards to physics and the tech is all based around actual principles and mechanics. But it's not hard SF where they spend much time dwelling on that.


Quote from: Theblazeuk on 15 February, 2019, 03:27:16 PM
It is not really hard SF with its obsession with numbers and so forth, it's hard SF in that until a point very few things act without regards to physics and the tech is all based around actual principles and mechanics. But it's not hard SF where they spend much time dwelling on that.

Fair enough. I haven't read 'em — all I know is what people (whose opinion I generally trust) have said and they all seem to think the books are pretty turgid. Other opinions are available, obviously!
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


I have not read the books either but the show is awesome. I am almost halfway with season 3 and so far it is as great as the previous seasons.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.