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Against the Wishes of My Older Brother....

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 12 March, 2016, 04:51:44 AM

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I had moved every book shelf & both couch's upstairs & into the part of the house that my brother wanted me to steer clear of. It's where all the good furniture is & it's what I think my brother was hoping to use as a selling point. In fact I think he said the house was already be purchased by some Asian family. Yet, I have felling he might have been having me on about this. Because it's former grand-folks house who have now both passed on as of at least two years ago now. My grandmother was the last to go & my grand father a few years earlier. Sadly.....

Yet, I've always wanted loved this house & wanted to know what it was like to live here. Had thoughts of legitimately buying the place when I still had more than a grand sitting in my bank account. It's pretty big, & close to town & the show grounds which really open during the colder months. There is also a university that has dorms where a mental asylum used to be. The house built on a busy road that seems to be plagued by the sound of ambulance & police sirens, because the close proximity to the hospital & watch-house. Which always set me on edge. The place seems to be devoid of people. Yeah, I do notice there are some people walking along the foot path, using the bus stop nearby. It's just not the volume of people I would have expected around here. It's like they are always either some where else, or inside their houses I guess. I expected more pope, walking around & at night. It's like this part of town has become a graveyard.  While there is a graveyard nearby. It's just I expected more young women walking to & from the university. They have some apartments across road & around the corner specifically made for them. I might be on the prowl once I get my shit together. I'm even thinking of going to university, maybe this one the ones they have in the city (Brisbane). To learn about coding computer games. Maybe just simple ones, or the ones I like playing &/or film. Making movies. It's worth a try. It's good to have those credentials, even if I might have aimed for this while still at school so many years ago now. 

Back on the subject of moving stuff around the house. The books cases were either awkward to move (Because of their size!) or just really heavy, but not that had to shift. The same goes for both couches & old kitchen table which I moved upstairs last night. The bookcases were moved last week & I had haphazardly moved all my beloved novels, graphic novels, comics, magazines (& other reading material that falls in-between those categories without being in one of their own!) on to every available shelf without sorting them. The shifting might have been difficult because of the stairs & the narrow & door ways that always seem to narrow when I getting the bigger stuff through them. 

I'm really chuffed, I got both couches upstairs, & put the older, heavier one in the front room. I used to always sleep in that one. Yet, had trouble doing that of late due to the fact that the middle of it had mysteriously collapsed. Perhaps due to the fact I used to stand up on it to get at books on the over head book shelves or some other unknown reason. (It's a X-File!) Since then, it's been hard on my back & there is the other newer couch, which is meant to replace that one. Yet, that newer couch, was never as comfortable & we always kept it down in the garage with a lot of stuff that might be junk that was never thrown out. I'd often sleep on it anyway out of necessity & that the garage was the coolest room to sleep/rest in during this past summer. Lately, before my move, I would spend a lot of time just reclining on it in the dark merely, because I found that more relaxing because the un-natural light always bothered me & the back room where the other couch was kept & the place where I kept my computer, along with cable television. That room is very hot during the past summer months.

That old couch is now in the front room, with it's back pointing towards the front wall where a largish window is set looking out over the busy road outside. It's got this venetian curtain that that might get pinned behind that couch if push any further back. You have to be careful siting on it because of it's accident. This room is usually shut off by two wooden doors framing twin planes of that ruffled glass (That's what I call it, I'm not sure what it's actually called, but you would find that it's the same stuff that you find in churches & usually stained, but not these. They would be clear, except you can't see through them, because of they're ruffled texture!) that can be locked. It's locked off from what used to be the television/sitting room that is adjoining the dining room. Its like one big long room & even longer when those special doors are open. This part of the house is kind of more antique looking that the rest of it along with the adjoining bedrooms at the front & centre. That sitting room is were I have put most of bookcases, after shifting two of the antique chairs (I thinking of selling those. Maybe for about 1000 dollars AUD a piece.) into that front room. That room does look kind of daggy now & it still has a lot of gear just lying around on the floor.  I might shift those bookcases into some other part of the house, but later.

While I put two of the better & heavier bookcases long the outer wall (The interior wall on the side of the house facing out to the right side if you facing the front of the house whilst standing inside it.) in the dining section. It does have a pair wooden & sliding screen doors which adjoins to tiled corner section of the house where the stairwell can be found on the right. This part of the house has a window wrapped around the top half of it on both walls of that section. They don't really open, but you can slid them open to let air in through he screen sheeting & they are also entirely covered by those very same venetian curtains (Like vertical blinds made from typical curtain material!). I don't consider this part of the dining/sitting/front room before it. I keep those doors closed most of the time. Because the light in the dining area doesn't work &a it's almost dangerously dark in the during the evening. I spent last evening sorting through a special selection of books with a torch in hand. I will elaborate on that later.....

This was after I moved the extendable antique dark wooden table from the centre of this the that room & went to a lot of trouble getting that into the kitchen that's connected to this room via regular doorway. It's wooden with more of the funny looking last that isn't really see through. That doorway is on the right as you enter that section from the sitting room. I had to shuffle/dance that table through opening & ended up leaving it there over night. (I did this two days earlier!) It seemed hopeless & a lost cause by the time I gave up, but got it through later on the next day & that's was just swell. Although, it's kind of big for the dining section of kitchen & does look a tad bit out of place. Because the kitchen is more than few steps into modern away from those other rooms where I put all the books.

The normal dining room table that it replaced is now sitting in the adjoining tiled area of the kitchen with washing sinks, surrounding bench cupboards & the stove, & microwave. They have been seeing a lot of use since I moved in. I actually had a few steaks for the first time in ages. Anyway, it's circular table & has few wooden chairs & it's now sitting right in the centre. It's marginally safer there now because the tiled floor tends to be slippery. I just got the sinks fixed with some financial help from my dad. (They were not draining properly, which made washing cups, dish's, & other utencils that much more awkward!) He stepped in there, because he felt I wasn't doing the dish's enough. The sink was filled overflowing with that & Coke-Zero cans. It a little better now, & I have taking care of the washing in that regard. But it's still difficult because of the lack of hot water & I've only been washing myself over the sink in the shower room with just the soap. I'm not that brave to take a cold shower however hot the weather has been.

That old kitchen table is going to be put down stairs. Which may seem kind of odd, but it would be even weirder if did that with the really good table. I thinking of selling that as well. Even though it may make a great table for table top gaming on. In that dining area adjoining the sitting room. There was also along dark wooden bureau up against inner of the dining room on the flip side of the kitchen. It's the one facing those two good book cases. It moved that into the adjoining tiled section through those sling doors. Where the stairs are. It's up against the back wall facing the front of the house. It fits nicely there & it's very antique. Thinking of selling that as well. Had to empty it, because I could barely move the thing otherwise & it still was hard to move afterwards.  So there is a lot of personal stuff that needs to be carefully packed away into boxes. Taking it's place is the newer couch & that's just perfect for me. I slept there last night. Although, it was little warmer than I usually comfortable with. There are these twin mirrors gilded with some gold like frames just son the wall above. I think I'll leave them there. I can be real narcissistic at times. I was going to remove them, so I could put the other book cases here, but I really like having the couch here. It means I can lie there & read.

From the sitting room, I moved the old television set. It definitely doesn't work & it's one of those old ones that were still shaped like largish box made mostly of wood with legs of the same & buttons & sliding switches on a control panel next to the screen. It's that heavy, I could only slowly push the thing along the carpet to a space where both those rooms join & leave it there. Using it as a temporary table to just pile all my novels.  It was getting in the way, so I shifted that to a outer far corner of the dining room. It fits very snugly next to the books cases. Not sure, what I'd be doing with that. Since it doesn't work, it's either junk furniture or a with potential a designer piece. Maybe, I could turn that into a container after ripping it's innards out.

I have little green combi-desk & chair model after the same type of desk & chair that used found in schools back when I was in year one, two & three. I doesn't think we actually used those, but it's the same idea. It's very small, rickety and painted in very odd shade of green that is somehow enhanced it's appearance of the wooden textures, if in a very sick way. I got used to it & there are two matching wardrobes. One of them more of container type of thing back in the other house & the other was big enough to half step inside of. So, this chair/desk thing has lid that flips open. So you can store books, paper, pencils & other stationary inside. It's one of those. I remember back in my earlier days at school & by the time I was in fourth grade through to seventh that we were using desks that had the same lid & storage option, but they were made from metal. While the lids were still wooden.


Anyway, this little odd piece of furniture is going to be my art/drawing/sketching station. It's in the sitting room & up against & facing one of the inner walls on the flip side of one of the bedrooms. Where one of those antique chairs were sitting.  I still have a lot to clear in that room. It is a bit of eye sore now, but cosy looking as well. I could move all those book cases into the into corner room where the stairs are. Along the walls where the windows are. A few of those book cases are short enough to fit snuggly underneath. While the taller ones are going to spoil the what ever view I have of the next door neighbours & that side of my own yard and the back. Not that I make a big habit of just standing there & gawping. It's just nice to know I can do that. Right now, I have moved all the plastic furniture from this are. It's all going down stairs. I don't think I can get much for it if I try to sell these. There is a old radiator up against half-wall surrounding most of the stairwell. I very much doubt that it still works. I have no need for that & it will have to go as well. I'm thinking of putting the taller books shelves there. That's going to be much later. Right now, I have just thrown a mattress down on the tiles there. It's from one of the single beds kept in the enclosed veranda on the other side of the house. It's a bed with double mattress. So, the lower half of the bed with it's tiny legs is now in the larger bedroom that I don't use. There's enough room in there to have another single bed without spoiling the rooms thoroughfare to the siting room. These bedrooms, as they are, with living space on either side of them doorways at both ends ruins that much opportunity for privacy, but it's not such big deal if you living alone.

Continued Later...


QuoteIt's just I expected more young women walking to & from the university. They have some apartments across road & around the corner specifically made for them. I might be on the prowl once I get my shit together.

Is this supposed to be as creepy as it sounds?


Quote from: GordonR on 12 March, 2016, 08:59:41 AM
QuoteIt's just I expected more young women walking to & from the university. They have some apartments across road & around the corner specifically made for them. I might be on the prowl once I get my shit together.

Is this supposed to be as creepy as it sounds?
'Pictures a dark, grim scene as Mayor hobbles through the street in black trench coat, wide brim hat and gloves, looking for young maidens.'

Add some Goblin or Ennio Moricone and you got yourself a giallo!

But really Mayor, please don't go latching. Theirs nothing more off putting to fellow human beings.


Quote from: GordonR on 12 March, 2016, 08:59:41 AM
QuoteIt's just I expected more young women walking to & from the university. They have some apartments across road & around the corner specifically made for them. I might be on the prowl once I get my shit together.

Is this supposed to be as creepy as it sounds?

Out all I wrote up thee, that is all you got. Try to look for good as well as the bad. You might find it's balances out or there is no need for it. Yet, I guess, no news is good news. So, bad stuff is the only thing worth gabbing on about.

Otherwise, I mean , I doing what any young lonely guy wants to do upgrade their social status. Poor choice of words on my part writing what I have, I really didn't think you would pull that one out. Really, I'm just looking for fun.

Quote from: Hawkmumbler
'Pictures a dark, grim scene as Mayor hobbles through the street in black trench coat, wide brim hat and gloves, looking for young maidens.'

Add some Goblin or Ennio Moricone and you got yourself a giallo!

That's something I'm not familiar with, but I reading about it now on Wikipedia. Some of that is interesting.

Quote from: Hawkmumbler
But really Mayor, please don't go latching.

That's another one I haven't heard before.

Quote from: Hawkmumbler
Theirs nothing more off putting to fellow human beings.

I could say something smart here, but won't


Well if you DO want something positive I'd highly re come d the university route, Mayor. Higher education particularly in niche work like IT and computer programming is highly sought after. Do be sure to check where you stand on your current educational qualification. Do you have 3 A-Levels or equivalent? Best of luck chap.


It reads as creepy, but 'tis likely that 'going on the prowl' is no more than the mating cry of the lesser-punctuated Thryllseekyr.  Although as we are gentlemen of a not dissimilar vintage, I'd suggest that TS might have more luck hitting it off with mature students, rather than the 'young women' of a university dorm setup, who are likely to view even respectful romantic approaches from the older shaggier variety of squaxx with alarm rather than delight, contrary to the indications of the US Campus sex comedy back catalogue and all of pornography. 

Pursuing further education is a great way to meet new people, as well as stretching your brain in potentially profitable directions, and widening your social circle is the very best way to find someone you might start a relationship with. It's a positive idea all round, TS - go for it.


What's the intended effect of putting the word Asian in bold?


Quote from: glassstanley on 12 March, 2016, 12:58:19 PM
What's the intended effect of putting the word Asian in bold?

You must be new here.....I just tend to do that with Nouns, a lot.


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 12 March, 2016, 05:42:37 PM
Quote from: glassstanley on 12 March, 2016, 12:58:19 PM
What's the intended effect of putting the word Asian in bold?

You must be new here.....I just tend to do that with Nouns, a lot.

I have to say, I'm quite enjoying this sassy new attitude you're wearing today.



I can't wait to see where this thread goes :D

(  ゚,_ゝ゚)   


Just quick question about canned goods. Since, I moved in I have been avidly trying my best to pay off my computer. It started just over 4000 dollars AUD & I have been paying off that since the end of 2013. This last fortnight, I've had to pay for all those book cases, two couches, a table, television & console stand/storage cabinet, a desk, and a wooden/glass windowed cabinet. (I busted one of it's windowed doors after getting it upstairs myself!) to be moved over to this house.

This cost me about 220 dollars AUD which I'm not happy about since my father told me that kind of fucked (I think they did this literally!) around inside the back of their own truck adding more dollars to what I needed to give them after the job was done. This was when they were still picking up at the other end while I wasn't there. Hoping that a hours job would only cost me about 170 dollars AUD. Not that they really seemed that slow, it just amounted to more than a hours work. What's
s worse, is that got me to sign my name on their computer tablets, that I was satisfied with the job & the amount they were asking for it. In retrospect, may be agreeing to sign those tablets was a mistake on my a part. I didn't really sign my name, I just scribbled, but that's all they need. As long as I wrote that scribble, they think it's my signature.

It's almost a crying shame when I had gotten quotes for a hours work from other removalist companies for almost half that amount that was advertised. But no, my father said this company was recommended by the next door neighbours daughter who I never really knew or really liked and she wasn't really living next door to us at the time. I'm not sure if that was a favour from her or maybe she had a scam going. Something going on with that company or those boys who moved the stuff for me. Naturally, they were big boys, possibly related to each to other & lovers. Yet, my stuff arrived fully intact.

This had left me out of pocket since last weekend & without food since the mid-week passed me by. As I mistakenly froze the steaks I had brought & was forced to cook & eat them all at once and the last of chicken noodles had run out. I on the left over Coco-Pops sans milk, that had acquired at the flavour of a screwed up ball of cardboard with a hint of chocolate after I had taken them out of the box ( I brought those from the store across the road after on my first grocery shopping excursion since I had got paid that fortnight!) & left them in their waterproof paper bag in the fridge. Eating hand fulls of those. Until, I found a old box of crackers which I had with some of the butter I still had in the fridge & aside from giving me the brown squirts. They were okay. They gave me another days worth of eating. While I found a medium sized Tupperware tub of those cream biscuits (Two slabs of shortbread with vanilla creamy filling!) They were what I expected, but a little odd, & thought they were easier to eat after I put them in the fridge for a while. They weren't soft or stale, just some thing I don't normally eat. Remarkably well preserved in that little tub.

Today, I found three jars of sliced apricot (Yuck!!), three really small tins of sliced pineapple, (I might
have that later if it's all good!), a tin of Gravy or Gravox, (I think you need to add water!), A box of corn-flour (Which could possibly be made into Damper) .......

Before I divulge the entire contents of my late grand-folks pantry,....(I'm just too excited about the prospect of hot buttered Damper or Tortillas (As the case may be!)

I just had a tin large tin of red salmon (While finding another two or three smaller tins of the same!) and fried them on the stove. I literally drowned them in cooking oil. So, they were kind of crispy & there was this tin of Cream of Mushroom which looked like short tube of grey yuck ( Your know the fresh grey zombie flesh that a Walker has after they have their first rising. Minus the wounds & maggots/flesh worms & bugs!) when I poured it out on another frying pan. After spraying that one with Canola, but just a bit and it didn't get any better looking as it warmed up. So I threw that out without even tasting it. 

You know how they were always eating canned goods in The walking Dead because they were a sure bet, even after along time & the same in computer games based on that idea. 

Continued Later...


(  ゚,_ゝ゚)   


Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 12 March, 2016, 05:42:37 PM
Quote from: glassstanley on 12 March, 2016, 12:58:19 PM
What's the intended effect of putting the word Asian in bold?

You must be new here.....I just tend to do that with Nouns, a lot.

Er, isn't that an adjective? 😉
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 13 March, 2016, 11:16:12 AM
Quote from: ThryllSeekyr on 12 March, 2016, 05:42:37 PM
Quote from: glassstanley on 12 March, 2016, 12:58:19 PM
What's the intended effect of putting the word Asian in bold?

You must be new here.....I just tend to do that with Nouns, a lot.

Er, isn't that an adjective? 😉

Nope. It's a proper noun. It could be used as an adjective in a different sentence.  ;)