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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Started by Goaty, 07 April, 2016, 12:58:16 PM

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Speaking of Tarkin, i've been pleasantly surprised by the scale of his role within the Rebels TV series. Seeing as he's the head honcho in charge of developing the Death Star, I'm more intrigued to see if he'll play an role in R1.

Professor Bear

Quote from: Krakajac on 15 November, 2016, 01:19:40 PM
True - the end of ROTS does show the DS being constructed.  I'm just keen to see if R1 makes any reference to the Geonosians being involved - or whether they'll ignore what occurred in AOTC.

Through Rebels and the "official" media spin-offs like the Marvel comics, we already know that everything up until the end of ROTS - including all of Clone Wars, even the Jar Jar Binks episodes and that awful theatrical film - is canon, but I think within Rogue One itself, plot minutia will be hand-waved, if only so that that the spin-off talent have a bit of breathing room in which to weave their continuity gold.

But if you really must know, I have somehow osmosis-ified the official nerdwank explanation, which is [spoiler]that the dad of the English lass with the limited range is brought in to make the the planet-destroying superlaser for the Death Star work like it's theoretically supposed to, which he eventually does by using banned Jedi Light Saber crystals mined from the Starkiller planet from The Force Awakens.  So basically despite the clean sweep they got by jettisoning all that EU stuff, there's seemingly no time being wasted creating newly-impenetrable continuity baggage.[/spoiler]
Remember when something happened and we just said "oh, it's probably the will of the Force"?  Good times.


Quote from: Frank on 16 November, 2016, 02:45:51 PM


This makes me happy, although I'm annoyed modern birth control methods robbed us of the genetic bounty that would have been the product of union between Ford and Fisher. Turns out the Catholics have a point after all.

Carrie would still have her original septum if she'd gone home every night to Indiana Jones making furniture with his shirt off, and I'm pretty sure their kids would have turned out nicer than Adam Driver.

I remember Carrie already talking about that briefly with Justin Lee Collins in Bring Back Star Wars  a few years ago.


Quote from: Krakajac on 15 November, 2016, 01:47:22 PM
Assuming the DS is fully operational in ANH - it took what...maybe 20 years to build? (Luke is a baby at the end of ROTS - and then destroys the DS when he's a similar age...19 or 20?)

One of the things I appreciate of George Lucas - while lacking in other ways - has often been his clever and interesting thematics in scenes featuring subtle irony/satire.

The idea of an expensive tech-behemoth like the Death Star moon-base taking 20 years to build only to be destroyed as soon as it is fully turned-on by a kid who has just reached maturity, in the same amount of time, harkens back to the ending of THX 1138 - where the gold and black police-bots only cease their pursuit of THX - as he escapes through the service tunnels - because central command realise it has gone overbudget and too expensive to pursue him a few feet further up the ladder to the outside world.


 Something just occurred to me, all the "did han shoot first?"  that permeates the internet has missed one important point....

Leia shot a stormtrooper point blank,in cold blood on the rebel ship at the beginning of the film,the trooper wasn't going to kill her and said as much "there's one ,set for stun" ...but leia gunned him down any way. at least greedo was going to kill han so han  would have been justified in shooting first. 

  I should write to Disney and wait for the special special edition.
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Quote from: Grugz on 21 November, 2016, 10:32:47 AM
Something just occurred to me, all the "did han shoot first?"  that permeates the internet has
Leia shot a stormtrooper point blank,in cold blood on the rebel ship at the beginning of the film,the trooper wasn't going to kill her and said as much "there's one ,set for stun" ...but leia gunned him down any way. at least greedo was going to kill han so han  would have been justified in shooting first. 

Fairly sure being caught by the Empire is a far worse fate for Leia than being killed outright. She is tortured and interrogated by a Sith Lord before having her home planet destroyed and her family murdered solely because she was captured rather than killed... Even if that's a post-hoc justification, her starship has just been assaulted and is in the process of being boarded, resulting in the deaths of most of its complement, meaning it wasn't really cold-blooded as much as in the midst of a pitched battle. I think she was more than justified in pulling the trigger!


Tickets booked for a bells 'n' whistles IMAX 3D showing on Sunday 18th. I'm actually quite excited! :-)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Tickets booked for the imax on the 15th at 5.30pm. 😊



Quote from: Grugz on 21 November, 2016, 10:32:47 AM
Something just occurred to me, all the "did han shoot first?"  that permeates the internet has missed one important point....

Leia shot a stormtrooper point blank,in cold blood on the rebel ship at the beginning of the film,the trooper wasn't going to kill her and said as much "there's one ,set for stun" ...but leia gunned him down any way. at least greedo was going to kill han so han  would have been justified in shooting first. 

  I should write to Disney and wait for the special special edition.

You mean she shot an armed member of a military force that had attacked her unarmed ship, boarded it by force and murdered a bunch of its crew as they tried to defend the ship's diplomatic mission passenger?

Professor Bear

Also It's The Fucking Empire, the original antagonistic faction in sci-fi cinema that anyone would be justified to shoot on sight, although if you want to be picky and want logical motivations for her actions within the context of the film, there's probably also that whole Fate Of The Galaxy mission she's on that you just read about in giant letters on the screen.  I mean, I suppose by the time she's shot someone a whole three minutes have passed since then and modern audiences might have forgotten because they're looking at Snapchat now, but people in 1977 generally tended to remember the plot of films they were currently three minutes into watching.

I am super-excited for Rogue One, but the first real kink in the armor has to be Edwards' comments about what the reshoots were actually all about: they went back and reshot scenes in shakycam that were not previously in shakycam.  I am really hoping this is just him trying to downplay 11th hour story edits, because I'd rather that than yet another faux-documentary style action scene.
At this point I have a theory that shakycam is so ubiquitous not because it requires less effort than filming something from multiple angles plus inserts, but because film schools in the US haven't got around to changing the spelling mistake in chapter 3 of Filming Fights For Dummies where it states in the bullet-points that directors should "always shoot the action in a way that engages the audiences' empathy" that came about when the original proof copy of the book was run through a spellchecker that autocorrected the last word to "epilepsy."


Also, Han against Gredo is supposed to be classic western stand off material, the whole point is who shoots first, wins.


Quote from: Professor Bear on 11 December, 2016, 03:06:06 PMI am super-excited for Rogue One, but the first real kink in the armor has to be Edwards' comments about what the reshoots were actually all about: they went back and reshot scenes in shakycam that were not previously in shakycam.  I am really hoping this is just him trying to downplay 11th hour story edits, because I'd rather that than yet another faux-documentary style action scene.

They wouldn't have needed to hire top-shelf fixer Tony Gilroy or pay him an alleged $5 million to institute some shaky-cam. I think Edwards' comments are nothing more than promoting an image of cohesion. I don't know why they bother lying about these things; at the end of the day no one cares what happened as long as the films are good - additional shooting is never the death knell of any film, it's usually incompetence or not recognising when something needs fixing and knowing how to do it.


I am also super excited for Rogue one....The look and feel of the Empire in Star Wars was what drew me as a child. I loved the interior of the death star and the looks of the uniforms and Stormtroopers (I guess that's pretty odd) and cant wait to see inside the death star again...

i've evn been collecting the trading cards which i've not done for a long time....


Quote from: JOE SOAP on 11 December, 2016, 03:40:19 PM
I don't know why they bother lying about these things; at the end of the day no one cares what happened as long as the films are good ... it's usually incompetence or not recognising when something needs fixing and knowing how to do it.

There's a chapter in Marabou Stork Nightmares where Madonna, Kim Basinger and other eighties lovelies sit round a Hollywood mansion, reading tabloid reports detailing the love lives and fashion choices of Scottish brickies and van drivers, pausing occasionally to describe what they'd do to the unobtainable, shell suited objects of their naked lust.

I think of that when we're fretting over stories and the people who create them, who seem to approach their work and their part in its production as a plasterer or plumber would.