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Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 01 August, 2016, 09:37:30 PM

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Quote from: Spaceghost on 16 August, 2016, 03:32:01 PM

That, and a video of the artist weeping bitterly over the immeasurable emotional toll the artistic process took on their mortal soul.

well pete might have been a bit constipated with all the greggs but I don't think we need to see that!
don't get into an argument with an idiot,he'll drag you down to his level then win with experience!,26167.0.html

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Grugz on 16 August, 2016, 09:23:01 PM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 16 August, 2016, 03:32:01 PM

That, and a video of the artist weeping bitterly over the immeasurable emotional toll the artistic process took on their mortal soul.

well pete might have been a bit constipated with all the greggs but I don't think we need to see that!

I do, else this will all have been for naught
You may quote me on that.

The Legendary Shark



I wonder what Roger would have pulled out of the bag for this, if he was still with us?

But some cracking art on show.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 16 August, 2016, 09:34:00 PM
Quote from: Grugz on 16 August, 2016, 09:23:01 PM
Quote from: Spaceghost on 16 August, 2016, 03:32:01 PM

That, and a video of the artist weeping bitterly over the immeasurable emotional toll the artistic process took on their mortal soul.

well pete might have been a bit constipated with all the greggs but I don't think we need to see that!

I do, else this will all have been for naught

yeah,you're rght perhaps he can knock one out for us....a picture that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't get into an argument with an idiot,he'll drag you down to his level then win with experience!,26167.0.html

Rio De Fideldo

I think JD has removed all his art from the site.

The Legendary Shark

Taken his ball and gone home? I feel a bit of a heel for joshing him now :-(



Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead


That's a shame, lovely stuff. Still think everyone responded pretty appropriately - tongues firmly in cheek.

Pete Wells

 I hoped he wouldn't,  I really like his work.


Quote from: Rio De Fideldo on 17 August, 2016, 11:42:49 AM
I think JD has removed all his art from the site.

Well, he's certainly going to win this month's 'Best storming off in a huff' competition. Act like a dick, get called out for acting like a dick. Throw your toys out of the pram. I hope he calms down and reconsiders.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Perhaps it's the massive slew of people taking the piss out of him? He said some pretty misjudged things but we are ALL guilty of that from time to time. Yes, he's quit the competition and the forum for the time being. No, I don't blame him. Catley neither.

One of the things I've always loved about this forum is the range of opinions you get, some dumb, some trollish, but there's nearly always another side. On this matter people have been rather grimly moblike and honestly for me the overreaction against what he said has almost far exceeded the original offence caused. We all like Pete but I'm sure he's had much worse.

Shark, you can't have that entry. People using his avatar to mock him in a place where he may see it are bullying him. It's as simple as that.

As far as what this means for the comp - we carry on this month but in the future we'll have to see.

The Legendary Shark

Fair enough, CFM.

As a man with some fairly unpopular views myself I am ashamed of my reaction. 

If you're still reading this, JD, please accept my most humble and heartfelt apologies. Jim recently called me a colossal twat. He was right.

The Legendary Shark

I have deleted that last image from Photobucket but I guess it'll take some time to disappear.


Quote from: CrazyFoxMachine on 17 August, 2016, 06:27:59 PM
One of the things I've always loved about this forum is the range of opinions you get, some dumb, some trollish, but there's nearly always another side. On this matter people have been rather grimly moblike and honestly for me the overreaction against what he said has almost far exceeded the original offence caused.

In this case, I can't agree. I don't think many people were taking the piss, I think they were disagreeing with him, on the grounds that he was trying to unilaterally police the comp, on the basis of talent and effort expended. At any point, he could have said "Fair enough, I don't agree," or even, "I disagree so strongly that I won't enter the comp again," but this deleting-all-your-art-and-unfriending-everyone-on-FB-associated-with-the-forum response is a massive overreaction by anyone's standards.

We've had plenty of talented artists submit pieces that, by their own admission, were rushed or half-finished due to time constraints. Should they have been disallowed because James didn't think they showed enough effort? Your admirable desire to be even-handed and fair does you credit, Owen, but on this occasion I don't  think James was voicing a minority opinion and was unjustly shouted down, I think he was just plain wrong.

I don't see a 'mob' here, I see plain evidence of how fondly the art comp is viewed by very many forum members, not just those who participate, and an admirable collective desire to stand up for the principle that it should always be open to those who don't take it that seriously.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.