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Star Wars Episode IX

Started by JOE SOAP, 10 July, 2018, 01:50:53 AM

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Quote from: Frank on 26 August, 2019, 07:16:34 PM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 26 August, 2019, 06:28:15 PM
... he was a rogue and a scoundrel when we met him in Star Wars, it was only later as his character arc developed that he softened and learnt the importance of lurve and the rebellion

The film that ends with Han's idealistic young friend guilting him into saving the beautiful princess's rebellion?

I actually thought that mirroring of Han at the end of Star Wars and his helping mini-Maya Rudolph was the only clever bit of writing in Solo. *

Like you, I thought Solo was perfunctory, even if it's much closer to what I'd have said I wanted from a new Star Wars film if you'd asked me that question any time in the last 37 years.

SOLO is probably the most competently written of the Disney Wars flix but feels the most pedestrian in execution, though none of it feels like it's a betrayal of the character. I'd find it harder to believe that Han was born a scoundrel and lived his whole life as one until Luke & Leia showed up. He was obviously someone who became more hardened as he learned to live the pirate life.


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 26 August, 2019, 08:44:09 PM
Oh and can I just check is that Rey looking all dark sidey at the end there? I assume it is but I'm not 100% sure I'm missing the point?

Corporate back tracking on the progress Johnson and Co. made with TLJ to produce a safer fan wanky picture to round out the trilogy.

Dark side Rey wooooohhhhhoooo isn't that something?! 'Snooooz'


Quote from: Greg M. on 26 August, 2019, 07:23:31 PM
Quote from: dweezil2 on 26 August, 2019, 06:28:15 PM

I found Solo a pretty depressingly redundant affair

Everything past Return of the Jedi is redundant. But if we have to have new Star Wars films, and apparently we do, then Solo was mostly great fun and had a couple of charismatic leads. Emilia Clarke had more charm in her little finger than the entire casts of Rogue One and TLJ combined. (And I really liked John Boyega in TFA, but by TLJ, he seemed to have had his joie de vivre drained out of him.)

Glad you enjoyed it, but I found the whole thing tedious with flat direction and performances.
Far too many eye rolling moments, including how Solo got his name!
I don't need beloved characters like Han Solo to be demystified for me, especially in such a hamfisted manner, that was the prequel's problem too.
At least TLJ stirred some emotion in me, with the internal conflict that Rey and Kylo were experiencing, my interest level never raised above boredom with Solo.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Keef Monkey

Excited for this, but going to do my usual and avoid the trailers. I've done it for the last bunch of Star Wars movies and it served me well, I pretty much went into them knowing nothing and with hype at minimal levels, and the hype only really hit me when the titles hit the screen and the music started up. Can't wait.

Steve Green

For those who don't do FB, I cut together a trailer using the same edits (more or less) as the Mandalorian one, but used similar shots from Minty and Strontium Dog...

It was quite funny seeing stuff line up...


Quote from: Steve Green on 27 August, 2019, 12:13:32 PM
For those who don't do FB, I cut together a trailer using the same edits (more or less) as the Mandalorian one, but used similar shots from Minty and Strontium Dog...

It was quite funny seeing stuff line up...

Clever bugger, aintcha.

Still think SD would make one hell of a Netflix show, and your short is proof of concept.

Steve Green


Yeah, it definitely would.

More feasible than MC:1 on a budget too.


Not inspired by that new trailerette, TBH. As a big fan of TLJ, this felt like an apology for that film, rather than a development from its intriguing ending. But I suppose Abrams was always going to go that way.

The trailer itself seems to be depending on the dubious appeal of IX being yet another conclusion to the OT, rather than the conclusion of the ST itself. See also: Palpatine gazumping Kylo. To which I say 'bah'.

Also, my vote is that Evil Rey is either a vision (cheap), a clone or secret twin (with Rey also being a clone/twin, rescued and hidden on Jakku),. Again, 'bah'. 

Also: Solo great fun, I believed in Young Han completely.

Funt Solo

Was that a real trailer?  I thought it was fan-made...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


The fold out double lightsaber bothers me more than it should  :|


The fans who loved Last Jedi hate this promo because it undoes Last Jedi and the fans who hated Last Jedi hate this promo because it's too much like Last Jedi:


Bloody fans. Who'd be a billionaire studio boss, eh?


Quote from: Apestrife on 27 August, 2019, 06:59:46 PM
The fold out double lightsaber bothers me more than it should  :|

I don't mind the concept... but it's something I'd prefer to unfold BEFORE igniting I think. Lightsabers are enough of a H&S nightmare as they are. 😆

I liked the trailer, but I'm easily impressed in some ways. The fact I like all the films, even the films that most fans (at least our generation) consider awful proves this, (although Phantom... was trying at times.).


I thought that looked fun. I won't try and second guess what bits of TLJ they are running with and which they are ditching.

I particularly liked the look of a lightsaber fight on the half sunken remains of the Death Star. A nice opposite to the Revenge of The Sith lava fight.

Gigantic fleets of Star Destroyers don't seem to make much sense given the state of the First Order and Empire but the economics of Star Wars never stood up to much scrutiny.

And that totally looked like an older Rey to me... maybe her mum was a Sith.

So yeah, excited for this.  Is that Ok with everyone? Should I be jaded and cynical about it instead?
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 31 August, 2019, 02:47:26 PM

Gigantic fleets of Star Destroyers don't seem to make much sense given the state of the First Order and Empire but the economics of Star Wars never stood up to much scrutiny.

Judging by the way the ships are all lined up, it may just be a junkyard, or at best a mothballed reserve fleet.