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Game of Thrones: the last series [SPOILERS]

Started by sheridan, 15 April, 2019, 11:09:22 AM

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Really enjoyed episode 2 myself.  It's the human touch that makes it - the kind of boozy camaraderie that would make Garth Ennis proud (thankfully with no bonding over a shared love of Laurel and Hardy or Bill fucking Hicks to be seen).

No killing, no torture, and even the sex scene was kind of sweet and touching.  And all throughout, that awful, palpable sense of foreboding permeating everything.

Not sure how they're going to get four more episodes now that the undead are at the door.  Maybe just a 4-hour fight.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 24 April, 2019, 11:10:57 AM
Really enjoyed episode 2 myself.  It's the human touch that makes it - the kind of boozy camaraderie that would make Garth Ennis proud (thankfully with no bonding over a shared love of Laurel and Hardy or Bill fucking Hicks to be seen).

No killing, no torture, and even the sex scene was kind of sweet and touching.  And all throughout, that awful, palpable sense of foreboding permeating everything.

Not sure how they're going to get four more episodes now that the undead are at the door.  Maybe just a 4-hour fight.

It's only the first two episodes which are an hour each - from here until the end each one will be one and a half hours!


Really? Genuinely delighted to hear that.  When I was a wee 'un, most films in the cinema were that length, and not a fraction as good as GoT.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


No wonder the cast said they were knackered. They've basically filmed two specials and four movies.


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 24 April, 2019, 02:48:37 PM
No wonder the cast said they were knackered. They've basically filmed two specials and four movies.

Also explains why each episode (on average) cost $15,000,000 to make - guessing the one just gone pulls the average down as it was SFX light (though gotta wonder how much the stars charge for their services these days).


Quote from: Link Prime on 24 April, 2019, 10:14:57 AM
I've enjoyed these two set-up episodes immensely.
The show runners know exactly what they're doing, racketing the tension up to boiling freezing point before the CGI goodness and decimation of the cast (no doubt including personal favorites Ser Davos and Ser Jorah).

My own pessimistic prediction for the finale; the Night King / White Walkers will win.
We'll be left with a "Dead World" scenario, with the victors returning to the ground once they've accomplished what they set out to do.

By the way - no mention of Kings Landing in episode 2?
Are they already under attack from a second front of the army of the dead?

Different people get different things from the show - the 'tits and dragons' crowd just want the spectacle and declare the quieter episodes (like this one) as 'boring', however for me the big event episodes like 'Battle of the Bastards' are among the weaker ones, and are far less interesting on a rewatch, whereas the show is at it's absolute best when its storytelling is more rooted in the characters and their relationships.

When I think about my absolute favourite moments from the entire run of the show, it's generally smaller character moments - Tyrion's trial at the Eyrie (probably the moment I fell in love with the show), Robert and Cersei's heart to heart (probably one of the best-acted scenes in the entire show), Arya training with Syrio Forel as Ned Stark looks on, Arya coldly leaving the Hound for dead, Thoros' monologue about Beric and his faith, Catelyn calling on her bannermen to seize Tyrion, "Stick them with the pointy end", Barristan Selmy's dismissal from the Kingsguard, Theon deciding to burn his letter to Robb, Jaime pouring his heart out to Brienne in the bathhouse and later their farewell when Jaime gives her his sword, pretty much every single dialogue scene between Tyrion and Tywin etc etc.

As for the prediction that it will all end with the good guys losing, I strongly disagree - the series can often seem nihilistic and unconventional, but Martin (and by extension the TV show) isn't setting out to stick two fingers up at the audience - it's a fantasy epic and it's actually following a pretty traditional narrative structure. Expect a bittersweet ending along the lines of Lord of the Rings - the heroes will triumph, but the cost for some of them will be too much to bear.

Funt Solo

Definitely, the relationships are the most memorable:

Sandor Clegane: What the hell are you doing?
Arya Stark: Practising.
Sandor Clegane: What, ways to die?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Oh, also - "I will be your champion". Outstanding scene. The whole treatment of Oberyn is one of those cases where what was on screen was actually more impactful and memorable than what was on the page.

Dr Feeley Good

Love that scene, Oberyn was one of my favourite characters, loved Tyrions trial at King's Landing as well....

Keef Monkey

Quote from: radiator on 24 April, 2019, 06:16:33 PM
Quote from: Link Prime on 24 April, 2019, 10:14:57 AM
I've enjoyed these two set-up episodes immensely.
The show runners know exactly what they're doing, racketing the tension up to boiling freezing point before the CGI goodness and decimation of the cast (no doubt including personal favorites Ser Davos and Ser Jorah).

My own pessimistic prediction for the finale; the Night King / White Walkers will win.
We'll be left with a "Dead World" scenario, with the victors returning to the ground once they've accomplished what they set out to do.

By the way - no mention of Kings Landing in episode 2?
Are they already under attack from a second front of the army of the dead?

Different people get different things from the show - the 'tits and dragons' crowd just want the spectacle and declare the quieter episodes (like this one) as 'boring', however for me the big event episodes like 'Battle of the Bastards' are among the weaker ones, and are far less interesting on a rewatch, whereas the show is at it's absolute best when its storytelling is more rooted in the characters and their relationships.

I think you're right, but there also seems a contingent of people who maybe don't really know what they want. During the last season a few people I know complained that they loved the show for the character moments and the quiet episodes and that they were unhappy with the season because they felt the show had become more about spectacle and battles.

Two episodes of character moments and the exact same people are complaining this season is boring because nothing has happened yet.

I do enjoy the more battle-oriented episodes too (they're exceptionally well executed) but I don't agree with them - I think Daenerys' reaction to John's revelation this week held more punch than a dozen stabbings.


Surely it's not too much to ask for meaningful character stuff AND tits and dragons?
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 25 April, 2019, 02:11:08 PM
Surely it's not too much to ask for meaningful character stuff AND tits and dragons?

Oh, absolutely. Season 3, episode 4 'And Now His Watch Is Ended' is the show at its peak I would say - political intrigue down in King's Landing, betrayal and violence north of the wall, and one of the very best 'punch the air' moments of the entire series as Dany unleashes the dragon and takes the Unsullied and Astapor from the slavers.

QuoteI think you're right, but there also seems a contingent of people who maybe don't really know what they want. During the last season a few people I know complained that they loved the show for the character moments and the quiet episodes and that they were unhappy with the season because they felt the show had become more about spectacle and battles.

Perhaps. I do think the plotting (and especially the character writing) has really suffered since they started to go off book, though. It seems that the plot dictates the characters now rather than the other way around, like the writers of the show know they have to hit plot points A B and C, and then contrive ways to get there, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. It feels quite stilted and forced in a way earlier seasons largely didn't.

The latest episode however was one of the best they've done in years (imo), because it didn't feel overly rushed or awkwardly plotted. It let the characters take centre stage.


It's just occurred to me now how nice everyone is being to each other. Jon Snow being laddish with his mates, everyone drinking together and forgiving everyone else (well, almost) and Brienne getting justly rewarded for all her efforts.

I suppose the imminent extinction of all life on their planet must bring it out in them. That said, it doesn't seem to be doing the same for us in our world.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 25 April, 2019, 02:11:08 PM
Surely it's not too much to ask for meaningful character stuff AND tits and dragons?

Apparently Martin's dragons have no fixed biological sex - sharing the ability of some real-world reptiles and amphibians to change sex, so it is possible that you could get your wish...


Huh. I assumed all the dragons in the series were male, intending to make them the last ever dragons (much like many of the mythic creatures 'fade' at the end of LOTR.