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Where are YOU?

Started by esoteric ed, 01 April, 2003, 06:18:04 AM

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esoteric ed

I don't really consider myself a regular contributor here although I visit most days and I see a lot of the same people posting, so a simple question for you all...

Where are you based? London? New York? Paris? Munich?

Liverpool, UK.">



Normally Durham, currently Bracknell

test 4 echo

bit of a newbie here, birkenhead uk

Queen Firey-Bou

between applecross & skye, north west cal hab. In the most grudamn bootiful place in world.




That makes three car thieves on this thread so far :)

esoteric ed

Well nobody from New york, Paris or Munich?

Paul, Durham eh, imortalised by a certain Mr Roder Whittaker!?

And a fellow Merseysider, I went out with a girl form Birkenhead (well Upton) for 5 years.

And Bou, I've never been up your neck of the woods, I once knew a girl from Stirling (well I still know her, it's just she doesn't know me anymore!)
but one day I intend to visit the WICKER MAN movie locations.

My mum and dad loved Scotland!


esoteric ed

Damn my spelling and damn thieving scousers, I'm glad they died in the tunnel crash... oops am I allowed to say that here? s**t ;-)

Stolen Car + 120mph + 4am = scumbags.


test 4 echo

if only the bizzies hadn't tried to catch the bastards, they might still be they could pinch/crash more cars. a right shame :)


Erm, it's only a car.  They might have been endangering lives but you shouldn't go round wishing these things on *anybody*.

And I'm in Stewarton twixt Kilmarnock and Glasgow.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

esoteric ed

I couldn't believe what I was reading in the press, the survivor "blamed" the police!? wtf?
Parents need to brought to book instead of receiving a nice cash hand out as will no doubt materialise with this case... sends out all the right signals eh.

Damn one of my best friends is a Police Inspector and he agreed it's a farce, he's done a lot of good work in Skelmersdale where he's a bit of a Joe Dredd!


Queen Firey-Bou

hey ed !

wicker man locations bootiful.
you should pop into the chat & talk gibberish next time yur in! youre around here as much as others, one of the gang..

dunno the car thing yur on about , but don't completely blame the parents !! have 2 teens myself, & hell man... it ain't so easy as you might think.. i blame society, education ..& mebbe some parents. but mine don'e nick cars... but they are truely terrible. & not strictly legal 100%.  

esoteric ed

....Erm, it's only a car. They might have been endangering lives but you shouldn't go round wishing these things on *anybody*...

Can't agree with that bud,it could be you or me who loses someone to this reckless crime, and it's on the increase, I wonder if the parents were wondering where their offspring were at 4am?

No remorse from me.


esoteric ed

I may just do that Bou,

Sorry to get passionate about this, but it seems the law always protects the wrongdoers, while "many" families sit infront of the goggle box as we see in Dredd so often the kids are making decent peoples lives miserable.

My sister has two of her own, one of my best and closest friends is slowy dying with MS and has still turned out a great son, dumb families who don't care about their kids need a wake up call.

I intend to visit Wicker Country AFTER JAWSVille (Marthas Vineyard)!
