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Prog 2234: Plummet of the Ape

Started by Tjm86, 29 May, 2021, 11:58:51 AM

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Well, looks like the Judge Dredd Megazine is early this month.  At least it feels that way with the line up this week.  Dredd, Department K, Chimpsy ... definitely a Dreddworld heavy prog.  Feral and Foe / Mechistopheles make for an interesting contrast but again the similarities are obvious with those two.

Weston's script and art on Dredd serves up a cracking one-and-done that brings down the house on ol' Rowdy Yates.  Nice nod back to a seminal moment in Dredd's history too ... "No Dredd - I'm with Rowdy Yates!" 

Department-K looks like its serving up an answer to the question of where it might be going with the idea.  Plenty of standard MC-1 insanity with the staring contest backdrop to the setup.  Cornwall delivers visuals with his usual panache and this looks like it may well live up to the early potential.

Chimpsky's Law: The Talented Mr Chimpsky looks like it may well be taking some of the concerns about the character seriously.  Turning his attention to off-world problems deals with the problem of running up against Dredd time and again which, as has been observed before, is only likely to end one way.  Niemand Holden serve up a quality opener that reminds readers of the character, serves up the 'historical' context and sets the scene for the tale. 

Mechistopheles shares similar traits to Dep-K and Chimpsky, plenty of scene setting and recapping.  Boo Cook's artwork suits the strip perfectly.  For those struggling to remember the previous series (guilty as charged) this month's meg floppy covers that for you.  Personally the last outing didn't overly enthral but maybe this one will change that.

... and rounded out with Feral and Foe, the one where everyone is swapped back ... Bit of a talking heads episode with the usual flippancy thrown in for good measure.  For all that this is midway through the tale, as with much of the prog this week there is quite a bit of setting up the next act.  TBH I've lost the thread a little on this.  Feel like I need to go back and re-read the tale so far so in some respects it's just as well that this treads water the way it does.

All this, a letters page and Tharg pays his respects to Bolt too.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Quote from: Tjm86 on 29 May, 2021, 11:58:51 AM

All this, a letters page and Tharg pays his respects to Bolt too.

So glad to hear that. Well done TMO.
DDT did a job on me


It might just be me, but the cover and logo image isn't working. It's just a little box.

Colin YNWA

This Prog feels like its a strong follow on from the Regened issue. I mean its a fun Prog in and of itself but also in the context of where it sits in the run as well.

A lovely simple Dredd, with wonderful Chris Weston art (on script duties as well). New readers have a nice fun introduction to Dredd and his world.

Mechastopheles is an interesting restart and Boo Cook is an entirely suitable replacement on art duties.

Department K well we'll miss PJ Holden (for like 10 pages anyway) but damn Dan Cornwell does a stunning job here. Its a strong introduction to the series - with the characters boldly and coolly re-introduced. The series sets up what appears to be a fun new turn of events. Great opener.

Feral and Foe might be mid stream but it wraps old things up and set new things up nicely and its FUN. So all good here.

Chimpsky's Law what an opener. I've been looking forward to this one and it well and truly feels like strides are being taken to move Chimpsky safely into new territory. Packs him up with a nice intro to what he is, where he came from and where he's going. Bangin' stuff.

Good fun entertainment. Pretty much perfect for the new reader and nothing that would put of the YA audience to my eye. Great stuff.

Funt Solo

I'm thinking this is the inspiration, possibly, but there's another bell ringing that I can't quite place - might be a false alarm, though.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Pretty much a perfect prog for me - great tribute to Bolt in the nerve centre, ace shoutout in the Damage Report, loads of promising new stories beginning, and a BELTING Dredd that gives a knowing nod to the entire history of the strip. Happy Squaxx over here in Preston.
Cheers, Tharg.
Never ever bloody anything ever


one of the best progs in a long long time


Love the cover image, but drokk me that lettering does it no favours. Turns something stylish into a cheap mess.

The Corinthian

Thought that was the strongest prog so far this year, which I wasn't expecting.

Funt Solo

Close, but look closer! There may have been a ... Survivor!

QuoteEnhance 224 to 176. Enhance, stop. Move in, stop. Pull out, track right, stop. Center in, pull back. Stop. Track 45 right. Stop. Center and stop. Enhance 34 to 36. Pan right and pull back. Stop. Enhance 34 to 46. Pull back. Wait a minute, go right, stop. Enhance 57 to 19. Track 45 left. Stop. Enhance 15 to 23. Give me a hard copy right there
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

Quote from: Funt Solo on 01 June, 2021, 09:40:34 PM
I'm thinking this is the inspiration, possibly, but there's another bell ringing that I can't quite place - might be a false alarm, though.
Vertigo's definitely the inspiration but that's not the version of the poster/cover I'm familiar with. Was thinking there had been a previous Prog cover riffing on the same source. Really & Truly maybe? But this was the closest I could find.

We never really die.


Quote from: I, Cosh on 02 June, 2021, 09:39:02 PM

Awesome issue; holds a special place in my heart as I had my first and only letter published in 605.

but back to the thread. 2234 was all round superb.


not sure if it was the mood i was in but chris weston's art defo. helped

most amazing and brilliant prog for ages !

plus, gotta love boo's work
Good manners & bad breath get you nowhere