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NEXT UP - Anniversary Special - Writers Solhiem Cup

Started by Colin YNWA, 16 June, 2021, 06:37:37 AM

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Colin YNWA

So as we near the end of one nail biting tourney so we must start the new and so what's nexrt i hear you cry. Well... mark the anniversary of all this tourney nonsense we're going back to the start and since I enjoyed the Artist Ryder Cup so much AND we can't really repeat the Fav writer tourney so soon and expect a different result I'm going with

Writers Solhiem Cup

Same format as the Artist Ryder Cup - but fewer rounds as there's fewer writers - just 16 ties - we'll be done within four weeks and onto the next thing which I've already started planning.

Oh and I've made some decisions I worry will annoy folks BUT we'll come to those in a bit.

So buckle up as the result of hangs in the balance, we now decide which pool of writers is our favourite Team Current or Team Classic?

Prepare to enter copy and paste territory as I explain...So here, over the course of a standard number of posts I'll lay out the format of the tourney. Who's in which Team. The rules, for what they are. A NEW VOTING SYSTEM - ahem the same voting system. A way to ignore the new SAME voting system if you think it's rubbish, or can't be bothered and anything else that comes to mind.

This one will kick-off Monday 21st June with a fair wind. Just in time to mark the 1st anniversary of the original Godpleton Cup finals (actually the 21st marks when the semi-finals started but no bugger is going to bother to go back and check that so I'm well safe...).


If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd

Colin YNWA


Why the Solhiem Cup - repeated Tourney Format

I don't like golf, let's just get that said off the bat... or club... whatever.

I'm still fascinated by the idea that nostalgia rules so much of 2000ad fandom and want to test that as far as possible. Was the Prog really better back in the day? Is the Prog really as strong now as it's ever been (yes is the right answer by the way) - well that's incredible hard to determine with a simple process BUT I enjoyed testing things with the Artists Ryder Cup and want to carry that on... who knows one day down the pipe I might do a similar thing with series but that will need some thought. I'll go with the same way to test this - like 'singles match play' in the Ryder Cup.

There are two teams playing in the tourney, Team Classic - made up of Classic writers whose time with 2000ad appears to be over and the Current Writers - the winner of individual ties don't really matter (well ish) , it's which team gets the most points that determines which team wins the tourney.

There will be 16 ties in the tourney each consisting of a current writer playing off against one classic writer and while some individual ties might be one sided, hopefully we'd have enough ties for things to balance out over all. The winner of each tie, scores a point for their side, Current or Classic. Draws get ½ point to each side, no need for a casting vote (I get to vote again!).

So this is going to be a simple tourney, no rounds, no qualifying (we've done that already) just 16 straight head to heads and as we go on we'll get an ongoing score between Team Classic and Team Current.

Each tie will be drawn at random, so no seeding or anything like that. Again over the 16 ties that will balance out I figure.

Does that make sense?

The points scored across the 16 ties will give us a simple metric of how many ties the current crop of writers can take off the classic scribes.

We will also have the total votes scored as a secondary metric as well though the victory will be based on who scores the most Points by winning the most ties regardless of the margin of victory.

Dog Deever

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 16 June, 2021, 09:17:31 PM
Does that make sense?

Nope. But lay on MacDuff etc.
We'll find a way to twist, loophole or otherwise annoy you back, rest assured!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Not to prejudge a tournament, but my money's on Team Current to win the Solheim Cup quite comfortably. And that's even if one might consider listing P. Mills as a 'Team Classic' ringer, at least in 2021. Will you be doing that?


Quote from: AlexF on 17 June, 2021, 10:32:16 AM
Not to prejudge a tournament, but my money's on Team Current to win the Solheim Cup quite comfortably. And that's even if one might consider listing P. Mills as a 'Team Classic' ringer, at least in 2021. Will you be doing that?

Yeah I think the qualification for being "current" or "classic" is going to be key here.

Will Wagner and Mills be counted as current or classic?

We could also get strange situations where Pat is classed as classic, but loses votes for his more recent stuff. Which would be a bit mad.

The Mind of Wolfie Smith


Cheers as always, for running these Tourney's, Colin.

Now if you really want to indulge your inner sadist, what about a Writer VS Artist Tournament?

(I can't even imagine trying to choose a favourite from between, for example, John Wagner & Carlos Ezquerra.  :o  :D)

Colin YNWA


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Colin YNWA

Funny folks should mention they whole Pat Mills things - I've got a whole post about that prepared BUT before we can get to that...

Who are the 'players' for each side?

The 16 members of each team are decided by volume of work (which leads to some interesting inclusions) provided they qualify for each team (see below). So those who wrote most (as determined by Heroes of 2000ad's AlexF a year ago) get in regardless of any perceived quality of their work.

As Current has a much smaller pool to choose from if you qualify for Current it does not matter how long you've been writing for Tharg, if you still are you are considered Current. I'm using the same dividing line for the definition of whose Current and whose Classic for the writers as I have for the artists. Which begs the question - what is that dividing line?

What qualifies you for Team Current?

These are Droids who are still active in the Prog. So those who've done a series or significant number of Dredds since used Prog 2000 [the one from 2016 that is], or the equivalent Meg 376(ish). These are Droids that we'd not be too surprised, though we'd be delighted to see gracing the Prog at any point still. There may be other reasons why, alas, we know a Droid's work for Tharg has finished, these will be in the Classic section, even if they have had a series since Prog 2000.

So the 16 in Team Current are:

John Wagner
Pat Mills*
Dan Abnett
Gordon Rennie
Ian Edginton
Rob Williams
Michael Carroll
Emma Beeby
Alec Worley
Guy Adams
Rory McConville
Peter Hogan
James Peaty
Kenneth Niemand (wildcard)

*Yeah okay, okay I'm coming to this in a bit... okay just hold ya horses...

Colin YNWA

Dog Deever

Actually, I might abstain altogether- at the risk of being burned for heresy, I just can't judge 'story' separate from art. By and large, if I don't like the art I don't like the story and exceptional art can make a basic story very enjoyable. The things that stick in my mind to make stories memorable are overwhelmingly images rather than the words.
There will always be exceptions- "because I hate you", "And he didn't think it too many", "I'm too cool to kill", "I knew you'd say that"... no wait... not that one.
American Reaper, Shakara, pretty much any of Fleisher's 2k output all had good art but were just boring and I lost interest.

Hell, I even enjoyed Purgatory/ Inferno- big, dumb, fun ideas cut from the same cloth as early Dredd epics. It has the freewheeling aroma of 'enjoyment of doing' about it and it had great art- I enjoy that far more than some convoluted, tightly-plotted, boring-ass story with art I dislike.
Ace Trucking Co should not have worked and probably wouldn't have with any other artist at the time, except (perhaps) Ian Gibson. But it was great and it was Belardinelli's art that made the goofiness of it work.

It doesn't have to make sense, taste is emotive.
There is no reason why I like green and dislike celery, I just do- so I'll probably just watch and shout abuse at the linesman from the sidelines, then scoff at the outcome regardless of what it is.

On that basis, put me down for City of the Damned ftw as well.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Funt Solo

I think I'm guilty of being mostly at the opposite end of the scale - when I review a story, I tend to focus on the plot rather than the art. Which is why, with Purgatory, I wrote:

QuotePeople say: "...but I like the Ezquerra art." Quite an interesting premise (a riot on the Justice Department penal colony of Titan) is lost beneath a heaving, grunting pile of illogical rage as ex-Judge Grice gets angrier than a barrel full of bees rolling down a mountain and proves it by burning his own hand off in lava, but not feeling the pain!

Dropping the Statue of Judgement is a cool idea, and it looks amazing. When they do it during Day of Chaos it's hugely affecting, and tied directly into the plot. When they do it in Inferno, it's because Grant Morrison failed his Geography O-grade.

Or ... you can't polish a turd.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.