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The Book of Boba Fett [SPOILERS]

Started by rogue69, 29 September, 2021, 08:52:42 PM

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Barrington Boots

I'm struggling to enjoy it. That last episode was the worst - [spoiler]the design of the street gang and their Power Ranger bikes seemed to be out of another sci-fi series altogether[/spoiler] - but overall I feel like a lot of what made Boba Fett cool in the first place has gone (it's in The Mandalorian instead) and rather than being the sort of mysterious badass Vader had to warn to not disintergrate anyone he's been reworked into this noble character who is also a bit of a chump, and whilst that's all well and good it's not the character I was hoping for.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


I dunno. What we got from the OT was Fett having an amazing spaceship, having a rep, but very slowly aiming on the barge and ending up being hurled into a pit in a manner that feels like it was out of a Loony Tunes cartoon.

Barrington Boots

Can't disagree with that, but him having a rep is the key point - he's supposed to be this scary, kickass bounty hunter, all menace and mystery and cool gadgets. Less was definitely more with him and I think The Mandalorian captured this quite well by having the character be quite taciturn and capable.

It might be a weight of expectation thing, because this Fett I guess is not the character I thought he would be. I know it's not exactly a cutting analysis, but he's... well, he's a bit crap.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


I don't really understand how Boba Fett went from being a ruthless bounty hunter working for the embodiment of evil (Vader) and corruption (Jabba) to being so toothless.

Maybe this will be adequately explained in the series, but in the meantime we're getting [spoiler]sub-Quadrophenia gangs and low-speed, low-stakes chases[/spoiler]. I agree it's a bit crap.


It's veering very close to farce for me. Rodriguez is in full Spy Kids mode and I'm feeling like I may be watching for completists sake rather than anything else. At least they're usually short.


Sometimes I watch things to show how intelligent and clever I am. Sometimes because I think I'll enjoy them.

This was the latter; I am not a big fan of Bounty Hunters in Star Wars or Boba Fett but I find something to like in most Star Wars. This didn't work at all for me.

The beast at the end of Episode 1 summed it up; it just didn't feel Star Warsy to me*. And that conclusion should have felt more badass.

I'll give it one more episode but only because of Jennifer Beals.

*Cue fifty people telling me it's something that's been canon since 1977.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!



Quote from: IndigoPrime on 18 January, 2022, 09:06:35 AM
What is Star Warsy?

Good question which is why I framed it with "feel" and "to me".

It's different things to different people but I would imagine there are some things definitely "not Star Wars" e.g. time travel or biological warfare or "mutants" or masked vigilante superheroes. That beast, when stood on it's hind legs and when you saw close-ups of it's face seemed to come from D&D rather than Star Wars.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Dr Feeley Good

Watched the first three now and it is getting steadily worse,not a patch on The Mandalorion....


Quote from: Tiplodocus on 18 January, 2022, 09:51:10 AM
Quote from: IndigoPrime on 18 January, 2022, 09:06:35 AM
What is Star Warsy?

Good question which is why I framed it with "feel" and "to me".

It's different things to different people but I would imagine there are some things definitely "not Star Wars" e.g. time travel

Don't watch [spoiler]the last episode of The Clone Wars[/spoiler]


I agree about the mod bikes being a bit too much, but I'm enjoying the series.

Regarding Bobas' apparent change of character - [spoiler]I think the flashbacks to the Tusken Raiders are the how and why as to what's happened. They saved the guy from death and made him part of the Tribe. Such actions can change people. Aside from his dad, Boba has only really spent time with Count Dooku and then been alone for many years so it's possible that this is his first proper connection to anyone/anything other than himself.[/spoiler]

I could be talking complete Horseshit but there we are.

"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"



Quote from: IndigoPrime on 18 January, 2022, 05:02:17 PM
That's my take too, FWIW.

Yeah, this is a character about whom (canonically) we know almost nothing and, since the last time we saw him, has Been Through Some Shit™ ... which we're still in the process of finding out about. I think a lot fans have a notion of a bad-ass that's largely been created in their heads, or derived from a chunk of material explicity ruled non-canon, which this version isn't matching up to.

(You'd think the fact that he has to keep putting himself into one of those medical tank thingies every time he mildly exerts himself would tip people off that this is a man no longer in peak condition...)

And, fundamentally, super-competent bad-asses* don't make for good television. I'm not sure you could get eight (or whatever) episodes out of Boba Fett marching into Mos Espa, declaring himself King of Everything, then killing anyone who disagrees.

*Yes, I know Din Djarin is super-competent compared to Fett, but he hasn't been burned by Sarlacc digestive juices and been through still-not-entirely-revealed stuff in the Tatooine desert... and they still had to give Djarin Grogu to create an Achilles' Heel for the character.
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Funt Solo

I'm enjoying it - more so because it's now a dad-daughter event show that we watch together. The bikes were a bit out of place, design-wise - but she didn't care because she's never heard of Quadrophenia. The lead biker is female and kick-ass, and that's what's important to mini-Solo.

As for not seeing the attraction of movie car chases ... maybe you're watching the wrong movies, JBC? No love for The Italian Job's minis through Paris? How about the too-real car vs. el-train in The French Connection? The entirety of Fury Road? The Blues Brothers cop pile-up? T2's truck vs. motorbike? The opening sequence of Baby Driver?

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Alright, the Blues Brothers I'll make an exception for.   And yeah, Fury Road and indeed MM2 for that matter, though it's more the fighting and insane vehicle and character design I'm into there.

I haven't seen the Italian Job,t as soon as I posted I suspected someone might bring it up.

More a T1 guy than a T2 one, and the truck v bike thing wasn't really my favourite part, and the rest I haven't seen either.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"