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Future Shocks Radio now free on Audible

Started by rogue69, 08 June, 2023, 12:01:57 AM

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The 3 Future Shocks Radio podcasts have now been added to Audible's Plus catalogue so members can now get them for free. Each podcast is based on classic Future Shocks stories

Ep 1: Beware of Grawks Bearing Gifts, When a race of aliens turn up sightseeing on planet Earth, no one can believe their luck, as the Grawks offer vast quantities of gold to pay for everything, and don't question whether the seller even owns the tourist hotspots in question.

Ep 2: Christmas Special, 'One Christmas During Eternity' a loving couple find that some gifts cannot last, and in 'The Star' two time-travellers break all the rules to solve the biggest Christmas mystery of all...

Ep 3: Long Live the Queen, Time travel is all the rage for tourists from the future, but there are strict rules in place to prevent altering the past, however a return trip to Elizabethan England for one tourist is just the first step in their cunning plan... by Kelvin Gosnell and Eric Bradbury,'The English/Phlondrutian Phrasebook' all the words you need for a holiday in space come courtesy of the Vocosonics Transliterator by Alan Moore and Brendan McCarthy.


Thanks a million for the heads-up, Rogue69.  I've paused my Audible membership to save a bit of money but intend to rejoin during the winter months when I have more time to listen.  These will be first on my list!
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Don't forget they also have audio books of Slaine the Horned God, Nemesis the Warlock books 1-4, Rogue Trooper Welcome to Nu earth, judge Anderson Shamballa & Judge Dredd in The Pit, Origins, America & Dredd Vs Death alongside a couple of the Dredd novels