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Started by Something Fishy, 20 August, 2003, 08:25:03 PM

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Rob Spalding

Yes Preacher is fantastic.  Even more so because it's the reason I got back into 2000ad.
I picked up the Megazine just for something to read on the way back from college, and it had the second issue of Preacher reprinted in it.  I was hooked, Dredd was Vs. the Bouncy Brats, and Blackheart, which I couldn't give a toss about.
So I kept buying the Megazine for Preacher, then started on 2000ad a couple of months later.
So it rates as one of my all time faves for brining me into the fold.
But Hitman is genius as well.  I have all the GN's and managed to pick up all the back issues, except 58.
If anyone has it and wantrs to sell it, I will steal a smalkl child to sell you if you want. (I have no children of my own to swap)


I think my all-time favourite bit of PREACHER is at the start of the issue where Starr delivers Hoover the aforementioned "inverted commas" bollocking; it's the three-panel sequence showing what everyone's thinking.

Hoover's got a little heart with "H&F" written in it...

Featherstone's got a little heart with "F&S"...

Starr, of course, simply has a giant, steaming turd.



Pete Wells

Ahhh! The scene outside the ambulance after Jessie uses the word to tell the red neck cop to go fuck himself in book 1 is fantastic!


Keef Monkey

When Starr gets stuck behind the old lady on the walkway in the airport I nearly pissed myself with amusement.