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Started by Something Fishy, 20 August, 2003, 08:25:03 PM

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Something Fishy

I have never read this and was wondering whether to try it.

Has anyone here read it? If so, what did you make of it?

Is it worth getting?

Slippery PD

Hi Fishy

drop me a line and Ill pass the books on.  Youve had a couple from me before so I know youll take care of them.  They are rather dandy in places!!

Yer Slips

Something Fishy

Mr Slips that is an extremely kind offer.

Thanks , i shall stick an email through.


Slips has it right-a really cracker wee read,great entertainment.Dialogue is sharp as...
I've got the last issue,signed by Dillon&Ennis.Heh,drool you mortals!
To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.

Slippery PD

do it qucik and Ill get the first couple in the post before I go on holiday (monday)....

test 4 echo

read and loved it, actually, haven't finished it yet, books 8 + 9 to go.

have a copy of book one signed by fabry, lovely bloke, even when he's totally pissed.

Generally Contrary

What about 'Hitman'.  I never read this, though remember it being fairly well received, so I'm surprised I haven't seen any collections on the shelves.  Was it any good?  Was it worth reading?

Preacher - I've been looking to read this for a while.  The collected editions are among the few comics sold in mainstream bookshops - along with Sandman and whatever movie related books are knocking about.


Hitman's a good read too.  Got into it towards the end and I'm (very) slowly picking up the GNs when Mrs WoD lets me have my pocket money.



Ooooh, essential reading. And umm, it's better than Helter Skelter :o)

Possibly the best comic series ever, at least it's my personal favourite.


IMHO... ok,  much sickness and gore, funny in places, let down by poor ending


HITMAN is possibly my favourite Ennis comic ever, even more so than PREACHER. It developed from DC's ill-starred "Bloodlines" crossover, which was designed to introduce new heroes and villains to the DC Universe (where Batman, Superman and co. operate)... but Hitman was the only survivor.

HITMAN is the story of Tommy Monaghan, an American hitman with Irish ancestry (natch!), who accidentally gets superpowers (X-ray vision and telepathy) when attacked by a bizarre, obese alien. Christening himself Hitman, Monaghan takes the contracts no other killer will ? and he specialises in supervillains.

Monaghan is essentially a 'good' man - he won't kill cops or 'good' heroes ever - but his chosen career brings him a lot of heartache and danger.

The real strengths of the book are:-

? Its utter contempt for DC's greatest heroes - Tommy pukes on Batman in one issue, and uses a dead cat and a spotlight to attract Catwoman's attention in another

? The brilliant main characters: Tommy, Natt - his fat ex-army buddy, Ringo - basically Chow-Yun Fat, Hacken - a big stupid mong, Pat - Tommy's mouthy buddy, and Sean - the owner of the bar where they all drink, and a father figure to Tommy

? The genius superheroes Ennis created, especially alcoholic loon Sixpack ("Me and Batman fought Pink Elephant Lad!") and Section Eight, his utterly hilarious superteam

? Typical Ennis dialogue but better

? "Zombie Night at the Gotham Aquarium", one of the funniest strips ever written, and John McCrea's bestest art ever

? Hitman 1,000,000 - part of the DC 1 MILLION crossover, but completely took the piss out of the whole thing, and contains the immortal line "Oh my god! I turned my ass into a hand grenade!"


Generally Contrary

I guess I've got to read it now!


Not really into Ennis stuff but Preacher's a cracking read (a mate of mine lent me every GN so I did it one go). I've read a couple of Hitman GN's, they were so-so and on a par with the average Ennis Dredd, wouldn't recommend them at all, begorrah.


"let down by poor ending"

Mrs Mikey cried at the end-she was on the bus at the time too!She's got a real thing for Jesse...
But I do think it ended the only way it could.
To tell the truth, you can all get screwed.


Good man!

Current HITMAN GNs (in order):-

10,000 BULLETS

Unfortunately, DC have gone on the record to state that there will not be any further HITMAN GNs - but, then, they *have* changed their minds about things before...
